Congress pushes back on healthier school lunches



  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Gordo - you're free to do whatever you want. Nobody is making you eat the lettuce. I promise.
    :laugh: It goes way beyond this...
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Giving out information != forcing people to do anything with their forks.
    I agree -- the gov't can opine all they want. It's when they use regulations and taxation to limit our freedom to choose for ourselves, that I have issue with.
    Well? As it is you can choose to eat the school lunch or not eat the school lunch. If this passes you'll be able to eat the school lunch or not eat the school lunch. How is the marching Leviathan (I've read Lew Rockwell too) taking your freedom to choose if they mandate that federally subsidized lunches can't be made from packing foam? Are you in the packing foam business? :-)
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    The biggest problem with my government is that it is far reaching. It's like a roller coaster with no breaks. They have cut tons of jobs and finances all the will creating new obstacles instead of fixing the problem to begin with. I don't like the corruption of our government. It's not honest and it is all political. It's gonna crumble from the top and the people from the bottom will be softening the blow. School never started out as a place to be controlled by the government but (as usual) that is what it turned into. If it can create finance the government wants it. As for kids I agree with you they are a gift from God. I do not trust the government however with money. They never put it where it should go. They pay people off. Such as planned parenthood a huge backer and supporter of Obama Care. You can't trust them because they are not true to their so called intentions.
    You do realize that you're saying the government is too big and powerful - and you're also complaining that they've cut jobs,,, in the same paragraph, right?
    Government can be bigger or smaller or it can stay the same size. Pick one.
    That's like saying you can eat a handful of MnM's and not gain weight. It depends what's in it. They have cut tons of jobs, keep taxing more and more and put too many mandates on people. There is allot wrong right now. It doesn't take much to cause change. It's not so much the size as that is the problem as the people in it. You can have a sugar loaded candy bar or a big apple and the sugar loaded candy bar would be less healthy. And yet it's smaller but the health affects are not as good for you.
    Oh and how is a penny larger than a dime but worth less. How is it that a 1 ton bolder can fall at the same rate of speed as a crumpled feather or leaf or crumpled paper. Why does cold burn you? (Dry ice anyone?)
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    I was waiting to see how long it would take before it was Obama fault. Anyway! If it were left up to local governments, African Americans would still be denied the right to vote and receive an equal education. Hell for all that matters neither would women have the right to vote. Just thought I would point that out!
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    I was waiting to see how long it would take before it was Obama fault. Anyway! If it were left up to local governments, African Americans would still be denied the right to vote and receive an equal education. Hell for all that matters neither would women have the right to vote. Just thought I would point that out!
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    No one said Obama. Did I say that or did I say GOVERNMENT. There's someone else running allot and it's a foreign white guy who has toppled whole governments and if you don't think ours is destroying itself look again. Things can't keep going this way. Greece is going bankrupt, next Italy. It was on PBS
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    The biggest problem with my government is that it is far reaching. It's like a roller coaster with no breaks. They have cut tons of jobs and finances all the will creating new obstacles instead of fixing the problem to begin with. I don't like the corruption of our government. It's not honest and it is all political. It's gonna crumble from the top and the people from the bottom will be softening the blow. School never started out as a place to be controlled by the government but (as usual) that is what it turned into. If it can create finance the government wants it. As for kids I agree with you they are a gift from God. I do not trust the government however with money. They never put it where it should go. They pay people off. Such as planned parenthood a huge backer and supporter of Obama Care. You can't trust them because they are not true to their so called intentions.
    You do realize that you're saying the government is too big and powerful - and you're also complaining that they've cut jobs,,, in the same paragraph, right?
    Government can be bigger or smaller or it can stay the same size. Pick one.
    That's like saying you can eat a handful of MnM's and not gain weight. It depends what's in it. They have cut tons of jobs, keep taxing more and more and put too many mandates on people. There is allot wrong right now. It doesn't take much to cause change. It's not so much the size as that is the problem as the people in it. You can have a sugar loaded candy bar or a big apple and the sugar loaded candy bar would be less healthy. And yet it's smaller but the health affects are not as good for you.
    Oh and how is a penny larger than a dime but worth less. How is it that a 1 ton bolder can fall at the same rate of speed as a crumpled feather or leaf or crumpled paper. Why does cold burn you? (Dry ice anyone?)

    Hmm...trying to figure out how planned parenthood relate to this topic. Again, how is this Obama fault?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Hmm...trying to figure out how planned parenthood relate to this topic. Again, how is this Obama fault?
    I'm guessing that she's referring to this:
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    The biggest problem with my government is that it is far reaching. It's like a roller coaster with no breaks. They have cut tons of jobs and finances all the will creating new obstacles instead of fixing the problem to begin with. I don't like the corruption of our government. It's not honest and it is all political. It's gonna crumble from the top and the people from the bottom will be softening the blow. School never started out as a place to be controlled by the government but (as usual) that is what it turned into. If it can create finance the government wants it. As for kids I agree with you they are a gift from God. I do not trust the government however with money. They never put it where it should go. They pay people off. Such as planned parenthood a huge backer and supporter of Obama Care. You can't trust them because they are not true to their so called intentions.
    Edited by fit4mom on Wed 11/16/11 03:17 PM
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Hmm...trying to figure out how planned parenthood relate to this topic. Again, how is this Obama fault?
    I'm guessing that she's referring to this:

    And that relates to government control. Damn, here I was thinking the Federal Government was for all people. So shouldn't my rights be protected as well as others. Maybe it just me but, I pay my taxes and should have the right to decided if i want an abortion or not. But then again who am I besides a tax payer.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    They were the biggest backers of Obama Care. Not just that allot of states are sewing to get out of it now I think it's up to28, a large majority of the democrat party is dropping support and it's the same bill the Clinton admin wanted. Plus it was there before Clinton. Like I said Government is far reaching. They just added tons to it to cover it up and Planned Parent Hood was a huge pusher for it. Tons in there for them. That is how.
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Ok. I think it is time for me to remove myself from this thread. I still say that intervention need to be done. You can pay nor or wait later and pay. Obesity is a big problem in this country and either way the government is going to foot the bill.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member
    How did we start talking about you? It's not race. I like Denzel Washington and would vote for him. He paid to build a hospital, I think it was for vets. Call me racist all you want it's after all the easiest answer. I can see you read none of my other posts.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Hmm...trying to figure out how planned parenthood relate to this topic. Again, how is this Obama fault?
    I'm guessing that she's referring to this:
    And that relates to government control. Damn, here I was thinking the Federal Government was for all people. So shouldn't my rights be protected as well as others. Maybe it just me but, I pay my taxes and should have the right to decided if i want an abortion or not. But then again who am I besides a tax payer.

    She said this: "I do not trust the government however with money. They never put it where it should go. They pay people off. Such as planned parenthood a huge backer and supporter of Obama Care. You can't trust them because they are not true to their so called intentions."

    You asked: Hmm...trying to figure out how planned parenthood relate to this topic. Again, how is this Obama fault?

    The article discusses the White House giving out favors to political backers. it all has to do with a lack of trust in the feds to make good decisions.

    You're welcome to have an abortion if you like, but why should my tax dollars help fund it?
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    They were the biggest backers of Obama Care. Not just that allot of states are sewing to get out of it now I think it's up to28, a large majority of the democrat party is dropping support and it's the same bill the Clinton admin wanted. Plus it was there before Clinton. Like I said Government is far reaching. They just added tons to it to cover it up and Planned Parent Hood was a huge pusher for it. Tons in there for them. That is how.

    Many organizations pushed for it and as a member of the public health community I pushed for it. Those who don't want health care by all means don't get it. Maybe Ron Paul is correct. If you can't afford health care then you should just die. I know that would not be the Christian way. Not when this country was founded on the Christian way.
  • fit4mom
    fit4mom Posts: 1,352 Member

    Well, let the locals pay for the cost of obesity. The local governement does not give a damn about the health of the children. Many local governments are cutting funding to Education and other programs that are of benefit. Mississippi being the fattest State in the Nations does not give a damn if pizza was served every day. We want the Federal Government to stay out of local government business. However, as soon as there is a diaster we are looking for federal support. I say do whatever it takes to insure the health of those who are not in a position to control how they eat. Adults can make decisions to do better or not but, a child is dependent upon the adults to make those decisions. To be honest some people should not have children. They can't take care of themselves and are failing their children. IMHO!
    Now this I can hang with, I agree on a slightly less passioned view because we can't clump all people together as I do care about my own children and what they eat. I believe education starts in the home but I just see this government destroying itself like a 4 headed snake and hate that my state took bailout money. So many things are just unnecessary.
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    Hmm...trying to figure out how planned parenthood relate to this topic. Again, how is this Obama fault?
    I'm guessing that she's referring to this:
    And that relates to government control. Damn, here I was thinking the Federal Government was for all people. So shouldn't my rights be protected as well as others. Maybe it just me but, I pay my taxes and should have the right to decided if i want an abortion or not. But then again who am I besides a tax payer.

    She said this: "I do not trust the government however with money. They never put it where it should go. They pay people off. Such as planned parenthood a huge backer and supporter of Obama Care. You can't trust them because they are not true to their so called intentions."

    You asked: Hmm...trying to figure out how planned parenthood relate to this topic. Again, how is this Obama fault?

    The article discusses the White House giving out favors to political backers. it all has to do with a lack of trust in the feds to make good decisions.

    You're welcome to have an abortion if you like, but why should my tax dollars help fund it?

    I pay taxes also. So, how would you know that it would only be your tax dollars.
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Those who don't want health care by all means don't get it.
    Obamacare obligates everyone to have health insurance, whether they want it or not.
    Maybe Ron Paul is correct. If you can't afford health care then you should just die. I know that would not be the Christian way. Not when this country was founded on the Christian way.
    Please cite Ron Paul saying this.
  • lissav
    Ok. I think it is time for me to remove myself from this thread. I still say that intervention need to be done. You can pay nor or wait later and pay. Obesity is a big problem in this country and either way the government is going to foot the bill.

    This is exactly right. The cost won't be avoided. Problem is that without intervention the cost will be financial, as well as our children's health.

    As an outsider looking in at your arguments, it seems pretty simple and straightforward to me. It comes down to innocent children living a healthy life and having a positive future. In 30 years time there will be a lot of adults furious at their parents' generation for not looking after them and essentially killing them off early.
This discussion has been closed.