getting discouraged... help!

i know this is probably posted already but right now i am furious and i don't have the patience to read through these...
here's my problem...

i started this last week... lost 5 lbs. i went from eating whatever, how ever much, and when ever i wanted to veggies and fruit.
I LOVE veggies. i don't have have problem with that. most of my refined sugar has been cut out. i drink water like its going out of style... probably 8-10 bottles a day. i always have been a big water drinker.
I do the elliptical for at least 15 mins for at least 3/week.

this week... i have lost NOTHING! seriously, NOTHING!

so whats the point?!?!?! i am really motivated to lose the weight right now... and i don't want to stop at 5!

sorry for the rant... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. have a great day!


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Try changing up your workouts! That helped me! :)
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    your body was in an initial shock from the restriction of calories and the new exercise regime. i hope you are not restricting your calories too much. 1200-1300 is too low in my opinion. 1400-1600 is probably better, but this is determining your age, height and weight. you might not be eating enough protein, but without seeing your diary, all we can offer is guesses. if you continue with proper nutrition, logging of calories, and exercise, you will keep losing pounds. buy yourself a food scale to help you more accuratly weigh your food, and see a nutritionist. good luck.
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member

    If you open your diary people will be able to help you a little more

  • awdhemi
    awdhemi Posts: 99 Member
    Don't get discouraged. It happens to all of us at one time or another!! Just keep working towards your goal. However, if this continues, then you should try to change up routine or eating habits.
  • bhoochy
    bhoochy Posts: 35 Member
    you are only on week two!!!!!! You can't get discouraged after week 2, just push through it. Ik my weight loss slows due to hormones and for 2 weeks out of the month I will literally lose nothing. Push through it and it will help you understand how your body operates!
  • nukebhs83
    i know how frustrating it can be when the scales dont move down. you have to keep doing what you are doing and maybe add some different exercise in other than the eliptical. you know this is just one of the plateaus that we all have. you keep your resolve and dont give up. it didnt take us a week to gain it and it wont be gone in a week. (unfortunately) if you need any encouragement or someone to give you a shove to keep you going please feel free to friend me.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Once started everyone initially loses a decent amount of weight. It's excess water weight. But then the real weight loss begins and it takes a long time. Don't give up. If you are like most people, plan on losing about a pound a week. It takes strength, patience and perserverence to lose weight. I've been at this since March and the process is very s-l-o-w. But it will work. Watch your calories and work out. It works. I wish you the best of luck. :flowerforyou:
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    its one week of not losing anything.... thats completely normal... you need to be patient.
  • alz6690
    I've had this before and have in the past given up as a result. I know how disheartening this can be! My trainer toold me that our bodies aren't mechanical machines! The body needs to get used to each weight loss you have! Basically, if you lose more than a couple of pounds then you are apparently less likely to lose the same the following week. There are so many factors that infulence our weight loss other than food and exercise....hormones, stress (kinda hormones too), sleep.

    I used to give up/want to give up if I didnt lose weight, but this time, I use it as a challenge... ok so this week nothing, next week i want to try a lose something, how can i do that....get my food and exercise in, make sure i drink enough, and make sure i get in time to relax and make sure i get enough sleep. That's the bet advice I can give.

    I've been where you are now and I know its easy for me to sit here and say this but I promse if you stick with it in the long run, I promise it will be worth it!

    Feel free to add me if you wanna chat!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    your body was in an initial shock from the restriction of calories and the new exercise regime. i hope you are not restricting your calories too much. 1200-1300 is too low in my opinion. 1400-1600 is probably better, but this is determining your age, height and weight. you might not be eating enough protein, but without seeing your diary, all we can offer is guesses. if you continue with proper nutrition, logging of calories, and exercise, you will keep losing pounds. buy yourself a food scale to help you more accuratly weigh your food, and see a nutritionist. good luck.

    All Good Advice, I echo it and if you'd like another friend to help feel free to friend me here. Open your diaries to friends and we can help.
  • mzpharrell
    mzpharrell Posts: 43 Member
    Changing my workouts worked for me also!! If you did the elliptical for 15 before...try cycling of add resistence or go longer. Our body get used to our patterns if we don't change them. I would love to see your food diary also!

  • amygiltner
    Week 2 is always hard. Even on Biggest Loser. Keep track of your food (this is the best website I've ever found for doing that). I started my weight loss if February and through the summer I really slacked off on working out, but I"m back at it. To date I've lost 23 pounds. I had hit a plateau about a month ago. I had to change up my workout. I was doing an hour on the arc trainer, plus crunches, squats and some weightlifting. Now I focus on the treadmill. I'm training for a mini marathon in May. Initially the treadmill kicked my *kitten* but I've got myself running 5 miles in a little over an hour. Running, which is high impact has really boosted my weight loss. Maybe you should try the treadmill. Don't give up after just 2 weeks. And maybe don't limit your food to just fruit and veggies. You need protein. And try eating every 3 hours, that way your metabolism keeps going. Protein is your friend!
  • kps1104
    don't get discouraged!!!! for one, you are on week 2 just give yourself and your body sometime to get used to the change in your routine, your body will catch up. In my case I have been working out like crazy for one month now and have only lost 5 lbs BUT I have taken my measurements and have lost some inches, my husband and friends noticed before I even took my measurements :) so just give yourself some time to get there...keep pushing yourself through all the hard times, the times you don't want to workout, the times your just want to give up and remember that you will get may take some time but you will get there, and once you begin to see some results you won't want to stop :) good luck!
  • adixonko
    Counting carbs is important. Never have less than 130 carbs per day. but spread them out between meals. My dietician put me on a 1600 - 1800 calorie a day diet that goes like this: 30 - 45 carbs per meal, 15 - 30 carbs per snack, as low in saturated fat as possible, keep cholesterol below 200 per day, watch sodium too, 3 oz of protein at a meal at most, etc.

    Myfitnesspal has helped me keep on track really well. It takes time to lose weight, and in the beginning it's water weight, but I have been able to lose 28 lbs since august.
    I also bike 5 - 10 miles a day on my stationary bike. Believe me, I'm not an exerciser, but I do love movies, so I keep myself on the bike a half hour at a time by watching movies that I only allow myself to watch while I'm biking. It's frustrating to stop at a good part so sometimes I go longer than a half hour!

    Hope it helps. Give it time. If you keep up with it you'll see results.
  • Goomph
    Goomph Posts: 13
    Definitely do NOT give up !

    When I first started I gained weight, around 4 Lbs, and it drove me crazy .... And then after a few weeks it started to come down, and I have been loosing little bit almost every day. Yeah, I had to loose that excess weight too, so much fun :)

    It definitely takes some time for the weight to come off, keep at it and you will be laughing at the end.
  • MyCoachNYLA
    MyCoachNYLA Posts: 158 Member
    would need to see your diary and also would suggest that you get a bit more aggressive with your training regimine.

    Message me if you decide to open your journal so I can help.

    Coach Nyla
    ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer
    NPC Figure Competitor
    From 170 pounds to Fit
    "If I Can Do It, So Can You!"
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    You lost 5 lbs in ONE week and you're already discouraged.....Really???
  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    The first week I did the same.lost 5 lbs. The next week i lpst nothing.. It takes time. Keep working towards ur goals. Feel free to add me as a friend if u would like.
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    First thought is MFP is not a diet. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme. You have to put in the work, day in and day out, and log your calories. It took a while to gain the weight you will have to change your habits to lose it. Open your diary. Go to Settings > Diary Settings > Diary Sharing and change it to Public. Make sure you stay under your calories each and every day.

    My sis-in-law has been on MFP for 3 months and lost 15 lbs. She has hardly ever missed a day of logging. It works. But you have to stay committed through the ups and downs.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Some weeks you will lose, other weeks you won't. Some weeks you will lose a few ounces, others, <gasp> you may even gain. That is what happens. You can't get hung up on every single set back. You will lose your mind. Keep working at it and find what works for you. Best of luck!