Confused with exercise

I've started using an exercise bike to burn more calories.


total calories consumed 1289

extra calories 1269

remaining from my total calories 1910 total for the day was 3199


total calories consumed 1236

extra calories 1411

remaining from total calories 2105 total for the day was 3341

MFP set my calorie goal at 1930 so as you can see my food consumption is way under.

My question is how when I weighed myself this morning I put weight on what am I doing wrong

please help with some suggestions


  • everydaypam
    everydaypam Posts: 90 Member
    When you start a harder exercise routine your muscles can retain water to help themselves heal. This is probably what happened to you. I would suggest eating back at least some of your calories to get up to 1400-1600 at a minimum if you are working this hard and make sure to drink plenty of water. You will see the scale shift down again in a week or two. In the mean time, focus on how good it makes you feel and not the fact that you didn't see it on the scale. Good luck!
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    When you create that large of a deficit it becomes unhealthy, so your body holds onto everything it has because it isn't sure it's going to get enough food to keep you alive.

    Eat more, lose weight. I promise.
  • Keep in mind that when MFP sets your calorie goal for the day, it's already taking into account the deficit needed to reach your weight loss goal.....without exercise. Looking at only a few days of your diary, it doesn’t' appear that you are eating enough. You're allowed close to 2000 calories per day and you are only consuming 1200-1300 calories per day. That can mess with your metabolism if you don't take in enough normal calories.

    I'm often way under my goal each day too, but only because MFP adds back the calories burned during working out, but I'm almost always eating my base "goal" calories every day.

    The human body is a great storage facility, if it thinks it's not getting enough calories, it will start to store everything that you take in and your weight will go up. I suggest you try to hit your base calorie "goal" every day.
  • amandabrady
    amandabrady Posts: 203 Member
    You have to eat all those calories and meet your calorie goal! MFP already sets you at a deficit to begin with, so when you burn even more calories off you have to eat those back to balance it out. Eating too few calories can actually hinder your body's weight loss progress, not to mention if you are burning that many calories each day you definitely need the fuel to repair your muscles! Try to eat enough to meet your calorie goals (or get pretty close to meeting it) and see how that goes.
  • If you are exercising that much then you have to eat back more of those calories. Eat more and small frequent snacks throughout the day and try drinking more water so you won't retain as much.:happy: :happy: Don't get discouraged, give it some time and you will succeed!
  • ameyc2002
    ameyc2002 Posts: 247 Member
    eat your exercise calories
  • Many thanks for the advice given, I will endeavour to try and eat more even though I struggle eating the calories I am. But I will give it a go.