Please help, feel self destructive.

I got some bad news this morning and feeling self destructive. what I should do is eat something light then go out and work out, but I am feeling like just sitting on the couch and eating everything in sight. I have reached my goal, and accomplished a lot. I have been able to maintain my weight as well so far. I think I am more up to listening to this feeling of self destruction because I have reached my goal and been doing so well, I really need someone to help encourage me to do the right thing for me because I deserve it. Please help!


  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Have a beer and take the day off.
    Come back tomorrow and be better.
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    Please stay away from addressing anything negative at all int his thread. I just need to hear positive things.
    Thank you very much for helping..
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Have a beer and take the day off.
    Come back tomorrow and be better.

    I agree with the second part but emphatically not the first part. Alcohol, besides have a lot of calories is a depressant and will make you feel worse. If you want to have a treat and take the day off, I suggest chocolate :laugh: which is good for your heart and has some positive psychological effects (seriously). But a nice walk or other light exercise would be GREAT - exercise releases endorphins.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    And wow- you lost 110 pounds!! Awesome!
  • demonid
    demonid Posts: 38 Member
    Spoil youself in a way other than food. Give yourself an at home pedicure (or if you can, go out and get one professionally done). Walk to the movie store and rent one of your favourite movies, or treat youself to a yoga class.
    I hope your day starts to look up.
  • penny5
    penny5 Posts: 148 Member
    I would suggest calling a good friend and venting. I know that I tend to eat when I am bored, stressed, etc and what seems to help me is to talk to someone else and get my mind occupied with other things. Also, maybe pick up a book or magazine to keep your hands and mind occupied. Grab a big glass of ice water and indulge yourself in some other way. A bubble bath, hot shower, paint your nails, try a new makeup look, anything that will make you feel pampered other then eating. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. HUGS
  • gentsevetzak
    gentsevetzak Posts: 147 Member
    I got some bad news this morning and feeling self destructive. what I should do is eat something light then go out and work out, but I am feeling like just sitting on the couch and eating everything in sight. I have reached my goal, and accomplished a lot. I have been able to maintain my weight as well so far. I think I am more up to listening to this feeling of self destruction because I have reached my goal and been doing so well, I really need someone to help encourage me to do the right thing for me because I deserve it. Please help!

    Working out will help better than anything and you know that, just get into those sweat pants and go for it!
  • CapsFan17
    Depending on where you are its a bit early in the day for a beer... but I kinda agree with billsica. Its ok to take a day and 'recover' mentally or emotionally, just keep it to a day. Or you could do like you said and eat something light, work out and evaluate your day. I know I always think better when I go for a run or while working out. Either way I hope this is isn't a major set back you've come so far and accomplished so much already. :flowerforyou:
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Yep I agree I would pour myself an extra large glass of red and phone my friend and put the world to rights. If I was to depressed staying in I would turn up un invited and she would give me a huge plate of sheppards pie and another glass of red. On days like today you need to give yourself a huge cuddle and a extra large bar of milk chocolate :O) xxx

    Give yourself a well deserved break x
  • Syntax_Error
    Syntax_Error Posts: 77 Member
    Remind yourself of what you felt like 100lbs ago. That should be enough motivation to never want to go back there. Everybody has bad days but falling off the wagon won't make you feel better.
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    You can overcome anything. Look at all you have accomplished!--It's still a new day. Just because something bad happens you don't have to wait til tomorrow to try to repair things that have been broken. Open a window, focus on the things you love about yourself that no one can take from you. You can do it. And no matter what--be nice to you! Listen to your body and ask it what it really needs and then try to help yourself out. It will be ok. Things will get better.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I would say calling this self-destructive behavior is what's causing the harm. There's nothing wrong with wanting to skip a day at the gym and relax a bit. As long as you have the power to not make it a habit again, you'll be fine. Don't beat yourself up.
  • marykeblom
    Hi Teagin2002,

    Honey, do you deserve to hurt yourself? Do you deserve to self-destruct? You're right angel, go workout and have something light to eat. If you have a friend close by, go visit them or let them know you need em. It's best to get your hurt out than in. That way you will minimize all those nasty hurts. Why do you want to punish yourself? By wanting to sit on the couch and eating everything in sight tells a tale of self punishment. Self punishment is a horrible horrible habit, even more difficult to kick than say a physical habit like eating, alcohol or drug abuse, because it's always there. Stop and think right now, do you really deserve to punish/hurt yourself?

    You need to think logical right now, but i need you to love yourself right now. I need you to acknowledge your pain/emotions, and then accept it. Don't deny the emotion, but at the same time don't end up hurting yourself either. That is why there are friends and family and tears, tears is a way for us to get our emotions and hurt out without damaging ourselves physically or emotionally. It cleanses the soul, washes away the negativity.

    Please hun, take care of deserve only love right now, even if it only comes from yourself right now.

    I hope you get through this girl. I'm thinking of you and I know the Angels will carry you on their wings.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    depends on what you mean by self destructive. if you mean you want to eat a little extra, that's OK. we're all entitled to that. if you have a history with cutting, for example, then call someone who knows your history. don't isolate.... xoxo.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Whenever I get bad news, I blast the angry music and work my butt off. The endorphins will help lift your spirits, and at the same time, you'll get a great workout out of it. I hope everything works out for you :/ Hang in there!
  • bluebutterflyzz
    bluebutterflyzz Posts: 41 Member
    I have many of these moments. The most important thing you can do is move on right after making any "bad" choices. You've come SUCH a long way so congrats! One day of being off plan isn't going to ruin all the hard work you've put in. Hang in there...and don't be so hard on yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • JediMaster_intraining
    maybe just go for a short walk to clear your head?
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    Hello just wanted to say I know how hard this is. My mom died in April and everything went to crap. You have to fight for your health and progress. You have to believe that if you aren't healthy nothing else really matters. Nothing. Job, friends, family, spouse, etc. How can you be there for those people if you aren't healthy?

    Don't fall into the trap of saying you have done good enough already and this bad news is an excuse. Excuses breed excuses breed excuses... You just have to believe that your health is the most important thing in your life, even if sometimes it may seem it isn't or shouldn't be. I have lived for years being guilty for working out and spending time and money on my health and that is so wrong.

    I wish you much success in working through this challenge, you can do it!!!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I just give advice of what I would do. Perhaps it is a depressant.
    I just know if I half try to be healthy, and an in a funk, its doomed to failure for the day. Why even try?

    The point is to just deal with whatever is up today, and put eating on hold. 110 is Amazing!! ok, so your brain is wrecked, so what is that worth? To me, I'd go for +1 or 2 pounds. That's a beer, or whatever. I also use beer or drinking because I rarely do it, so I'm not tempted to constantly go back for more. If I say, one handful of chips, or one peanut butter cup.. its not going to be just one. It will be 1 beer.

    Also Kathleenf stated, you are a skinny person now. 110 is awesome. Don't freak out!
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Find your favorite movie, stick in the DVD, get under a blanket and veg! Really, this works like a charm and takes your mind away from everything for a couple of hours:)