Back on the horse!

vcorbin01 Posts: 130 Member
Hi all!! I'm new to this site, but wow everyone is such an inspiration to succeed. Every time I get on here and read about peoples success and pictures and all the support that everyone recieves it just puts a smile on my face. I'm here for the same reason everyone else is, to get motivated and stop going back to old habits. Back in Janurary I topped the scale at 198 and to say the least was a HUGE wake up call. Never thought in my wildest dreams I'd be almost 200 lbs. Thankful my work had the biggest loser challenge in February, I signed right up. I was determined to lose something. From February to May I went from 198 to 177. A total of 21 lbs which felt great, but I need to keep going. Since May, the thinniest I've been is 170. Right now my current weight is 178 and I need encouragement and help on how to push through the plateau. I can get down to 174 easily but once there, it's like running into a door everyday never pushing thru that breaking point. It's frustrating!! I'm willing to meet anybody and share support. I could definitely use it!

Can someone please help with food choices to eat that will fill you up and aren't just simple sugars that break down immediately and make you feel hungry an hour later?

Thanks for your time!!



  • Hi Victoria! Good for you for getting back into it! Try eating foods that are high in fiber and protein and low in sugar. A trainer once recommened this rule called 5-5-5: try not to eat anything with more than 5 grams of saturdated fat, no more than 5 grams of sugar and at least 5 grams of protein/fiber. It can be tough, but just try to stay close to those numbers. It has really helped me learn how to look at nutrition facts know what was good and what wasn't.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like! Hope this helps!!

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