Project Get It Together

I feel like i am in a freaking fat suit. I am so ready to get back down to at least my prebaby weight. I guess more importantly its not that I want to lose weight, its I want to be healthy and active! I see these children over weight and I really want my child to always be active and WANT to eat healthy so she doesnt face the problems I am facing right now. I think the hardest part for me is I sit all day at work and than after work I am busy; gota get home, cook dinner, do laundry, help with homework, clean, take care of the dogs, etc. OR after work I am so busy I need to go to the doctors, go grocery shopping, park, and by the end of that I am so exhausted I end up doing something, fast, cheap, or easy. SO for the last two weeks I have been making all of my meals and reduced the amount of times I eat out or eat unhealthy. i have replaced chips with popcorn and apples. But I need more. Any helpful tips???


  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    I'm in a similar place. Sedentary job, single parent of two youngsters, activities, household duties, etc. Sometimes it's hard for us to make ourselves a priority. I definitely experience that. You're on your way-- you have made some positive changes. But I know that, for me, a light bulb went on that I needed to start making my health a priority, even if it feels a little selfish sometimes. I started swimming (can take my kids, and they love it!) laps, which is awesome. Walking is another (free) activity. I also got a $50 elliptical (Amazon) and keep it in the living room. I need to be better about using it, but it's an awesome cardio workout. I also just got some resistance bands to help work my arms. All of this is low-cost, and can be done after the kiddos go to bed.

    On weekends, I make two big batches of soup, and eat those for lunch all week. I also sometimes make rollups of low carb tortilla, spinach, light cream cheese/rice, and sliced turkey, cut into 1" slices. I keep a bunch of greek yogurts in the work fridge, so that I have one to grab instead of hitting the vending machine.

    Good for you for making the changes you have, and keep your eye on your goals! :-D
  • kylieloulou
    Throw out all of ur bad foood like chips, candy bars, etc.. eat healthy and stay active..instead of sittiing around at the park while your kids play, just go and walk around the park, play catch with the pop, high calorie drinks,,,buy fruits, veggies, chicken, they call a certain type of ice cream skinny cow..its like the sandwhich things..sherbert is good for you..just eat right..stay active and never say that you cant do anything..everything is possiible if you believe it is..:) Instead of coffee in the an apple.. it wakes you up more! ~ky..:)