No More Trouble Zones

What do you input for your exercise when you do Jillian Michaels' No More Trouble Zones DVD? I am planning on doing it soon, and want to mark it as accurately as I can in my diary.


  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    I usually just wear my heart rate monitor (HRM) and create my own exercise. Not sure if you own one, but it's helped me so many times with just this kind of situation.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    This is my 3rd week on it and I absolutely LOVE it. It is pure weight training, and no cardio in it. I really like her style, but 30 day shred way too tough on my knees and I had to stop it. Obviously my knees do not like jumping jacks and other high intensity cardio moves. There is a 5 minutes warmup, where there are some jumping jack, which I skip and march instead.

    After being on a 6 weeks long plateau finally the scale moved again after I started this, YAY :)
    I do the whole routine 2-3 times a week. Although on the CD it states it is a 40 minutes long program, it is actually a 50 minutes program. Including stretching at the end actually makes it 53 minutes. I am so dead after this , that I just lying on the floor for another 5 minutes before I can make myself to get up. Be prepared that you have a full hour for this.

    I try to use the heaviest weight I can manage, hence I need at least 2 days recovery time before I can do it again. My triceps and shoulders are weak and I use only 3 lb or that , 10 lb per hand for the deadweight lifts and any chest exercise and 7 lb for biceps.
    She suggest to do it 5 times a week, but I never can see myself to do that. Also I do not see the point either, as it is a pure weight training, and resting is very important for muscle building.

    This week I try to do only 1 day rest between, but it is hard. I juts did it today, and I had to switch down in weights in some of the moves because i just couldn't do it. I try to do some cardio ( elliptical ) 1-2 times a week too.

    I would love to do a NMTZ chgallange with you!
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    I used to mark it as 50 min strength training on MFP and it only gave me a 230 calorie burn per MFP. I am swimming in my sweat during the entire time, so I think it is underestimate, but I am done with the eating back the calories thing anyway.
  • MommyMiles
    MommyMiles Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    I don't have a HRM, so that is out. I used to do NMTZ about once a week as part of my workout schedule. I have not done it in over a year or so, though. I just started MFP, and am trying to record my calories correctly. I am in the middle of a 30 day Shred challenge. But, I am getting SUPER bored with it, so I was thinking of tossing in a NMTZ every week or so to change it up.

    RedHeadMommy- I think we should totally do a Jillian Challenge. We could do like a six day a week workout challenge (2 days Shred, 2 Days Cardio boost and then 2 days NMTZ, rotating throughout the week), maybe you could do the elliptical on the cardio days? I struggle with her cardio, but that is just because I need more time to up my endurance! Keep it in mind. Maybe after the holidays as a get back at it in the new year??? Add me as a friend and we can keep each other accountable until then. And CONGRATS on your weight loss so far. You look GREAT!!!