Hi everyone

I cut out sugar earlier this year (after I watched a video called Sugar: the Bitter Truth; it's really good, check it out) and dropped down from about 240 to 199 without trying very hard, plus trying a few different things for exercise, but nothing consistent at this point. A few long hikes, a long bike ride, a little bit of weight machines at the gym, and a little bit of running on the treadmill. The last three weeks I've been doing some weightlifting (called StrongLifts 5x5) which seems pretty good, building up a lot of strength. For the last few weeks I was doing a really low carb diet (keto) but I started to figure out that something wasn't adding up about it. Actually I was worried that my new weird diet was going to interfere with my weightlifting progress and researched it a lot last night. Basically I figured out that carbs were a good thing especially the days of a workout, within reason anyway. That's why I ended up signing up here to encourage me to eat a better balance of the macronutrients (protein, fat, carbs) and also track calories and make some steady progress. I think I want to get down to the "normal" weight range, but I'd also like it to be at a good body fat percentage (i.e. have muscles, not be "skinny fat") and look good and be strong.