1200 Calories and I'm not hungry?!?!?!

Is anybody else out there who is eating around 1200 calories a day surprised that they are NOT starving throughout the day?

I gotta be honest, when I first started MFP 77 days ago and was "given" 1200 calories a day, I immediately thought to myself "OMG, that's only 400 calories a meal, what about snacks??" LOL But you know what, I eat something every two hours or so ... morning snack, breakfast, afternoon snack, lunch (I eat a late lunch), and dinner ... and I still find that I have a couple hundred calories left after dinner for an evening snack. And while I exercise at least 6 days a week, I do not eat my exercise calories back (I know, I know, a lot of you do, but not doing so is working for me and when/if I need to change things up, I may start eating a few, we'll see).

But you know what ....? I'm not hungry! Shocked the hell out of me! lol

What about you?


  • Same here! Although, I find everyday to be different ;)
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    When I started eating more healthy foods, I found it was really hard to even reach 1200 calories!!
  • nellie_88
    nellie_88 Posts: 256 Member
    Same here... This week I have started to eat back some of my exercise calories just to change it up, but 1200 seems to satisfy me.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I so wish I could say the same! I'm on weight watchers but when I log my food into the food diary here I'm eating around 1200 some days more but I never go under and there are days when I feel SO hungry! Maybe I need to follow in your footsteps and eat every couple of hours.
  • mcninja77
    mcninja77 Posts: 7 Member
    Same here..I too do not get hungry and I keep my calories at around 1200.
  • maaadde
    maaadde Posts: 90 Member
    Good for you! What kind of food do you usually eat?
  • I too am like you MFP set my calorie goal 1930, I only average 1300 to 1400 a day. And I would say most of the time I do not feel hungry, I've even started exercising now gaining an average of 600 to over 1000 extra calories a day. And have been told to up my food intake because I am not eating enough. Which I'm going to struggle to eat that much more. Are you maintaining your weight or still losing weight.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Me too!! I have been around 1100-1200 for a long time, and recently since I met my goal started increasing up to about 1300 cal per day....and I am stuffed! I struggle to get 1300. I think you should eat what keeps you full and dont worry about the number! Everyone says you will get in starvation mode....well last time I checked my body wasnt starving, infact its in the best shape it has ever been in!
  • I've been logging in every day since Nov. 4 and 6x's I have failed to meet the 1200 calories which they say is a sarvation diet what am I doing wrong? many times i'm under 1000 calories.
  • rhaya96
    rhaya96 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm on weight watchers as well and log in both places just to compare. Most days I have calories AND points left over and I'm not hungry. IF I am hungry then I eat and then re-adjust what I've eaten as it simply means my food choices that day were not fulfilling. Most days I'm good. But I eat every couple hours, almost up to the point before I go to bed. But I work out 6 days per week at the gym and even do a little something on the 7th day. We are all different...
  • I am the same way!!! Most days I feel like I'm forcing my self to get to 1200. My diet consists of alot of low cal nutrient dense foods like veggies and lots of them and I'm always full!! And last night for the first time since starting Mfp I had a bad high calorie meal and went over my intake by almost 400 cals and yet after supper I was still hungry.. Just goes to you that high calorie high fat meals don't satisfy your body and leaves you needing to eat more... This is how we gain weight
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    I struggle to get in 1200 cals a day and I don't eat back my exercise cals. I don't eat meat or soy products, and eat very little dairy, so it's difficult to get in enough cal dense foods that are nutritious. I've been relying on nuts, nut butters, and legumes/whole grains... but I'm never hungry.

    I know I was undereating before this... probably 900-1000 cal a day, so my metabolism (and appetite) are all screwed up.
  • MacInCali
    MacInCali Posts: 1,012 Member
    Good for you! What kind of food do you usually eat?

    My diary is open if you'd like to take a look. :smile:

    @ Eric: I'm still losing ... 24lbs down, 16 more to reach my first goal and then I'll re-evaluate what my second weight loss goal should be. :smile:
  • Hey I have a 1200 calories a day plan as well and thought it was going to difficult to do! But since I've been doing MFP (3 weeks) it really isn't!!! I'm not usually a planner when it comes to my meals. In the past, I just ate whatever and could care less how many calories was in it. Now my eyes have been opened and I see I was consuming so many calories no wonder I gained so much weight. In my first week of eating 1200 calories( and some days less) I lost 4.8 pounds! I was immediately hooked! If you choose the right food 1200 calories coupled with water most definitely can fill you up!
  • MacInCali
    MacInCali Posts: 1,012 Member
    Hey I have a 1200 calories a day plan as well and thought it was going to difficult to do! But since I've been doing MFP (3 weeks) it really isn't!!! I'm not usually a planner when it comes to my meals. In the past, I just ate whatever and could care less how many calories was in it. Now my eyes have been opened and I see I was consuming so many calories no wonder I gained so much weight. In my first week of eating 1200 calories( and some days less) I lost 4.8 pounds! I was immediately hooked! If you choose the right food 1200 calories coupled with water most definitely can fill you up!

    Well said!!! :happy: