Support Needed

Hi All. I have been a bit bad recently with the food & exercise, mostly down to indulging myself a bit too much over my birthday. However, I have 23 days until I go on holiday and want to get rid of all of that excess wobble! And I am determined to do this!
I need as many people to help me and support me in my re-start and get back on track.
I have set myself an ambitious goal of losing 8lbs. I would really appreciate your support so please feel free add me!


  • DEGiltz
    DEGiltz Posts: 297 Member
    You can do it! Happy to be one of your "cheerleaders"!
  • tambamis
    tambamis Posts: 67 Member
    I think this is a great place to find support!
    Congratulations on setting your goal - Let me know your tricks for staying in your calories for the day.
    Keep going strong!
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Thanks for all the support! I hope you think that my goal is realistic. It is ambitious, but not impossible I hope. Any hints and tips would be great as well as constructive criticism !!
  • tambamis
    tambamis Posts: 67 Member
    I think your goal is totally attainable. Mid October I decided I wanted to lose 10 pounds for a trip I'm taking in January. The scale however hasn't budged for at least 6 months - and I'm at a horrible plateau.

    I joined bootcamp at the gym and am working out at least 5 days a week.
    So I'm not sure if I have any constructive criticism but i will certainly throw confetti when you have results!
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    I've hit the plateau for a while as well. About 2 months. I heard that eating more could help overcome it, so I started eating a little bit more then slipped into my old ways. Still sat at the same weight though and as it wasn't gaining or losing I just kept eating rubbish and only getting to the gym like once a week!
    I have managed to motivate myself to the gym and eat well not THAT long ago, so I want to slip back into that habit. I liked it when I got on the scales and saw a loss!