Why I don't eat my exercise calories.

This is not intended to dissuade anyone from not eating theirs, as I know the school of thought here is largely that we should eat them. This is just to explain why I don't, incase others are the same.

1) I know it's common to underestimate food intake
2) Exercise calories may be overestimated - taking these together, when you only have a small amount to lose and trying to create a small deficit, that can easily be blown by those errors.


Most importantly FOR ME the reason I dont is that I know I would easily get into the trap of linking eating to having exercised, which is a slippery slope to "I haven't exercised today/haven't burned enough today so I have to eat less." etc etc. Again I am talking for me, not trying to say this is going to happen to others.

Hence a big change for me has been eating mindfully and going by appetite, rather than checking numbers too obsessively.

Just thought I would share!


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Great thoughts and the same reasons I do not eat mine!! Thanks for posting.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I eat mine, because I burn a lot.

    If you're burning 125-200 calories a day, sure, don't eat them.

    But on days I burn a minimum of 600 calories (as high as 2500) - I have to eat.
  • jill___
    jill___ Posts: 188 Member
    I feel the same way!! I eat my exercise calories if I'm really hungry, but I'm not going to force myself to eat them back everyday if I'm not hungry.
  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 172 Member
    That is exactly the same way I feel!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I don't necessarily always eat all mine, either. I might eat some, might eat none. I just eat 'til I get to somewhere between 1200 and 1500.

    ETA: this is the first time I've seen someone post why they personally don't eat them that actually makes sense.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    But if I don't exercise, I do have to eat less because I've burned fewer calories. It's not a self-punishment for not exercising, it's simple math. I work out, I burn more calories, I need more fuel. I sit on the couch, I burn fewer calories, I don't need as much fuel.

    But I'm glad what you're doing is working for you.
  • hellotina
    hellotina Posts: 147 Member
    i agree with you, i try not to eat mine as well. sometimes they are used for a beer on a weekend day but thats it lol
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    But if I don't exercise, I do have to eat less because I've burned fewer calories. It's not a self-punishment for not exercising, it's simple math. I work out, I burn more calories, I need more fuel. I sit on the couch, I burn fewer calories, I don't need as much fuel.

    But I'm glad what you're doing is working for you.

  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Me too!! I only eat some of them if I am hungry....BUT I dont eat them back just because everyone says I should and I will go into starvation mode if I dont!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I generally only eat mine if I'm hungry, or if I know my food intake has been super low that day. I'm really trying to keep my metabolism up as well, since I'm down to the last 10lbs. As I rule I like to leave myself at least a 100cal deficit to make room for miscalculations though.
  • KatieTee83
    KatieTee83 Posts: 196 Member
    I think that's a smart way to think about it. There are days when I'm famished after working out, and days when I'm not. So if I don't feel like I need them then I'm not going to force myself to eat them.
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    I don't eat mine either for pretty much the same reasons.
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    I don't eat back my exercise calories, I don't even track my exercise. I exercise daily I go with the healthier food choices for the most part and I eat when I am hungry....simple as that. My first time around on MFP I was to obsessed with the numbers so this time around I am trying a different approach and so far so good :)
  • rachel4
    rachel4 Posts: 95 Member
    I eat mine, because I burn a lot.

    If you're burning 125-200 calories a day, sure, don't eat them.

    But on days I burn a minimum of 600 calories (as high as 2500) - I have to eat.

    ^ ME TOO except I only eat back half of my calories, but my body needs the fuel.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    why are those thoughts: "I haven't exercised today so I should eat less" a problem? If we all followed this rule we'd likely have pretty good outcomes, right?

    I don't see the danger?
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    If you don't have a lot of weight to lose it makes sense for you. I don't worry as much about it now as I did when I was working at dropping the lbs regularly. PS: I do make it point to eat less on the days I don't work out
  • shortandfeisty
  • anulle2009
    anulle2009 Posts: 580 Member
    I try not to eat mine back either. I found myself saying "oh if i just burn 200 cals thats my lunch" so I have pushed myself more and more and don't think that way anymore
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I just make sure I eat enough back to make sure my NET is at least 1200. Some days I eat back every single one, other days I don't. For example, today after eating all my meals/snacks, I'll be right at my 1400 allotment. Whatever exercise I do will be extra. I usually burn about 400-450, so I'll have to eat at least half of them to net my 1200. Some days, though, I'm ravenous or I've eaten out and need the additional calories.
  • lsfisher
    lsfisher Posts: 1 Member
    I do not eat mine either. I am trying to loose fat and weight and my trainer has set me up with 1400 calories a day regardless of the exercise I do. He keeps an eye on what my intake is on fitness pal and makes sure I am not losing muscle but fat. He will increase my food intake if I stop loosing weight. :happy: