Looking to stick with it this time...

Hello everyone,

My name is Chris. I decided earlier this year that it was time to make some changes in my life. I started eating right, working out regularly, making sure I got more sleep than I was getting in the past. All that good stuff. All of it was working. I felt better, had more energy, and i lost around 30 lbs (with still more to go.) I felt like losing the 100lbs I wanted to lose was something I could accomplish.

Then a few months ago I fell into a situation where it was difficult to control the food that was around me and when I could exercise. I fell off pretty bad and in that time I gained back almost all the weight I lost. It was so disheartening that when I got back to a point where I could start eating healthy and exercising again I didn't go back to it.

I don't know what really triggered it but a few days ago I decided I needed to really do this. I needed to make this change permanent. I was able to jump back into the healthy eating easy enough and I started calorie counting again a day or two later. I now just need to get back to the exercise. I'm hoping to find some new friends that can help me stay motivated and keep Mr accountable for what I do. Feel free to add me. I'd love the support. :)


  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    One of my favorite things to share is that "in order to FINISH something, you first have to START..." it doesn't matter how many times you have STARTED in the past, the most important start is the one that leads to the finish! Here's to supporting you to the finish this time! Add me as a friend if you like!