


  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Have you been measuring yourself? Or have your clothes gotten looser?
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I would start eating 100 calories more per week until you see the scale move. And I would also start doing more heavy weight lifting to max out reps and less cardio. Build muscle to burn fat, more protein in your diet and one protein shake or something after you work out to repair the muscle. You are probably burning way more overall calories than you think and aren't eating enough to cover your burn.

    If you haven;t lost weight in months then you are most likely not eating enough. I had to eat what I wanted for two motnhs (around 2200ish cals per day) with little to no working out..and then start reducing calories nominally and finally I am back to losing weight. I think I messed up my body eating too little for too long and then overtraining and not eating enough. Increase those cals!
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    In addition to tracking sodium, take a look at sugur intake. A friend of mine needs to limit her sugar and carb intake, and can do lots of protien. I find if I eat too much fruit I get stuck. Everyone's different, so you need to figure out where your stuck. Good luck!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    If you are burning 1,000 cals a day, you must be doing A LOT of cardio work.

    I'll echo a few of the other posters. Start lifting heavy. Lift heavy 3 days a week. I'd suggest you read 'The New Rules of Lifting for Women - Lift like a man, look like a Goddess'.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Thanks everyone. I do mostly do a lot of cardio and I've been trying to incorporate more strength lately but I think I'll be kicking it up even more. I work out the way I do because I honestly just really enjoy doing it this way! I LOVE going to the gym for 1 1/2 - 2 hours and just sweating out my frustrations or whatever the case may be. Which is why my calorie burns are so high. I can't really bring myself to change that. It already feels like I'm eating a crazy amount but I guess it's just not enough. I'm going to be playing around with it for the next few weeks until I get this thing figured out.

    Thanks again for all of your advice!
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    Thanks everyone. I do mostly do a lot of cardio and I've been trying to incorporate more strength lately but I think I'll be kicking it up even more. I work out the way I do because I honestly just really enjoy doing it this way! I LOVE going to the gym for 1 1/2 - 2 hours and just sweating out my frustrations or whatever the case may be. Which is why my calorie burns are so high. I can't really bring myself to change that. It already feels like I'm eating a crazy amount but I guess it's just not enough. I'm going to be playing around with it for the next few weeks until I get this thing figured out.

    Thanks again for all of your advice!

    That's great that you have found something that you enjoy doing! That's usually the hardest thing. You could try taking one day off from your normal routine and doing something else instead of changing the whole deal. I run most days but on the weekends I like to through in some mountain biking as well.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    since you asked...

    your diet needs to be overhauled ( I only went back a few days)

    1 it doesnt' show sodium - I am betting with the processed and homemade food you are eating your sodium is quite high which can inhibit weight loss

    2 - get rid of a good portion of your carbs....a lot of your processed foods - the kellogs protien shake, the breakfast cereal are high in carbs...switch to a more whole food diet to lessen processed carbs

    3- strength training is key - you want to start sculpting your body you need to burn the fat from your body and start really working your muscles = strength training
  • In talking with a Dr about a similar situation for myself, I was told our "bodies get used to routines" then we stop losing, so we must always "fool" our bodies, shake up your routine, or our bodies come to think its "simply brushing teeth."

    Also, you might change what you eat as well, perhaps try 2-3 servings of white fish for a week, along with lots and lots of water to flush away the toxins and fat cells. Again, our bodies become accustomed to routines.

    I agree, I feel really engergetic after sweating like a pig after a hard workout.

    Good luck!
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    since you asked...

    your diet needs to be overhauled ( I only went back a few days)

    1 it doesnt' show sodium - I am betting with the processed and homemade food you are eating your sodium is quite high which can inhibit weight loss

    2 - get rid of a good portion of your carbs....a lot of your processed foods - the kellogs protien shake, the breakfast cereal are high in carbs...switch to a more whole food diet to lessen processed carbs

    3- strength training is key - you want to start sculpting your body you need to burn the fat from your body and start really working your muscles = strength training

    Oh my lanta you are so right! I just changed it so I'm now tracking sodium and sugar along with my original stuff and it's crazy! I don't know why I didn't think to track those anyway. I'm going try to clean this mess up as best as I can from now on. Thanks!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Thanks everyone. I do mostly do a lot of cardio and I've been trying to incorporate more strength lately but I think I'll be kicking it up even more. I work out the way I do because I honestly just really enjoy doing it this way! I LOVE going to the gym for 1 1/2 - 2 hours and just sweating out my frustrations or whatever the case may be. Which is why my calorie burns are so high. I can't really bring myself to change that. It already feels like I'm eating a crazy amount but I guess it's just not enough. I'm going to be playing around with it for the next few weeks until I get this thing figured out.

    Thanks again for all of your advice!

    I'm with ya on sweating out frustrations, but that 1 1/2-2 hrs of cardio has to get boring.

    Lift heavy and you'll be sweating like none other.. plus you'll look amazing.

    Plus I find weight lifting better for stress... Don't know what it is, but when I'm stressed that is the first thing I go do.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,919 Member
    Yes I'm doing cardio and strength. Primarily cardio. Do you think I should be eating more than? With my work outs the way they are, I have to eat around 2300 cals just to get my net cals close to 1200! It already makes me parnoid because I feel like I'm eating a ton!

    I'll open up my diary to public right now.
    Okay you may not want to here this, but I can assure you I've done it with many "runners" and it worked. So here goes..................reduce your cardio. Yep you heard it right. It's obvious at this point what you're doing isn't working, so a different approach is needed.
    If you were my client, I'd reduce the cardio to just 15 minutes of HIIT, then concentrate more on your strength program. You would be working compound lifts with heavy weights.
    Sounds crazy, but it will attack the body differently than what you're doing now.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member

    I'm with ya on sweating out frustrations, but that 1 1/2-2 hrs of cardio has to get boring.

    Lift heavy and you'll be sweating like none other.. plus you'll look amazing.

    Plus I find weight lifting better for stress... Don't know what it is, but when I'm stressed that is the first thing I go do.

    Lol everyone asks how I stayed entertained that long at the gym. I usually spend about 40 - 50 minutes on the elliptical with my kindle. I go through a lot of books on that and it makes the time fly!
  • heather_elise85
    heather_elise85 Posts: 69 Member
    Maybe now that you have been trying something different - go back to what you were doing in the beginning - trick your body again. Also.. have you tried zig zagging your calories. It sounds nuts when you read about it but it does work!
  • skb32881
    skb32881 Posts: 105 Member
    I have been experiencing close to the same problem only I don't exercise nearly as much! I talked to a nutritionist recently who said that hitting a plateau for up to 6 months is normal (not what I wanted to hear!) and she suggested I start getting my body fat measured to see if my body composition is changing. I do lift weights 3 times a week and I have noticed that when I work out hard - like after a 5k or something - I typically show a gain because my muscles are retaining water. Usually when I'm super sore and think I'm going to see a huge loss I show a little gain instead :(. I've heard some good advice in previous posts and I'm definitely going to give a few things a try.....
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