newbie -- IN here

cristin1029 Posts: 1
This is great program - i like it because i can SEE how much food im eating ;;) i dis-like it some-days too when i eat too much but i KNOW i gotta enter it into my food diary ;// is hard sometimes but i still do it EVERYDAY :) ... im not over weight to most people but i'd still like to lose some ;/ im very body conscious i have been my whole life ;/
ANY tips for someone who hates to exercise but loves to eat all the wrong stuff ?


  • chicagomaria
    chicagomaria Posts: 9 Member
    I just started 6 days ago....started taking away stuff....but little by's kinda hard at first...but I have FAT pants to remind me of what my goal can do this...hate to sound like a cliche's a
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