Newbie switching from another Weight Loss program!

Hi All- I have been on another WLP and have successfully lost 25 pounds and I'm almost into the 150's- yay! Unfortunately money is tight right now and MFP looks very similar to the other program I'm using. I'm just looking for some friends and looking for any great advice! I really hope I see as much success with this program than with my other one. The only thing I'm concerned about is the caps on different nutritional factors daily. I'm fine on everything but fat for the day (which I'm already in the negative for)- how do you deal with this? I'm going to read up more on the program!


  • cupcakecutie1985
    cupcakecutie1985 Posts: 110 Member
    I just joined today as well! For the exact same reason, I was on Weight Watchers before, but money is tight, so I am going at it alone for now, but this site will be the support I think I was lacking! Even though I am new, I noticed they have apps for your phone and they are free, so that will be a big help without being a big strain on the wallet! Good luck, and feel free to add me as a friend if you're looking for additional support!
  • themrsbriggs
    themrsbriggs Posts: 151 Member
    welcome!!! i did WW a long time ago and was successful but i find the MFP is a CONSTANT dose of encouragement, not just oncfe a week for an hour :)
  • I have a stupid palm phone so unfortunately I can't use an app, but that's ok! I'll add you as a friend for sure! I switched from WW, too, but I didn't know if I was allowed to say that or not! Ha! I'm excited to start this site!
  • mlbanks
    mlbanks Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome! I've always wanted to try WW, but could never fit it in my budget. MFP is a great place for encouragement and support. Feel free to add me :)
  • Marybeth- I was doing online WW which is really great because it's constant- but way too darn expensive! MFP looks great! Glad to see there are other past WWers- and especially ones that have clearly had great success as you had! How do you put the Weight Loss gauge in your post
  • cupcakecutie1985
    cupcakecutie1985 Posts: 110 Member
    I totally agree! This seems really interactive and a great way to keep motivated!
  • Thank you! SO excited to be switching!
  • wisgal77
    wisgal77 Posts: 59 Member
    I just joined last week and it's been a fantastic program so far! I really like the phone app to be able to track everything on the go. The people on here have been great too. No judging or criticism, just honest support. I'm loving it so far!!
  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    Welcome to MFP and good luck with your continued success. You'll find a lot of great programs here and great support.
    There are lots of tips and advice in the forums and blogs and make sure you make lots of friends for support. Please note, however, that this really isn't so much of an established "program" other than counting calories and tracking against a daily calorie deficit to reach a weight loss goal. The The distribution of those calories across the macronutrients (Carb, Fat, Protein) is just based on general dietary guidelines. You can customize them to meet your needs.
    Don't let any of that dissuade you, though. It has been integral in helping me achieve results and I'm sure it can help you too.

  • Shiva- do you have any recommendations on which things to adjust? I am sure it's probably just what works best for you, but I didn't know if people have seen success other ways or not! I think I am going to continue with WW for another month but do this at the same time and see how I can do both at the same time then use this similarly if I decide to nix WW completely!
  • Welcome, Not sure how you change those settings. I have been here 20 days or so. I would love to be your friend. Diana:flowerforyou:
  • I joined MFP today also. I was on WW-joining back in Aug 2009, lost 64 lbs and made it to Lifetime April of 2010. I worked very very hard, working out,and follwoing the points but felt the allowable Points/day were exceptionally low. I have stuck w/it even through the roll out of Points Plus a year ago although I struggled w/it. However, I always hated getting weighed whether it was once /wk or once/mo on Lifetime. I literally had my heart pound getting weighed fearing a gain. That was met at times w/a condesending "oh you gained". My leader talked constantly about her personal life, I got frustrated and my weekly attendance dropped off.
    I have been following it on my own, have gained a little back. But, with the Holidays approaching, I do not want this to get out of control, so a friend led me to this site. I think it is going to work out very well for me. I love how the calculations add up, the people seem great and supportive. I feel as if I have to reach a point in my life at 51 that I better be able to weigh myself at home, continue to eat healthy, work out and feel comfortable where I am at weight wise as opposed to the constant pressure I felt w/the formal weigh ins and feeling bad about myself if I gained.