Heart Rate Monitor Reviews (Link to Article)

Here is one of the most thorough articles on HRM's I've seen so far. Mine is dying, so I'm beginning to look for another one.



  • mazza2marilyn
  • BerylX
    BerylX Posts: 108 Member
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Thank you for posting this. I've had a Polar FT4 since June 2011 and have been totally disappointed... TWICE. It started reading my resting heart rate as either "00" or "235!" Then it would suddenly turn off during a workout. I sent it back for service, and they sent me a replacement chest strap (which I had already purchased elsewhere). But after a month, the same thing is happening!!!! And the customer service at Polar is horrible, I found them very arrogant--when they actually respond to emails, that is!

    So thanks again for this... I'm probably going to get a Suunto or a Garmin.
  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I'm really anxious to get a new HRM (mostly because I like toys). I think I will force myself to hold off for a little while until I can get to an actual store and speak to people about them. I want to see how easy they are to use. I've been happy with my Polar, but it's apparently had enough. I've had mine for 7 years. I use it 60-120 minutes every single day. I had the batteries replaced this summer, but now it's reading "00" more and more frequently. I'm curious what others would say about a Garmin vs. Polar.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Def. don't get Timex. those things are crap!

    As far as HRM"s reading "00" or "235":
    Make sure you wet the strap enough
    Make sure its high enough on your ribcage(I find when it's down lower, It doesn't read as well)
    Make sure the strap is tight enough.
    Make sure your washing the strap as recommended, so it doesn't become clogged with dirt and oil.

    That being said, I'm thinking of getting the FT60 to match with the cardio programs my trainer gave me... but I don't have the funds right now.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Def. don't get Timex. those things are crap!

    As far as HRM"s reading "00" or "235":
    Make sure you wet the strap enough
    Make sure its high enough on your ribcage(I find when it's down lower, It doesn't read as well)
    Make sure the strap is tight enough.
    Make sure your washing the strap as recommended, so it doesn't become clogged with dirt and oil.

    That being said, I'm thinking of getting the FT60 to match with the cardio programs my trainer gave me... but I don't have the funds right now.

    In my case with the Polar, I followed all of the care instructions both times, and it's still not working properly. Extremely frustrating since I have no way to know how many calories I'm burning.