I just keep quitting !!

I've been trying to do this for well over 18 months now. I lost 30lb last year, before things went tits up and :O shock horror, I gained the weight back and more. Since then, i just can't get motivated. I'm 5"3 and 203lb now. I absolutely love running, but when I do run, my leg feels like it's gonna explode. Doc says it's a muscle pull, but I can barely walk now, nevermind run. I just have no motivation at all, cos I wanna run !!


203 is just waay too big now, something needs to be done. I need my motivation back.


  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Maybe losing some of that weight would cure the foot problem. Would this be good enough for you to stay on? :) Good luck.

    You don't have to exercise to lose weight. I'm just saying. Limiting your input is one way to go, too.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Start with adjusting your diet, especially since you can't do much with the bum leg. Decrease your calories and you should start to lose weight with or without exercise. Good luck!
  • msjones2831
    msjones2831 Posts: 126 Member
    I think focusing on the diet is good advice. For several months I focused on working out only and didn't really lose any pounds. I lost inches/felt better, but to really lose weight I think the diet deserves the most attention.
  • msjones2831
    msjones2831 Posts: 126 Member
    Oh and don't give up, you CAN DO IT!! :-)
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    There's a common theme among people who diet and quit. It's the "all or nothing" attitude. For example, 1200 calories and working out, not eating exercise calories, depriving themselves of anything and everything enjoyable. You can only do this for so long before you'll inevitably cave to some temptation. Then the "oh well, I blew it, I might as well gorge" mentality starts leading into the downward cycle.

    Instead of all or nothing, just try something small. Go for a walk. Can't walk? go for a swim or to a water aerobics class. Can't exercise at all, adjust your diet (maintenance at first... get used to that, then decrease your intake so you are in a 1/2 lb or 1 lb defecit - that's STILL 26 - 52 lbs per year!!!!). Make this something YOU can do. Make it something that isn't brutal. Because... in order for this to work, it needs to be a LIFESTYLE change, not a temporary fix.

    As your leg heals, and you lose weight, you'll be able to do more and run again. Just don't push it. Give your body time to heal.
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    There's a common theme among people who diet and quit. It's the "all or nothing" attitude. For example, 1200 calories and working out, not eating exercise calories, depriving themselves of anything and everything enjoyable. You can only do this for so long before you'll inevitably cave to some temptation. Then the "oh well, I blew it, I might as well gorge" mentality starts leading into the downward cycle.

    Instead of all or nothing, just try something small. Go for a walk. Can't walk? go for a swim or to a water aerobics class. Can't exercise at all, adjust your diet (maintenance at first... get used to that, then decrease your intake so you are in a 1/2 lb or 1 lb defecit - that's STILL 26 - 52 lbs per year!!!!). Make this something YOU can do. Make it something that isn't brutal. Because... in order for this to work, it needs to be a LIFESTYLE change, not a temporary fix.

    As your leg heals, and you lose weight, you'll be able to do more and run again. Just don't push it. Give your body time to heal.

    This is so true! that is 100% me in the past. i would go nuts for a few weeks and then give up! but this time im making it stick. i started with really small changes, eating chocolate every two days instead of every day was one of my first big steps. things like that. just making things a little less.

    wen it comes to exercise i was actually in a similar position a few weeks ago. i was killing to do some exercise, i was finally keen and motivated and then i strained a muscle and couldnt walk for 4 days and it bugged me because i wanted to get out and exercise and i was worried i would loose my motivation. thats when i started my own self directed challange which im on week 3 of and its goinng great. basically i set a goal of exercising 20 mins everday and thats it. doesnt matter what it is just 20 mins pretty simple. and each week u can, if you need to, have one 5 min cheat day where u only have to do 5 mins as long as its 5 mins of something a little bit more intense. at first i was only doing the 20 mins. now most days i do 45 mins, really great days i do 2 hrs, and my cheat days are 20 mins. but im not going overboard and ive sustained this for 3 weeks already! once i hit a month im going to keep going doing it every day but im hoping to start another challange such as c25k.

    anyway thats how i got it going good. i have to admit that i started in july, had a month of good then 2 months of bad (ie i was going a little over cal every day and not exercising, but i didnt COMPLETELY go off) before i jumped back on, and now ive been back on for a month and a half. but i made slow changes to my food. atm im focusing on exercise but still eating well. im at a good level food wise balancing some treats and a lot of good stuff, so im taking some time to focus on exercise, and later i'll have some time focusing on getting my food even better, whilst of course still exercising but by then my workouts should be more habbit and i can focus on something else without stepping backwards. its baby steps and trying not to do it all at once. just focus on one thing at a time.
  • maura5880
    maura5880 Posts: 346 Member
    Definitely focus on your diet.

    If running is causing pain, maybe try the elliptical? A lot of ellipticals can mimic running strides & it's low impact so it won't hurt your joints like running will.

    Good luck!
  • mariabee
    mariabee Posts: 212 Member
    Keep your head up, stay positive and remember no one can do this except for you!

    As the other posters suggested, perhaps try something a little more low impact, but perhaps try concentrating on diet for now, you will get there!!!