Anyone with Thyroid disease?

I was diagnosed with Graves Disease about 1o years ago, and have gotten fat ever since. I am really focused on losing this weight and trying to get this under control once and for all. It is just SOOO hard with a useless thyroid. Looking for buddies to help through this journey.


  • Slw2688

    Yes I have hypothyroidism and was diag. when I was about 10 years old.

    My best advice is to make sure that you have a grea Dr. I recently started to see a Endocrinologist bc I was feeling so bad I was taking my neds as usual but still gaining weight. He changed my meds and now I feel great just trying to focus on losing this weight
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 30 years ago. Even the medicine did not help me much over the years. The thing that is working best for me is exercise. It keeps the metabolism I have left supercharged.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I had thyroid cancer in 2002 but with surgery, radiation therapy, and proper care, I am cancer free. My endocrinologist keeps tabs on my hormone levels and adjusts my meds as I drop weight. Get a good endocrinologist and they will help you manage your disease.

  • princessstacy
    hypothryoid here too. My endo keeps looking at me saying ok we have your tsh perfect! I don't know why you keep gaining weight, you shouldn't. Gets really discouraging sometimes when you do everything your supposed to and nothing happens. even more when you have coworkers doing the exact same thing and they are getting results. But because i want to feel better in my skin I keep trying and trying and trying.
  • baybear14
    baybear14 Posts: 56 Member
    hypothryoid here too. My endo keeps looking at me saying ok we have your tsh perfect! I don't know why you keep gaining weight, you shouldn't. Gets really discouraging sometimes when you do everything your supposed to and nothing happens. even more when you have coworkers doing the exact same thing and they are getting results. But because i want to feel better in my skin I keep trying and trying and trying.

    That is what I always here from my Doc too. It is just so frustrating!!!!
  • Leviram
    HI there! So glad to have somebody in common with I was diagnosed with Graves Disease 1 year ago but I know I have had it for about 2 years. I got fat too. I have just started losing weight by exercising more and watching what I eat. It is really difficult for me since I am used to eating all the time since before the meds I ate and ate and no weight gain.
  • summalovaable
    summalovaable Posts: 287 Member
  • rukia30
    rukia30 Posts: 81 Member
    I also have Hypothyroidism and I am a type 1 diabetic, talk about having the odds against you! since I have been diagnosed correctly I gained all the weight I had lost back. Not knowing I was a type1 diabetic about killed me with sugars in the 600's and higher. So now I am on an insulin pupm, but I am the heaviest I have ever been. I feel like just giving up's hard. Glad to see others with lovely thyroid issues, at least I know I'm not alone!
  • Leviram
    I have found that hypothyroidism is more common the hyper or Graves. Make sure you keep an eye on your levels when hypo and on synthroid. I went from hypo to hyper on synthroid and wish I had known better. Now I have Thyroid Eye Disease too all due to the Graves.
  • rukia30
    rukia30 Posts: 81 Member
    I did not know about that. Thanks!
  • kdsmith1234
    I was diagnosed with hashimotos thyroiditis in february and since then have gained about 60 pounds even with medicine. i am slowly starting to lose weight thanks to zumba and calorie counting.
  • baybear14
    baybear14 Posts: 56 Member
    I also have Hypothyroidism and I am a type 1 diabetic, talk about having the odds against you! since I have been diagnosed correctly I gained all the weight I had lost back. Not knowing I was a type1 diabetic about killed me with sugars in the 600's and higher. So now I am on an insulin pupm, but I am the heaviest I have ever been. I feel like just giving up's hard. Glad to see others with lovely thyroid issues, at least I know I'm not alone!

    Oh wow! That really is a double whammy. My son was just diagnosed type 1 last year. It has been a life changing event for not just him but our whole family.
  • hstewartlee0221
    Hello everyone....I was diagnosed with Graves disease when I was 21 years old ...I am 42 has been a journey let me tell you...I have a athletic build and great soccer ...graves disease is not the blessing legs already look like popeye girl! anyways after the birth of my first son ....I really packed the weight on and then about five years after his birth it started to fall off...i ended up thin again...and was thin all the way up to the birth of my second child who is now and I have gone up and down but never back to being thin....I have worked out certain times for months ...and loose is crazy my last stint was feb. thru may 2011 and it ended up being 10 lbs.....crazy....I was put on paxil 10 years ago and as of two years ago I smoked from 1998 to 2009..on and off and i finally quit for good and am off the paxil for good as of two months ago...I have just done a cleans and am starting this process again as everything is in check now...I have a elevated blood pressure and my blood sugar was up a but in the 99-100 range....I took cinnamon and it went back to normal....I also have cholesterol issue and fatty liver due to the weight gain...all is reversible...if I can drop weight ...all but the I am making a go again of it...that is my story ...having a good doctor is key ....and endocrynologist ...if I mispelled it sorry...and making sure you take meds on empty stomach at same time fram everyday and wait a hour until afterwards to eat. looking for support friends this time and glad to have this service to noost success results!
  • Leviram
    Has the Endocrinologist tried to kill your thyroid with RAI? I take my mmi at night right when I am going to bed I find it better for me for some reason. I have heard that working out with Graves you have to monitor your heart rate as it can shoot up quickly. 21 years with Graves wow are you in remission now?
  • rukia30
    rukia30 Posts: 81 Member
    It really is! I'm sorry to hear that about your son. You might want to check out they have a great support group, and they have one just for moms of type1 diabetic kids. I was originally thought to be a type2, but then had the anti-body testing and soon learned I had 2 of the 3 antibodies. Feel free to add me as a friend, as I know alot about this and I am still learning! =)
  • baybear14
    baybear14 Posts: 56 Member
    It really is! I'm sorry to hear that about your son. You might want to check out they have a great support group, and they have one just for moms of type1 diabetic kids. I was originally thought to be a type2, but then had the anti-body testing and soon learned I had 2 of the 3 antibodies. Feel free to add me as a friend, as I know alot about this and I am still learning! =)

    Thanks I will check it out!
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I take medicine every day to control my Thyroid. Very frustrating to eat healthy and exercise and still have the struggle of not being able to lose weight. I think the main thing you need to focus on is staying active. I have found I feel much happier when I am out and about doing stuff instead of sitting at home in front of our television. Hope things start to work for you.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Hi there!
    Also Hypo, been diagnosed for prob 15 yrs now. Through the many test and med changes my Endo thinks I should be good. However, I did not lose weight when I got to the "right med levels". I got so tired of hearing people say, "Well once you start the meds you will lose weight". Umm yeah, not so much. It took years of adjusting the meds, tons of test and finally drastic measures on my part to lose weight. I won't lie, it is super hard (or it is for ME) but you have to stay positive. The one thing that really helped me was Atkins. I know some people are against Atkins but it really helped me. Now I eat much smaller portions and try to work out (try, I know) and it seems to help. There are months when MFP says I should lose X lbs by X date and it does not happen. Even if I stick to my diet and exercise, I won't drop any weight. It can be discouraging but you just have to stick with it.

    Good Luck, you can do it!

  • mrimike
    mrimike Posts: 139
    My 6 yr old daughter was just diagnosed this year with Grave's and Hashimoto's. The meds were giving her terrible joint pain and swelling at first but with adjustments it seems to be getting better. It scares me to death!
  • jackylane
    jackylane Posts: 13 Member
    Well, I'm 24 and just got a total thyroidectomy in March of this year. It was removed after suspicion of thyroid cancer, but luckily that wasn't the case. Over the past 4 years I've slowly gained roughly 120 pounds. Whether this was from the actual thyroid levels being off or the comorbidities of hypothyroidism like lethargy & depression, I'm not really sure. I do know that I've had a horrible time adjusting to the hormones. They keep increasing my levels and my TSH still isn't in the normal range. I do know that I became a bit desperate after the surgery and out of fear of becoming more obese I went on a crash diet for about 2 weeks. I lost 12 pounds (most of which I'm sure was water weight).

    Now I've realize I might never get rid of all that weight, but I can control my lifestyle. I WILL eat healthy, I WILL workout even when I'm so tired I want to fall over and I WILL not worry about the number on the scale.

    I have days where my ankles and legs are huge and that's a side effect of Synthroid and low thyroid levels.

    My levels aren't normal and once they are maybe things will be easier, but who knows when that will be o_O