
t_rog Posts: 363 Member
Never been in this section of the forums before, but MFP has been good for all kinds of support and advice so I figured i'd check it out :)

Anyways, I guess my question is, how do you guys deal with issues? When your significant other REALLY pisses you off, what do you do? How do you not take it personally? My only coping mechanism at the moment is to either fly off the handle or basically just disappear (turn phone off, not deal with anyone). is frustrating sometimes.


  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Depends on why I'm pissed.. Typically, I'll turn my phone off if he isn't home or if I'm out somewhere. Probably not the best way to cope, but if I let myself go off the deep end, I'm likely to say something I would regret later.

    ETA: The more acceptable answer would be to talk it out.. And I do this when it's an option. He and I are both very stubborn, so it makes for difficult resolutions.
  • twiztedgrl69
    twiztedgrl69 Posts: 191 Member
    You know what, time away is a good thing...we try to make sure we spend at least 1 night a week out away from each have to have your free time away or else you do get completely sick of each other, especially if you two are really alike like my b/f and I are
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Sometimes if I control it fairly well I just go run, and then when I come back we've both cooled down enough to discuss things rationally.

    C and I have always had a kindof debate structure to our friendship and then relationship - if we disagree on something we both lay out what we think and why and then find a compromise of some kind. The only times I get really upset usually is if IS something personal. If it escalates that far.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Gotta say that I just don't get all that pissed with him. But when I get irritated I try to remember that I'm human and he's human, too, and if I'm getting pissed at him for basically just being human, then *I'm* the one being unreasonable.

    If it's stupidity (rarely) or carelessness (more common), I favor the "I" approach-- that is, I never say "*you* did this wrong* or *you* an insensitive manchild". Instead, I say "I felt this way when you did X", or "when I found Y it upset me." That way, I'm being honest about what's upsetting me, but I am not putting him on the defensive by accusing him of something.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    This may sound corny, but a great way to resolve issues is through something called VOMP.
    V- Each person gets to vent. Make sure not to be accusing when you do so.
    O- Own up, each person owns up to something they may have done wrong
    M- Moccasin, describe how it would feel to be in the other person's shoes in that situation
    P- Plan ahead so the situation doesn't happen again!
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Best way I've found of dealing with any kind of stress is working out. I always feel better afterwards.

    I also do what you mentioned of turning my phone off and 'stepping away' from it for a little while.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I'm a bit pragmatic in that I weigh whether there are more bad times than good times. If the overall sense of my relationship is negative for me, then I get out of the relationship. If I've decided to continue to endure this relationship through the trying times, I try to find something positive in whatever negativity I'm being faced with. In other words, "What can I get out of this?"
  • sunnyzephyr
    My boyfriend and I recently had a discussion about this. When we get in an argument, I like to fix it immediately. However, he needs space. He likes to have time to think about how he feels before he can articulate it to me and fix the issue. According to him, most guys prefer to deal with things that way. It has helped me in our relationship to know that. Hope it can help you too.
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    it's hard. my guy can be so insensative sometimes...i have to keep reminding myself that he is entiled to feel and say what he feels, just like me i am entiled to feel pissed when he says something that hurts my feelings
  • rose_mortem
    rose_mortem Posts: 147 Member
    ignore him and go to sleep! lol. the next day we always talk it out in the morning, and we both usually admit what we did wrong.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I'm a bit pragmatic in that I weigh whether there are more bad times than good times. If the overall sense of my relationship is negative for me, then I get out of the relationship. If I've decided to continue to endure this relationship through the trying times, I try to find something positive in whatever negativity I'm being faced with. In other words, "What can I get out of this?"
    Good stuff. I suspect the percentage of folks that subscribe to this changes with age. What you wrote is selfish. Not in the shame-based connotations so often painted on the word selfish, but the deeper meaning of being concerned with self. Success in relationships require a focus on self. I have to know what I want, what I'm willing to compromise, what makes me happy, what makes me angry, etc. Too many failed relationships littered with not having very clear answers on any of those. When I stopped trying to mold relationship partners into an ideal and focused more on how I wanted to show up in a relationship, things got really interesting.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I like to talk things out until we both apologise and feel better.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    my wife is the only person that can really cause me to fly off the handle. usually if she does something or says something that pisses me off in that manner i go for a walk and calm down and then later on we resolve the issue.. i agree with whats been said take inventory and if the relationship has more negatives than positives end it no point in being in a bad relationship
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Talking things out works for us. Sometimes I yell and sometimes he yells, but eventually we come to our senses and start using our inside voices again. We always work it out.
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    I rarely allow things to get to the point of really pissing me off. Usually because I try to talk them through while everyone is still rationale. If matter rise to the point where voices are getting loud and/or personal attacks are getting launched, I usually will ask that the issue get "tabled" until it can be discussed by both sides rationally.

    What I struggle the most with is when the person that I'm attached to just shuts down (i.e. stops talking). I'm a communicator, so when she shuts down on me, I really don't know what to think. Silence is deafening to me. I simply need to talk. Short periods are fine, but prolonged periods of time are a struggle. To me, if you love someone, you talk to them--at least about other things not associated with the issue. But when there's a complete verbal shutdown, that's rough. I manage, because I love her and want her to cope/deal with issues in a way that is best for her. I want to support her. I'm sure there's a middle ground between methodologies. We'd have to explore that more.

    I went off on a tangent, but to summarize, I prefer to talk out issues before they escalate.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    We have separate rooms in addition to our bedroom, so we have "areas" we can go to where we can be away from each other. We don't really argue a lot; we've both been in emotionally charged relationships in the past and I think it's worn us out, honestly. We enjoy each other's company, but just can't find the effort to be angry for more than a few minutes.

    I have discovered that exercising makes me feel better whenever I am agitated or feel frustrated with anything in general.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    Blerg, double post.