Exercise help needed for 'bottom heavy'



  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Hey guys, I'm really struggling with knowings what's best exercise for loosing weight on bum and ESP legs (thighs). I've never had skinny legs and that fine, but with the weight I've gained my legs seem to have taken the brunt ... They are really rather big now. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get them slim in the most effective way??
    Thankuuu in advance :-)

    I'm bottom heavy myself. Eating healthy. Healthy eating doesn't mean you have to avoid certain foods.Don't deprive yourself of anything that you like. The food pyramid is a good way to eat. Water plays an important role in fat loss. Cardio helps burn fat.

    I love suggesting Tae Bo to people, because this is a very good workout. It's my number one workouts. I have been doing it since 1999 off and on. I've gotten back focus on Tae Bo in 2010. This program works. I've created a 30 day Tae Bo program for myself. I've started on October 3. When I did my weigh in a couple days ago, I've lost 2" inches off my thighs. I'm only speaking about the bottom heavy part. I'm not finished with the program, I have 3 days left. I was supposed to be finished today, but since my church is having our annual sisterhood retreat this week, starting tomorrow, I have decided not to workout this week and just focus on getting prepared for the retreat. I will finish my program next week.

    I'm on the slow route; just the way I love it. Losing 2 inches off my thighs in 27 days is good.

    You can do this. Believe in yourself. Take baby steps.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    while its true we burn fat all over, if you build muscles more in one area, you will SEE more results there than other spots. so if you build more butt and thigh muscle, and muscle burns more fat, than you will SEE better results.
    Untrue. If that were true then to see six pack abs, you would just have to build your absl obliques and serratus more. And we all know that's not true. While it sounds great in theory, building more muscle raises your metabolic rate to burn fat all over. Genetic predisposition dictates where fat is stored first and where it's lost last.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    thats bull. if i only worked out my arms, then i'd only have arm muscles not leg muscles. and if muscle burns more fat then it mean that area not that those two little ones would the whole body. yes calorie burn overall might be like that but you can TARGET muscles you want to workout. you can try to argue that all you want but its bull. i know a ton women who can vouch on that. Including ones with training and degrees. you can fix certain areas. look up on all kinds of womens catalogs. this is an issue tons of women face. an area we dont like we fix.