Leslie Sansone: Anyone had success with her DVDs?

I just started doing the "5 Mile Fat Burning Walk" and I really like it so far.

Has anyone had much success doing the walks? I'm just wondering if it really "works" :)


  • I've never done it, but I saw it at a thrift store today and I'm considering going back and purchasing it. But idk, it just seems weird to me to walk at home to a video. lol exactly what do you do? Is it fun?
  • I love her DVD's she is great. I use them everyday and I lost 46 pounds. Good luck!!!!!!

  • kittyloo123
    kittyloo123 Posts: 300 Member
    i like them alot.
  • i like them alot.

    Oh. MY. GOD. Your pictures is soooooo cute!!!!!!!
  • Yup. I lost about 30lbs doing her WATP videos. Great to do in small spaces.
  • thechaffinmexican
    thechaffinmexican Posts: 20 Member
    Lol It seemed super weird to me too, but it actually seems like a pretty decent work-out! Like, you're not just marching in place. You do like kicks and side steps and stuff. I've enjoyed it so far.

    I'm really glad to see that others have had real results from it. I guess I'll keep doing it! :)
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I switch between her and yoga, and definitely work up some sweat. Need to add some more arm exercise though, usually I just start with the stretchie before she does.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Walking is my favorite exercise, so when I can't get outside I love her videos! I get a great workout from it. When I was shedding the weight I gained in college living off burritos and ramen, I lost 30lbs over the summer doing WATP, outdoor walking when it wasn't too hot, and eating better. It's all what you put into it!
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    Leslie's 5 mile video with the exercise bands is my favorite workout video, I do it at least twice a week. Started out doing the video just as Leslie does the video, I have worked up to using ankle weights (2 lbs. each weight) hand weights (3 lbs. each) sometimes I even wear a weighted vest (not too often), also jog now instead of walk. I burn at least 650 calories doing this video, so yes I have had success with this video!
  • thechaffinmexican
    thechaffinmexican Posts: 20 Member
    I'm also wondering how you log that as exercise on MFP..? I'm not sure what the MPH would be for that.

    What do you log it as????
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I'm also wondering how you log that as exercise on MFP..? I'm not sure what the MPH would be for that.

    What do you log it as????

    I log it as 3.5 or 4 mph brisk walk.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Before my HRM I logged it as general aerobics since I use 3lb weights the whole time and it's more than just a fast walk for me. MFP actually calculated low, but everyone is different!