Cardio and Strength: Which one first?



  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    I always do Strength training before Cardio, I normally am weight lifting for an hour and a half and I do 30-40 seconds rest between sets to maintain some cardio while lifting. (I am not trying to bulk up, just tone up) I then do atleast 30 minutes of Cardio (treadmill, elliptical) to finish up with. I too believe you burn more from fat storage doing cardio last......

    You have got two people out of your body!!
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    I just got a sturn talk from my personal trainer cause i did cardio before meeting him... he says strength then cardio! He has the degrees so i will have to agree with him.:flowerforyou:

    I have heard that as well..
    Do a 10 minute cardio warm up
    then strength training because you have more blood glucose and you have more powerful contractions and you get the most of your muscle
    then cardio because since you burned through most the blood glucose you are working into the stored fat
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    strenght 1st....then cardio. Here is why.

    You body stores energy in the liver. It's called Glycogen. Let's say you workout 1st thing in the morning. (which is another highly debated topic...When is the best time to workout?)...anyway. After fasting all night long you have about 20 minutes of stored energy. When you workout you want your best efforts to go into resistance so you can get the best results, those last few reps are the most important.. After all...Muscle burn Fat. Now, after you've burned thru that stored energy with resistance and you hit that cardio you have no more stored energy so you start burning Fat. Now that's what I'm talking about. Make sense?

    This is why I was always told to do weights first ... to burn my glycogen stores. :) That way, I'm burning pure fat on cardio.
  • Lt_Hawkeye
    I heard that it's better to do strength first, so that way, you don't lose muscle from burning them through cardio?? Or something like that...idk...this was all random info I found on the internet ages ago and didn't really pay attention to them because I wasn't sure if it was true or not (plus all that biological and medical terminology kept on throwing me off lol). All I just know that it's better to do strength first then cardio since every seemed to generally agree on that, and that it does help ease with the muscle soreness a bit if you do it in that order.