Gained 2 lbs overnight! :(

So yesterday, I wasn't feeling well and was hungry all day. I stuck to my diet well in the beginning of the day and not so good by the end. I went over my calories by 313. I did nibble some and didn't enter it so add another 100 cals. I get up this morning and I've gained 2 lbs since yesterday morning! WTH?!?! Now I remember WHY I can't stick to a diet; stuff like that happens and I get frustrated and eat a cheeseburger. My guy says (as I'm sure some of you will) to not weigh every morning. But for me, seeing a drop in weight, even if it's only a couple of ounces, helps keep me going for the day.

So, where did the 2lbs come from? I'm never going to lose weight at this rate so I might as well eat whatever the hell I want and be fat forever! :angry:


  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    eat healthy today , drink plenty of water , i really don't think you can gain 2lbs over night!
  • getfit618
    getfit618 Posts: 41 Member
    probably a combo of a salty day + water retention. Work hard today- dont get discouraged! good luck!
  • CandeesLand
    You had over 4,000 mg of sodium yesterday, it's water weight. Drink lots of water today and really watch your sodium and it'll be gone tomorrow.
  • jlikennedy3
    jlikennedy3 Posts: 15 Member
    It sounds like water retention. You may have eaten more sodium or sweets which can cause the scale to offset a little. If you remain good for the next two days and drink plenty of water you will probably see that disappear as fast as it came on. Don't give up... we all have days like that!
  • NishaMisha
    Too much sodium can cause you to retain water.

    Your body has natural daily fluctuations and this is the main reason they tell you not to weigh everyday. I personally weigh everyday, but I'm to the point where I don't let the ups and downs bother me. I take note and make changes the next day if the scale shows an increase.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    Your sodium yesterday was 4,113.

    When I go over 2,500 sodium by like 500 I always "gain weight".
    You just need to drink lots of water today and you should be fine.
  • jilers
    jilers Posts: 94 Member
    It takes my body time to register weight loss and weight gain. It could be from a few days ago. It could be water. If you stick to eating the calories you'll be fine
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I can't believe it.
  • Nanadena
    Nanadena Posts: 739 Member
    Salt! I can gain up to 5 lbs depending on what I eat and TOM!
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    It's probably just water retention. Like the previous poster said, you had a TON of sodium yesterday. It takes an extra 3500 calories to put on a pound; it's highly unlikely you had an extra 7000 calories to put those two pounds on..

    Just keep drinking lots of water and really cut back on the sodium...not only today, but every day. You really shouldn't have more than 1500-2500 mg of sodium per day.
  • mgero212
    It is probably just water weight and from a lot of sodium intake. Drink a lot of water today to flush out your system and watch your sodium intake today and you will be back on track. Have a good day!
  • JOANIE69
    JOANIE69 Posts: 132 Member
    ive done the same before i put it down to water weight but still carried on and it evens itself out over the week .please dont give up x
  • kx2270
    You'd have to eat 7000 extra calories to gain 2lbs of fat. From what you've said, you definitely didn't do that. It's probably water retention. Just stick to your plan and don't get discouraged!
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    unless you ate 7000 calories over your maintenance. (which obviously you did not) then it is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE to have gained 2 lbs of FAT overnight. water-weight, yes...but that will go... actual fat. no. (3500 unburned calories=1 lb) You did NOT actually gain 2 lbs. I have to remind myself this when the same thing happens to me.
  • IbDatChick
    ITS OKAY!! I promise! Your weight fluctuates between 2-4 pounds daily. Its best to weight yourself at the same time. usually after the first morning poo! (tee hee) I think im lighter then! Stay with your regime today and watch it get back to normal scale happiness =)
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    1 pound = 3,500 calories. It's science. If you didn't eat 7,000 calories over MAINTENANCE (which you didn't -- you were actually still in the loss range at -313) then you did not gain 2 pounds. It's other stuff - waste, water, etc - probably water retention judging by the amount of sodium you had. Just keep drinking water and don't get down on yourself!
  • AMIS456
    AMIS456 Posts: 34 Member
    Most likely the weight gain is water weight. I know the foods I munch on when having a bad day are way higher in sodium then my usual foods. Just drink jplenty of water and go back to your normal routine and it will be gone! Don't give up - everyone has bad days its what you do the days after that makes a difference! Good Luck :)
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    So yesterday, I wasn't feeling well and was hungry all day. I stuck to my diet well in the beginning of the day and not so good by the end. I went over my calories by 313. I did nibble some and didn't enter it so add another 100 cals. I get up this morning and I've gained 2 lbs since yesterday morning! WTH?!?! Now I remember WHY I can't stick to a diet; stuff like that happens and I get frustrated and eat a cheeseburger. My guy says (as I'm sure some of you will) to not weigh every morning. But for me, seeing a drop in weight, even if it's only a couple of ounces, helps keep me going for the day.

    So, where did the 2lbs come from? I'm never going to lose weight at this rate so I might as well eat whatever the hell I want and be fat forever! :angry:

    I know it's hard not to get down on yourself when stuff like this happens... BUT!... it happens to ALL of us at one point. I don't think you gained 2lbs of FAT, but retained fluids due to your sodium intake, etc. How I conquer that is to move on, stay focused, count it as a cheat day, drink plenty of water and see it shed away! It may sound weird, but the more water in equals more water out! The more water you can drink today, the better! You'll get all those extra fluids flushed! Try this today, stick to your diet, and if you must get on the scale (like I do every morning, too) you'll see that everything is okay! :) good luck and don't lose sight of your goal! You'll only kick yourself in the *kitten* for not doing it! At least that's what I have done.
  • fitnatic67
    that's why i'm not a big fan of weighing in daily. i weigh myself once a week. try putting your scale away in a closet until your weekly weigh in.
  • jforferris01
    jforferris01 Posts: 71 Member
    I go through that every weekend....Just becareful of the sodium...Between alot of water and too much sodium will make u gain so it could just be water weight....Just try to get back on track and dont look back...But I hear ya....Once u fight through that day the next will be better and make u keep tryin.....