Paleo Diet

So, I really want to try this. I was reading about it on Nerd Fitness:

I really think I could live this kinda life with ease and I was looking for people who have tried it and didn't like it, could you tell me why? Or people that LOVE it and tell me what you've done to succeed and where it's gotten you.

I'd love your feedback and more friends if you want to add me so I can stalk your diaries and fitness :)


  • krstngrrtt
    krstngrrtt Posts: 69 Member
    I've not tried the Paleo Diet (yet) BUT I LOVE this site and the exercises he's got there! I was working from home yesterday and wanted to get in a little workout on my lunch break so I did his 20 Min Hotel Room workout..GREAT!
    Keep us posted if you try the diet..I'm curious BUT I have reservations about cutting all of one thing out of my diet. If I tell myself NO it usually doesn't do me much good...
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    Head on over to the groups..there are a few paelo ones over there..

    I just started doing paleo about 14 days and have lost 6 pounds. I have cut out all dairy as well as grains, processed foods...ect.

    I do have much more energy than before..which is awesome. I am doing this cause I am Insulin Resistant so all the other carbs I was eating only gave me a 3% loss in my fat..but almost 40 pound loss overall. I need to get to 25% BF to be healthy.

    Once I do my 30 days..I will probably to Primal..and add some dairy back to my diet (cheese is my best friend)..

    Good Luck
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    As with most diets, this depends on your own particular lifestyle (How much do you like meat? How much do you like rice & potatoes?) and your own particular metabolism (How well does your body process carbs?). Many people have some level of insulin resistance in their metabolism, and they can find a Paleo or Primal lifestyle very effective.

    Personally, I am *extremely* insulin-resistant, and was told by my doctor to limit my carbs to 25g or fewer per day, and make sure to eat at least 50g protein every three hours while I'm awake (about 300g a day). Well, in order to do that, my diet ends up looking a whole lot like the Paleo diet. Lots of meat, chicken, fish, & above-ground veggies; no starches or grains to speak of. And it has been the best thing that ever happened to me. After 20 years of doing everything "right" and not understanding why I kept gaining weight, I've started losing for the first time in my life. Over 50lb and counting, and I have plenty of energy and have cured my depression and mood swings. At first it was hard, but I'm used to it now, and have developed workable strategies for dealing with situations like potlucks, family dinners and eating out. Like anything else, it's a learning process. Think of it as a puzzle to be solved, rather than a burden or problem.

    But as I said, that's just my personal experience. Everyone's body is different, and it's up to you to figure out what works for you.
  • ami299
    ami299 Posts: 57
    I definitely love meat. I won't have a problem with that. You said above ground veggies- are onions bad? I love potatoes and rice is good, but I don't eat either very often nowadays. I don't think my body likes carbs lol, that's why I'm thinking this lifestyle may be the right one for me. I had chicken with eggs for breakfast this morning and I am FULL of energy- way more than I usually have with cereal or oatmeal. Not to mention I am REALLY full, where as usually I am starving for lunch right now.
    I've been researching a lot and I will continue to research and talk to people until I'm sure it's what I want to do, but I'm definitely looking forward to it!
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    I have been doing what I term a modified Paleo diet for the past year or so - I added in dairy in the form of greek yogurt, some cheeses and grains in the form of steel cut oats

    I just came off a 21 day Standard Process whole food Cleanse - which you eat good fats, fruits, veggies and lean meats. I am going to continue with the basics from here on out - it really cut down on a lot of my cravings for certain foods - especially sugary foods...

    I have a number of friends who eat a Paleo diet - a lot of them are also involved in Crossfit so they are doing daily strength training workouts so their bodies really need all that protien to fuel it...
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    I'm lacro-Paleo (aka Primal). It is working wonderfully for me. Once you get over the hump of changing everything about how you eat, and develop new habits, it's nearly effortless (at my 100g of carbs per day). It has cured my carb cravings and I feel very in control of what I eat now.

    There is a lot of home cooking involved. One strategy that helps is to cook to leave leftovers, so there is always something healthy ready to eat when you get hungry.
  • ami299
    ami299 Posts: 57
    My biggest concern is trying to figure out what are good fats and how much to eat. The whole "no restrictions" on how much you eat is really hard to wrap my mind around.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    So, I really want to try this. I was reading about it on Nerd Fitness:

    I really think I could live this kinda life with ease and I was looking for people who have tried it and didn't like it, could you tell me why? Or people that LOVE it and tell me what you've done to succeed and where it's gotten you.

    I'd love your feedback and more friends if you want to add me so I can stalk your diaries and fitness :)

    We have a group or two for that!!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    My biggest concern is trying to figure out what are good fats and how much to eat. The whole "no restrictions" on how much you eat is really hard to wrap my mind around.

    Go to Fats:

    Pasture Butter (grass fed cows)
    Animal Fats (bacon fat, beef tallow, etc)
    Coconut Oil
    Olive Oil

    Stay Away from PUFA's such as - these oils / fats promote inflammation in the body

    Canola and other vegetable oils
    Peanut Oil
    Soy Oil
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I definitely love meat. I won't have a problem with that. You said above ground veggies- are onions bad? I love potatoes and rice is good, but I don't eat either very often nowadays. I don't think my body likes carbs lol, that's why I'm thinking this lifestyle may be the right one for me. I had chicken with eggs for breakfast this morning and I am FULL of energy- way more than I usually have with cereal or oatmeal. Not to mention I am REALLY full, where as usually I am starving for lunch right now.
    I've been researching a lot and I will continue to research and talk to people until I'm sure it's what I want to do, but I'm definitely looking forward to it!

    You know I find that most people actually like EATING this way...............the people that seem to falter are those people that don't really like to cook and as the saying goes..............You plan to fail if you fail to plan.

    The most common complaint I here about the Paleo / Primal (general low carb lifestyle) is the getting tired of cooking and prepping everything so much.

    It is worth it so much to me!!
  • jsv454
    jsv454 Posts: 30 Member
    I have been Primal for about a month now (Paleo plus a little dairy) and coming from someone who used to NEVER think I could give up pasta, I love it! I have so much more energy, the weight seems to drop off, and I am reducing my dosage of anti-depressants.

    There's lots of info out there, so read away, and decide what will work best for you. The cravings can be rough at the beginning as your body transitions, but I find that they get *much* better over time. I also eat about 1/3 of the food I used to. I am rarely hungry, yet have tons of energy. I loved pasta like nobody's business, but after only a month eating this way, I will never go back. It truly is a lifestyle (and mindset) change.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I have been Primal for about a month now (Paleo plus a little dairy) and coming from someone who used to NEVER think I could give up pasta, I love it! I have so much more energy, the weight seems to drop off, and I am reducing my dosage of anti-depressants.

    There's lots of info out there, so read away, and decide what will work best for you. The cravings can be rough at the beginning as your body transitions, but I find that they get *much* better over time. I also eat about 1/3 of the food I used to. I am rarely hungry, yet have tons of energy. I loved pasta like nobody's business, but after only a month eating this way, I will never go back. It truly is a lifestyle (and mindset) change.

    You are winning!!! The fact alone of having more energy and the reduced dosage of the meds is a magnificent feat in itself.

    Way to GO!!! These things in my opinion are way more important than the weight loss. The weight loss becomes a bonus when your feeling better in so many other ways.
  • jsv454
    jsv454 Posts: 30 Member
    I have been Primal for about a month now (Paleo plus a little dairy) and coming from someone who used to NEVER think I could give up pasta, I love it! I have so much more energy, the weight seems to drop off, and I am reducing my dosage of anti-depressants.

    There's lots of info out there, so read away, and decide what will work best for you. The cravings can be rough at the beginning as your body transitions, but I find that they get *much* better over time. I also eat about 1/3 of the food I used to. I am rarely hungry, yet have tons of energy. I loved pasta like nobody's business, but after only a month eating this way, I will never go back. It truly is a lifestyle (and mindset) change.

    You are winning!!! The fact alone of having more energy and the reduced dosage of the meds is a magnificent feat in itself.

    Way to GO!!! These things in my opinion are way more important than the weight loss. The weight loss becomes a bonus when your feeling better in so many other ways.

    Thanks so much, Grokette! I will admit, I started on this journey with weight-loss in mind, but after only a few days, it became crystal clear that the weight-loss is just a benefit. My life has changed dramatically due to the increased energy and improved mental health. I can't wait to see how much better continue to feel the farther along I get! Actually *wanting* to go take a walk because I have energy and my body wants to move is a revolutionary feeling for me. I can't help but want to tell everyone I meet how great I feel, but I am afraid of being annoying ;)