
Hello, all.

This post is to reintroduce myself. I registered here a few months ago when I was all gung-ho and proud of having lost 50lbs.

Now I've regained 20lbs. and return to the forum a bit subdued. The original weight loss was inspired by a vehicle accident that dislocated my right hip. The orthopedic surgeons saved the hip for now, but gave strong warning that weight loss was required to preserve the hip long enough to make a replacement anything but futile. So I lost 50ibs. in six months on an ADA diet of 1800C/day. That worked great, but as the leg recovered and I regained more of my pre-accident mobility the threat became less and the portions became larger... and here I am.

So! Starting now at 350#, I'm looking for 230, or 215. I know I can lose weight, and I know I need to lose weight (of course we all know we need to, but I mean in terms of the hip). I'll become involved here and I'll be posting my diet daily.


  • magicsd77
    Welcome! you came to the right place
  • eversbane
    Thanks. I appreciate that.

    As I say, I've been registered for a while and made a start before. Now I've fallen back 20ibs I've returned with renewed will.

    The big trick for me is dinner and post-dinner at home. That's a bad time.

    Also, in losing the 50# I had shrunk my stomach. In gaining back the 20# I let it stretch out again. The next week or two will be a serious effort to shrink that puppy again. I'm looking to lose 100# plus, so I'll be here for a while.
  • eversbane
    Where is the tool to add a member picture (not that it will be a picture of the real me - not for the time being anyway).