The best motivation ever.... my 3 year old LOL

I have two little girls ages 2 and 3. Today was the first pretty/warm day in forever so I wanted to get out of the house with them. I had never taken them walking before since they were too little last year and I don't have a double stroller, but we went today. I put my 2 year old in the stroller and my 3 year old walked beside of me. She got tired and wanted to ride on her sister's lap, but my 3 year old is tinier than my youngest so it worked out well. Anyway, I ran one mile back. All the while, my youngest was screaming, "Yeeeehawwwwwwwwwwwww."

And my 3 year old, bless her, everytime when in my mind I wanted to quit running, convince myself that I'd ran far enough, that I should just walk and enjoy myself, she would yell, "Yay, Mama! You're the best!!! Keep going! You can do it Mama. Keep running, Mama! You're the best Mama in the whole world." :heart: :heart: :heart:

Who could stop running with that amount of support coming to you? I'm going to take her every time now LOL... she keeps Mama on her toes.


  • Kelleighanne
    I have two little girls ages 2 and 3. Today was the first pretty/warm day in forever so I wanted to get out of the house with them. I had never taken them walking before since they were too little last year and I don't have a double stroller, but we went today. I put my 2 year old in the stroller and my 3 year old walked beside of me. She got tired and wanted to ride on her sister's lap, but my 3 year old is tinier than my youngest so it worked out well. Anyway, I ran one mile back. All the while, my youngest was screaming, "Yeeeehawwwwwwwwwwwww."

    And my 3 year old, bless her, everytime when in my mind I wanted to quit running, convince myself that I'd ran far enough, that I should just walk and enjoy myself, she would yell, "Yay, Mama! You're the best!!! Keep going! You can do it Mama. Keep running, Mama! You're the best Mama in the whole world." :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Who could stop running with that amount of support coming to you? I'm going to take her every time now LOL... she keeps Mama on her toes.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    awwww, that is such a great story. Keep up the great work, you are doing so great.
  • Biggestloserfan
    That does sound like great motivation. I have to use my internal voice to keep me going but it usually works for the most part. I just keep telling myself that I am doing this to become a healthier me and I can rest after my workout. It keeps me at the brisk pace that I need to be during my walking and when I want to quit half way through I just start imagining myself a thinner and more healthier person and then I am able to keep going because I know what the pay off will be in the long run.

    I think it is great that you can incorporate your daughters with you while you workout. That is the best part because they will learn that it is important to exercise and you can be a great example to them. Good for you and you are the best mama in the whole world for showing your girls how important it is to exercise as a family!!
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    You certainly cannot beat the unconditional love and support you get from a child. It's hard to find people who want to hear about the pound you lost this week, and will give you kudos for it in 'life'. But here at mfp, it certainly is there. In face to face interactions, I think women tend to think you are bragging or selfabsorbed, but here online and at home with my kids, I find unconditional praise and support at all times!

    I feel the way you do about my children (they are proud of EVERYthing I do!) AND about mfp friends. Keep it up and make sure to put the calories you burned in your journal - even if it was only 10 or 50!!! It all adds up!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    What fun!! Such a cute story!! Thanks for sharing!!
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    That is a wonderfully cute story, kids are the greatest. I am battling a cold and yesterday morning didn't want to ride my exercise bike. Mentally I did, but physically I just didn't have the desire to do it. After stalling around in my pjs for about three hours my eight year old dd calls me over to the computer and she has googled the benefits of riding exercise bikes. She points them out and reads each one and then says, I love you momma, get going! Best motivation ever and it was an awesome work-out. She rides her bike while I walk and that is great to try to keep up with her. She slows down so I can catch her and then she is gone again. :smile:
  • Winter23
    Winter23 Posts: 142
    Aww. that's so cute.

    Sometimes I will modify my workouts at home so I am either holding my DD or she is sitting on me in some way and I have to lift her up. It's great fun, we get some play time together and I get a good toning workout.
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    Thats wonderful! I have been working out inside with a DVD and both my kids pop in and out and workout with me while they are playing. It is so cute when they are into it!!