Shopping lists



  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    My list changed a bit this week since I'm trying to eat healthier...

    Frozen berries
    Kashi Cereal
    Skim Milk
    Frozen shrimp
  • SarahBrown1979
    SarahBrown1979 Posts: 229 Member
    Have always been told to shop only the outside of the store. Meaning stick to all fresh. Are normal list is:

    Fresh Fruits and veggies
    cheese (Swiss- lower in sodium and I have HBP)
    Turkey burger
    Sandwhich thins (100 cals)
    Thomas english muffins (100 cals)
    I can't believe its not butter lite
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    I go to different stores to save money on stuff. For example, I hit up Costco for berries(Giant clamshell for $3), bananas, salad, and water. For more variety of fruits and veggies, like ones I will only eat once or a few times a week I go to an ethnic grocery store.We have many where I live. I either go to a Korean or Mexican grocery store. Their produce is much much cheaper. I also find seafood/fish to be very affordable at my Korean market. I go to Kroger for frozen dinners, fiber bars, greek yogurt, almond milk, cereal etc.
  • Fruits and veggies-sweet potatoes, broccoli, baby spinach, onions, banana's, blueberries
    Low fat fruit yoghurts, fat free plain yoghurt for smoothies
    Soy milk
    Fiber bars
    Dried red lentils
    Baked beans
    Cans of tuna
    Rolled oats
    Prune juice
    Light crunchy peanut butter
    Wholemeal spiral pasta
    Light cheddar cheese

    I also plan out meals, and buy the ingredients I need for them
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member

    Here's what I usually get:
    -a dozen eggs
    -cheddar cheese
    -another cheese (maybe goat, gouda, or laughing cow wedges)
    -greek yogurt
    -1-2 types of fruit (whatever's in season and looks good...right now I have apples and grapefruit)
    -3-4 types of fresh veggies (right now: spinach, eggplant, chard, celery, and carrots)
    -chicken breast
    -whole wheat bread
    -another whole wheat gain: tortillas or english muffins or something

    In addition to that, I always keep these things on hand in my pantry for making dinners:
    -brown rice
    -dry beans
    -whole wheat pastas
    -chicken broth
    -tomato sauce
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I make my grocery list a bit differently.
    I go in the kitchen and see what i need to make breakfast every day in the upcoming week. Do we need cereal? milk? yogurt? etc
    Then I move on to lunch. What do I need to make lunches all week? Sandwich fixings, soup ingredients etc.
    Suppers. How about meats, starches, salad fixings and other veggies? What do I need to make the meals?
    Lastly, snacks. Fruit, popcorn, Cliff bars, whatever.
    I think in meals and what I need to complete them.
  • This is such a great topic I love it!! this weekend I will go thru and use this to make my grocery list. Thank you everyone!!!
  • ratellcm
    ratellcm Posts: 164 Member
    Every two weeks, I spend around $50 on groceries. I divide my grocery list and my cupboard by protein, grains, fruit/veg, dairy and other. To save money, I make my list while looking at flyers and also keeping in mind what I already have. I walk farther to the mall instead of the grocery because there are a few stores that I can visit to get the best deals. (I'm not a vegetarian, but I do find I save more money by eating lentils and beans instead of meat!)

    I usually have:


    -skim milk
    -yogurt or cottage cheese (but right now I have both because they were on sale!)

    -something green (pepper or broccoli or zucchini usually)
    -either salad greens or spinach
    -a frozen veg (usually peas or corn)
    -some sort of citrus fruit (a bag of oranges, or grapefruit)
    -some other sort of fruit (I change it up... grapes, or avocado, or pears)

    -a loaf of bread
    -brown rice (or whole wheat pasta)
    -hot cereal (Red River)

    -tuna or eggs
    -lentils and beans (dried and canned)
    -peanut butter

    -a snack for busy days (either granola bars or dried fruit)
    -dark chocolate
  • LisaMarieee
    LisaMarieee Posts: 176 Member
    My grocery list usually consists of:

    Bean Sprouts
    Iceberg lettuce
    Dried figs
    Larabars (sometimes)
  • JustinOliver77
    JustinOliver77 Posts: 13 Member
    Awesome. I was just trying to make a shopping list, and was getting stuck. So I decided I would post this question on the forum and see what kind of replies I get. But I did a search first, and found this! Thanks everyone, what a great site.