Fruit/Veggie Fun Facts



  • cajunlady56
    cajunlady56 Posts: 151 Member
    US congress ruled this week that pizza is actually a vegetable.................... pfffffffftttt!!! bwaaa haaa haaa!

    No they did not. What this did is pass the agricultural appropriation bill which continued to allow 1/8 cup of tomatoe paste to be counted as a serving of vegtable. This is nothing new as it has been counted as that in the past.

    Other vegtables have to be 1/2 cup to be counted as a serving of vegtable.

    What this does is continue to help pizza manufacturers to make a pizza that can be counted as a serving of vegtable.
  • librarygoddess2
    librarygoddess2 Posts: 145 Member
    FRUIT FACT !!!!!!!!!! Celery makes your Va-JAY JAY taste good as does Pineapple for both male and female

    Sorry thats the only fruit fact I know !!

    I knew this! It's also true. Just saying.