Not losing!



  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    It started off as the 30ds so i needed to workout everyday, and now it's just a challenge that i move my body everyday. I feel better doing it and i know if i take a break i will 'fall off the wagon' and stop all together like i have in the past
  • meex
    meex Posts: 135 Member
    im going to bitew the bullet and eat more this week! Eep, this is so weird to eat more calories to try to lose weight!!!
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Even Jillian says to take on day of rest on the doing Ripped in 30 (took longer than 30 days) and have greaT results..but i took one daY of rest each week.
  • adlwilmot
    Could it not be a case that you're putting on muscle and losing fat? Muscle weighs more than fat, so that could be an explanation. Have you measured yourself around you thighs and waist to see if you're shed any inches? Also, you say that you're eating your 1200 a day, but are you eating more if you exercise so that you always hit your 1200 goal on here i.e. if you've done 400kcal worth of exercise, are you upping your intake to 1600 to compensate?

    I'm 168cm and weigh around 78kg, so we're very similar. I've only got the one friend on here at the mo, so feel free to add me if you fancy comparing notes.

    Why do people seem to think that muscle weighs more? It doesn't weigh anymore or any less. Just as a pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of bricks. It's just that the feathers take up more space. Sorry but that really is one of my pet irks.

    It means that if you're working out you may be building muscle and losing fat, but because muscle is of a heavier mass, then you're naturally going to weigh the same but be smaller, hence why the scales are saying you way the same when your body was made up of more fat! 80kg of feathers will fill a whole room, 80kg of fat will fill a box! One of MY pet irks is somebody who can't think logically and will attempt to ridicule somebody because they think they're more intelligent! Note that I didn't say "A kilo of muscle weighs more than a kilo of fat". An inch of muscle on your thigs will weigh more than an inch of fat. FACT!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You cannot add muscle mass on a calorie deficit, you need a large calorie surplus to add muscle mass.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    im going to bitew the bullet and eat more this week! Eep, this is so weird to eat more calories to try to lose weight!!!
    eating more for a week may not produce results. You should try it for a month. Your body needs time to adjust.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    You cannot add muscle mass on a calorie deficit, you need a large calorie surplus to add muscle mass.
    This is also true, especially very large calorie deficits that have occured. I will not if you have a small calorie deficit you can maintain lean muscle mass.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    Have you gotten a physical recently? Is your thyroid functioning at satisfactory levels? If those things check out, and your calorie counts are accurate and adequate, then you may have to turn up the exercise intensity with intervals (for example) and/or check your food intake for content of proteins and carbs and fats and sodium.

    IMO, I would doubt it's the thyroid, She is only eating 1200 calories and burning 400 on average but as high as 1100 calories. The greater chance is more food required.

    I am confused. Why is MORE food required? Before you guys jump on me.. I am not saying that she should starve herself but 1200 Cals seems good right?!? I am in the same boat (except my Thyroid is done - I take meds daily for it). But I eat pretty good, always <1200 Cals per day and exercise but the scale doesn't move. When it does finally move (usually once a month) it is a big drop - like 5 lbs. Why? I keep seeing people say to up the calories but I never understood why.

    Thanks in advance
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    It started off as the 30ds so i needed to workout everyday, and now it's just a challenge that i move my body everyday. I feel better doing it and i know if i take a break i will 'fall off the wagon' and stop all together like i have in the past
    I would change your thinking here. It's when you give your body time to recover that it can change itself. Recovery=results. If you just like can go on a 20 minute walk or something every day...but working out seven days a week will only bite you in the buns because your body has no time to allow the weight to come off. It's constantly needing repair and under stress. Saying if you take a break you will fall of the wagon isn't a true lifestyle change. We all have to have a day off. Our bodies and minds need life happens. That doesn't have to mean you fall off the wagon. It can't be all or nothing. I would highly suggest upping your calories. Working out 5-6 days a week tops and making the workouts at LEAST 45 minutes long..closer to an hour. 20 minutes isn't enough to get the body burning fat. And eat some more, girl!! Get out that measuring tape too.

    Eating 1200 and not resting will insure that you continue to stay where you are. Switch it up! :-) Good luck!!!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Have you gotten a physical recently? Is your thyroid functioning at satisfactory levels? If those things check out, and your calorie counts are accurate and adequate, then you may have to turn up the exercise intensity with intervals (for example) and/or check your food intake for content of proteins and carbs and fats and sodium.

    IMO, I would doubt it's the thyroid, She is only eating 1200 calories and burning 400 on average but as high as 1100 calories. The greater chance is more food required.

    I am confused. Why is MORE food required? Before you guys jump on me.. I am not saying that she should starve herself but 1200 Cals seems good right?!? I am in the same boat (except my Thyroid is done - I take meds daily for it). But I eat pretty good, always <1200 Cals per day and exercise but the scale doesn't move. When it does finally move (usually once a month) it is a big drop - like 5 lbs. Why? I keep seeing people say to up the calories but I never understood why.

    Thanks in advance

    It's a rather simple concept; Food is fuel. If you aren't getting enough fuel, your body will hold onto it and store as fat. It's a chemical reaction within the body (some will call starvation mode, but I think that is a whole new level) to ensure there is enough fuel to run your bodies systems. Your organs all have caloric requirements, so if you don't feed it enough, your body fights to hold onto calories. When you properly fuel your body with nutrients and fuel, it can burn more. People tend to think that eating less and exercise more works great but in reality when you do that method, you tend to lose a lot of muscle. And since muscle burns fat, you will actually hold onto the fat in your body by using this method. I actually just did a localize, MFP only, study to look at the correlation between calories and body fat, see below. Every single person who has low body fat eats 1800-3000 calories. So if your goal is to be skinny, have low body fat, and fit in general, you gotta fuel the beast.

    The thing is, your goal should also be a small deficit (unless obese) so you can maintain muscle mass (or grow it; which requires a surplus) so you keep your metabolism going and burn more calories. I will tell you from first hand experience it works. I eat 2800-3000 calories a day and I have taken my body fat to 11% from 18%. I have helped countless men and women on this board lose more weight by eating more calories. And besides if you can eat more, why wouldn't you want to? Why would you want to stay at 1200 calories? Could you sustain that the rest of your life? I prefer the " eat more, burn more" method because if I have a bad diet day (or weekend, like this past weekend) my weight doesn't jump. Meaning, why eat 1200 calories when you can eat 2000+ calories and get better results.
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    thank you for the clarification.