Weigh less in the evening?

Hi everyone! I just weighed myself, and I am 2 lbs lighter than I was this morning. I usually only weigh myself in the morning, but I may have to start doing an evening weigh-in instead! It probably helps that I've been on a strict diet and exercising regularly too. What an encouragement! Has anyone else experienced this?


  • dj60minute
    Yes me too. I've noticed that I'm about 2lbs lighter around noon than even first thing in the morning. I work out in the morning so maybe we are retaining water?!
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    Nope... in fact, I find the exact opposite to be true. I seem to weigh less first thing in the morning... I think it's because I drink a *ton* of water each day and I'm pretty sure the fluctuation is just water weight.
  • mroger801
    I normally loose ~1 pound from after dinner until the next morning. Granted I also usually go to the restroom before weighing in the morning. I have a feeling that most of my water weight and other things go away when going to the restroom and/or during the night.
  • I always weigh less in the morning. Sometimes 2-3 pounds lighter than in the evening. I think the most important thing is to weigh yourself at the same time everyday and that way you can get a more accurate weight loss.
  • kthiess5
    @bert16 I drink a lot of water as well! So I'm confused on how this happened.. no complaints though :)
    @dj60minute... go us!
  • MrsNoir
    MrsNoir Posts: 236 Member
    I've done it not too long ago, usually once I've been working out regularly for a couple of days and in days where I eat less calories than usual... and do loads of activity. But very rarely, but for me that's the indicator that the weight the day after will be an interesting one to look at. I do weigh myself everymorning like you, and sometimes at night to.. just out of curiosity... some days I go to bed with the same I wake up in the morning, then that's for me the sign that I'm losing some lbs! :D
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Yup, it happens quite often when I have had a high sodium or carb day previously. I keep track of my morning and night weight in a spreadsheet.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Yes it happens to me if I leave my eating until later in the day and am active..
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    I'm just cracking up that our first three responses covered morning, noon, and night! :laugh:

    I'm quickly learning that the answer to many things on MFP is "it depends"...
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Of course, its simple really. As the moon rises in the evening, its tidal pull lessens your weight. You should weigh in during an eclipse. Your weight loss will double!!