What Are Your Reasons To Lose?



  • mandielovesyou95
    -I used to be a model, I weighted 115 I was a size one, and was 25 inches on my waist, keep in mind, i'm only a teen. lol. Now, I'm 145 pounds! and I am 33 inches on my waist. and a size 7!
    -I want my cute clothes back! (:
    -If I lose weight, my depression and self esteem will get better!
    -I am homeschooled, so I gained weight from sitting around, this will help me get active!
    -I want to be healthier!

    I just want to be proud of myself for something! (:
  • mandielovesyou95
    -I used to be a model, I weighted 115 I was a size one, and was 25 inches on my waist, keep in mind, i'm only a teen. lol. Now, I'm 145 pounds! and I am 33 inches on my waist. and a size 7!
    -I want my cute clothes back! (:
    -If I lose weight, my depression and self esteem will get better!
    -I am homeschooled, so I gained weight from sitting around, this will help me get active!
    -I want to be healthier!

    I just want to be proud of myself for something! (:
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    The outside does not match the inside.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    *to look younger/more inanimate "doll/cyborg-like"
    *to feel light when I am walking -- the thinner I get, the more enjoyable walks become
    *to never wake up drenched in sweat or worry about snoring again (both happened when I hit 118 pounds -- overweight for my height)
    *to feel better about myself~
    *to have a smaller face
    *to be healthy
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    #1 to no longer be sick of worrying about what to wear
    #2 to have no more pains when I run
    #3 to like what I see in the mirror
    #4 to feel taller, lighter, healthier, happier
    #5 to not run away from a camera
  • k80fox
    k80fox Posts: 92
    #1 - To be healthy so that I can have babies
    #2 - To go shopping and be able to wear anything I want
    #3 - CONFIDENCE!

    Thanks for sharing everyone!
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Yes thanks everyone lets keep this going I know many of you need inspiration out there and I thought this would be a good way :flowerforyou:
  • hhorncastle
    hhorncastle Posts: 84 Member
    to increase the quantity and quality of my life....and to be beautiful (maybe)

    You're already beautiful, lady. Here's to increased quantity and quality of life, on top of beauty. :wink:

    As for me,

    * To be in the best shape of my life by the time I'm 40 (I've got a year and a half)
    * To save my knees - the heavier I get, the more they hurt. I'd like to avoid surgery for as long as I can.
    * When I'm out with my husband, he always says he's so proud to show me off. I'd like to get to the point where I believe him.
    * To wear a bikini proudly.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member

    so more can post and more can get motivation !!
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    reasons for losing
    1 - to fit into my clothes better and not have to think about what outfit will hide the muffin top today.
    2 - to feel lighter as i walk, bike, do yoga, live in general. when i've had it, it's felt wonderful
    3 - for my health, family in my mom's side has suffered diabetes, thyroid disorders and cancer. i don't want to go down that road.
    4 - because i know i can and life is better at the ideal weight.
  • Ready2BEthin
    Ready2BEthin Posts: 133 Member
    Reasons I want to lose weight:

    1. To be healthy & avoid getting diabetes
    2. To be more confident, and recieve compliments
    3. To inspire others who are where I started at (265 lbs)
    4. To shop in the petite section of the store and not the plus size area
    5. To go to the beach and not wear a t-shirt over my suit
    6. To be no longer the "obese" family member
    7. To prove to myself I can accomplish something
    8. To live life and not have to obsess about losing weight all the time
    9. To no longer be asked "when is your baby due?" um, when I'm not even pregnant ....lol (Lord knows, we've all heard this one at some point)
    10. I am totally 100% hooked on the show "Glee" and on Halloween 2012 I want to dress as a Cheerio (the Glee cheerleader costume) and this year I was too big for the costume, this year, I stood in the Halloween store just looking at the costume in envy and with my feelings hurt knowing theres no way i could wear it...... but next year I will be thin & I will wear that costume, Im determined. :smile:
  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 235 Member
    To be healthy. It's not about a number. I weighed next to nothing when I was 18 and still didn't think I was good enough. I have to change something in my head. If my body is doing what I ask it to do, with energy to spare, then the weight loss is a byproduct.
    I want to hike, swim, windsurf and have the energy to do it!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Because when my mother was my age, (61), she collapsed at the bus stop while waiting to go to work. Her "retirement" consisted of slowly and painfully dieing of cancer.
    As I approach retirement, I want to spend it healthy and enjoying life.
  • Catboydemyx
    1. To be able to fit into one of those /gorgeous/ Prom dresses that I always stare intensley at when Kohls puts them out in April.
    2. To feel good and look good when I walk the stage at Graduation.
    3. To avoid the Heart problems and the diabetes on my dads' side of the family.
    4. To show all of the people who have ever called me fat that they can't push me around and that I'm better than them because I have the drive to do something like lose weight instead of making fun of people like they do. (I think they're in the closet, because they always make fun of my bisexuality too. They're so uncomfortable with those little girls scratching at their closet doors.)
    5. So I can eat what i want and not see the disapproving stares of others
    6. So I can wear what I want, when i want.
    7. Beach body for Floridas' hot summers!
    8. I have a trip to Europe coming next year. European guys and girls are attractive.
    9. I'll be starting college next August/September. I want to be the obnoxious skinny girl that people like and tolerate because she's cute and skinny, not the obnoxious fat girl that people like and tolerate because they feel bad.
    10. To get my parents to stop telling me I'm fat
    11. New clothes. Cute clothes. Small clothes. Hot Topic red plaid skirt. Corsets.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    /bump bump
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member

    I see so many wanting motivation read this and list your stuff also

    it will help =)
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member

    so more can post and more can get motivation !!
  • sheppeyescapee
    sheppeyescapee Posts: 329 Member
    #1 I want to feel better. My disability will always be there but I'm sure I can feel better than I currently do.
    #2 Be in better shape. I've let myself decline so much, some of it was inevitable but some I could have prevented.
    #3 Eating better will hopefully give me more energy, I want to not be so fatigued all the time.
    #4 surgery, I have a few surgeries that need doing that I cannot have because they don't take people with a BMI over 30.
    #5 We want to start a family and I want to be a good role model to them.
    #6 I've been overweight my whole adulthood and my teenage self would have been disgusted, it's amazing how much we convince ourselves that it is ok to be overweight.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Because it's time to see what confidence feels like.

    Love this. Absolutely.:smile:
  • ashtonalayna
    I want to be able to walk in the store and buy the cute skirts this summer.

    To be able to wear the jeans that I purposely bought too small last summer. They are super cute...I can't wait I'm almost there.

    I want to look like I did on my wedding day.

    I want to be the "hot mom" at our future PTA'S at school.

    I want another baby this fall and don't want to weigh as much this time around.