treadmill mechanics? need advice...

i have a friend offering to sell me a nordic track treadmill for $50. i can't tell you the model #, but it looks like a heavy duty one. it has a nice wide belt, electronic display, flips up for storage, has a nice electric incline, heart rate monitor... anyway, it seems to be working well except the belt is over to one side a bit further than it should be and is squeaking. is this an easy fix or should i just wait until i can buy a nice new one? i would love to have something to run on this winter, but i don't want to waste my money...

thanks so much for looking! :-)


  • Mybabie
    Mybabie Posts: 239
    The belt over to one side too much is a very easy fix. As long as they have the allen key you can fix it. The treadmill needs to be at least a 3 horsepower to run on. I have one that I can jog on which id fine for me.
  • sparky1514117
    sparky1514117 Posts: 13 Member
    Normally treadmills have a belt adjustment screw that can be turned to recenter the belt. It is usually located on the end furthest from the motor. it is an easy fix especially for that price.
  • SheehyCFC
    SheehyCFC Posts: 529 Member
    Easy fix and $50 is a steal. If it is in decent condition, I'd do it.
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    great, thanks everyone! i think i'm going to go for it! it's getting cold here in the midwest and i'm such a wimp when it comes to cold weather.

    i'll buy some lube today and pick up that baby tonight or tomorrow! :-) hopefully hunky hubby can be my knight in shining armor and save the day!