Looking to start up a weight loss group



  • sweetapplepi
    Is it too late to join? This seems like a really good idea for a support system.
    My current weight is 107, and I hope to drop maybe up to 5 pounds. I really want to tone, and look better for the upcoming bathing suit season, AND I want to be healthier. =]
  • riveraphx
    riveraphx Posts: 380 Member
    Hey everybody, don't log your results on this message board this Saturday.

    Go to:

    May 15th Weight Loss Group- Week 4

    Time has flown by already, about 11 more weeks.
  • zoepane
    zoepane Posts: 209
    Hi it Saturday, and i'm checking in 353, down 1 pound, yeah!!!!!
    This room needs a name, so it easier to find.....
  • gemfrire
    gemfrire Posts: 110 Member
    Hi it Saturday, and i'm checking in 353, down 1 pound, yeah!!!!!
    This room needs a name, so it easier to find.....

    See the post above yours...we have moved and have a new title! Come join us at May 15th Weight Loss Group- Week 4

    Congrats on the loss!
  • mydalia
    mydalia Posts: 5
    k my check in :)

    126 last week.
    124 today
    goal- 120-115