breakfast makes me hungrier



  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Maybe try for more protein instead of sugar/ carbs at breakfast? I find when I eat mostly carbs (e.g., cereal, toast), that even if it's not sweetened cereal, I get the blood sugar spike and plunge. Maybe that's what's making you hungry.

    I'm not a BIG breakfast eater-- average about 150- 160 calories, usually, but I definitely miss it if I don't have it.

    And I also drink 24 oz of water every morning with my breakfast.That helps with fullness in the short term!
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    B/F is most imp meal. One should never skip the breakfast...!
  • QueenStromba
    QueenStromba Posts: 57 Member
    The whole eating frequently boosts your metabolism is a myth. Here's a study which shows that it makes no difference to your metabolism if you eat your calories in two meals or seven:

    Eating more frequently does reduce insulin resistance though so if you eat a lot of carbs you're much better off spreading you food out throughout the day rather than eating it all in one go. I'm on a low carb diet and do not normally eat until lunchtime because I'm not hungry until then and I've lost nearly 30 pounds in the last couple of months.
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Either skip breakfast (meal timing is irrelevant anyway) or consider switching high sugar breakfast for something high protein.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Isn't the proof in huffdog's weightloss? What's the issue here? I offered my opinion in the fact that I eat breakfast and that works for me as well as a tip about eating fruit in between until your body gets used to it. It's surely up to the person asking the question whether they listen to that advice? Just because you don't agree with people that do eat breakfast doesn't mean you have to shoot down their posts?

    In which case my weight loss is proof of the opposite. When I was eating breakfast, I was constantly hungry (yes even eating protein) in the mornings. It lead me to not being able to think about anything other than food causing my productivity to go down and leading me to bad choices at lunch time.

    Since not eating breakfast I have more energy in the mornings, am more able to do my job and make better choices at lunch time. I've also lost 34 lbs which are staying off.

    So if you want broscience I've got some too.

    You have to find what's right for your body. Breakfast is NOT the right choice for me and it may not be for the OP either.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    If you really don't want to eat breakfast & you are functioning fine without it, then don't eat it. I usually eat breakfast, but I don't always. Sometimes I prefer to sleep in, like on the weekends. But I do find that a protein breakfast like eggs sticks with me longer than cereal, so you could give that a try.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Isn't the proof in huffdog's weightloss? What's the issue here? I offered my opinion in the fact that I eat breakfast and that works for me as well as a tip about eating fruit in between until your body gets used to it. It's surely up to the person asking the question whether they listen to that advice? Just because you don't agree with people that do eat breakfast doesn't mean you have to shoot down their posts?

    I agree with this. Why do people want to argue? The OP has asked for opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to answer the question in the way they wish. No need for hostility.
  • Orrgarde86
    Orrgarde86 Posts: 120 Member

    You have to find what's right for your body. Breakfast is NOT the right choice for me and it may not be for the OP either.

    Well that was kind of my point... Well done on the loss btw..
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    what kind of cereal are you eating? I eat bran cereal or oatmeal (complex carbs) with protien. If you have your cereal with high fiber or protien you shouldnt be hungry, not unless youre eating something with lots of sugar in it
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I am not being hostile at all! You are misunderstanding my point.

    I am not against breakfast at all. Skipping breakfast does not boost metabolism and eating it doesn't either. Meal timing is irrelevant when it comes to that.

    But if you look at what the OP said, if she skips breakfast she doesn't get hungry and can eat more later. This seems to be beneficial to her. So everyone saying she has to eat breakfast, why? that is what I am getting at.

    Some like it and some don't. To each their own honestly xD Just don't like myths or broscience is all
  • SergeantSunshine_reused

    I agree with this. Why do people want to argue? The OP has asked for opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to answer the question in the way they wish. No need for hostility.

    The OP didn't ask for opinions on metabolism. Im sure she wanted correct information. Can you show me the hostility? :huh: I don't see it lol
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I realize that breakfast is supposed to be the most important meal of the day. However, when I eat breakfast (cereal), I am starving by 9am! When there is no breakfast, I can easily make it until noon. I save more of my calories that way and feel better! Anyone know anything about metabolism and why this makes me hungrier?? Thanks! btw, I love everyone here! It is so good to get support and help!

    I was the same! I'd easily go through to lunch without anything to eat but i think that's where my main problem was! I now get to work and have breakfast as 9am...sends me easily through to 11:30/12 even when i'm bored with not much work!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    There really is no biological advantage to eating breakfast. There is no metabolic boost. It's just another myth, perpetuated by breakfast cereal companies.

    If you like breakfast, and you find it helps you control your cravings later in the day, then go nuts. Eat all you want. But realise it ISN'T giving you a metabolic boost.

    If you don't like breakfast, don't eat it! You aren't missing out anything, and it may in fact make it easier as you are saving yourself calories you could be having later on when you really want them! I skip breakfast, have a 2-300 cal lunch, a 1k dinner, and snacks before bed. Those snacks are what i would have spent on my breakfast.

    I've never been fitter, healthier, or happier!
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member

    I agree with this. Why do people want to argue? The OP has asked for opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to answer the question in the way they wish. No need for hostility.

    The OP didn't ask for opinions on metabolism. Im sure she wanted correct information. Can you show me the hostility? :huh: I don't see it lol

    Hey, I don't want to argue about this. I just think people should be allowed to give their opinion without being pounced on , accused of "broscience" or peddling myths. That's all.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused

    I agree with this. Why do people want to argue? The OP has asked for opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to answer the question in the way they wish. No need for hostility.

    The OP didn't ask for opinions on metabolism. Im sure she wanted correct information. Can you show me the hostility? :huh: I don't see it lol

    Hey, I don't want to argue about this. I just think people should be allowed to give their opinion without being pounced on , accused of "broscience" or peddling myths. That's all.

    I'm not arguing xD Just curious.
    It is different if you are giving an opinion IMO. If someone states along the lines of "this worked well for me________" then all the power to them. But claiming something that worked as a fact is considered broscience. Popular word heh
    And this is well known to be a big myth. Letting them spread is not going to do any good
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member

    I love you. <3
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yeah, I've seen a few peer reviewed scientific studies that indicated that it doesn't matter when you eat. One persons weight loss is not prof that any specific form of dieting works. A lot of people do NOT eat breakfast and lose plenty of weight. There is even a whole practice called intermittent fasting were people don't eat for 20 or something, eat all their calories in the 4 remaining calories. This works just as well as eating 6 times a day (maybe better but don't quote me on that). It's all about calories in and calories out.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Isn't the proof in huffdog's weightloss? What's the issue here? I offered my opinion in the fact that I eat breakfast and that works for me as well as a tip about eating fruit in between until your body gets used to it. It's surely up to the person asking the question whether they listen to that advice? Just because you don't agree with people that do eat breakfast doesn't mean you have to shoot down their posts?

    I agree with this. Why do people want to argue? The OP has asked for opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to answer the question in the way they wish. No need for hostility.

    I saw no hostility
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    I agree with this. Why do people want to argue? The OP has asked for opinions. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to answer the question in the way they wish. No need for hostility.

    The OP didn't ask for opinions on metabolism. Im sure she wanted correct information. Can you show me the hostility? :huh: I don't see it lol

    Hey, I don't want to argue about this. I just think people should be allowed to give their opinion without being pounced on , accused of "broscience" or peddling myths. That's all.

    the only way to stop nonsensical nutritional myths from continuing to pollute people's minds, is to point out when they are being spread and put a stop to it.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    No time to discuss more , sorry. It's possible to find studies or " proof" for many arguments if you look hard enough. I still say we are all entitled to post our opinion. Maybe the word hostile was a bit strong. But still, live and let live. Enjoy the rest of your day.