Alcohol + Dieting....can it be done??



  • Thanks for all your comments guys it is much appreciated :)

    I wrote this because its festive season so I have lots of parties/birthdays/celebrations/meals out planned and I don't want to cancel them as I don't want to live my life to be thin thats not what its about for me.

    On the other hand I totally see where you are all coming from. LeJess - I 100% agree with you my binge eating only occurs when I have been binge drinking but I need to know what is classed as binge drinking is it anymore than 3 vodka diet cokes for a woman? (I only drink vodka).

    I am giving up Alcohol after New Year for 3 months so its not that I'm not willing to give it up its just right now its getting closer to christmas and all the festivities are going on - surely everyone has to socialise at Christmas?? or what is the point in having a fabulous body if you cant go to Parties and show it off hey?

    By the way I am mature enough to start this and I am more than 100% ready I just wanted your advice not a dig at my self-esteem!

    Thanks for all the comments x
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member

    I am giving up Alcohol after New Year for 3 months so its not that I'm not willing to give it up its just right now its getting closer to christmas and all the festivities are going on - surely everyone has to socialise at Christmas?? or what is the point in having a fabulous body if you cant go to Parties and show it off hey?

    By the way I am mature enough to start this and I am more than 100% ready I just wanted your advice not a dig at my self-esteem!

    Thanks for all the comments x

    No one here was digging at your self-esteem nor giving you a difficult time. Unfortunately for you, you admitted to coming home the wee hours of the day after partying, asking about particulars having to do with alcohol and dieting.... everyone gave you very appropriate and decent answers...

    Also, not everyone has to socialize at parties with alcohol, holiday season or not. Socializing anywhere does not make it necessary to drink. I was out two nights ago celebrating a friend's successes and willingly chose not to drink. But, I socialized just as much, if not more....

    If you ARE mature enough to start anything, you should have been a little bit more mature enough to handle the responses given on your thread - no one did any digging...

    good luck
  • I said thanks for ALL the responses and took the constructive critisim. I'm not saying you have to go out and drink to socialise but I like to drink and feel merry, no one should judge me for that. I don't judge people who don't drink.

    Thanks for your comment again and I will take on board what you have said. x
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Dr. John McDougall says that alcohol is "seen" by the body as an important food source. So if you eat and drink, your body will metabolize the alcohol and store the food as fat. So that beer belly you see, isn't a beer belly but the result of food and alcohol, and alcohol winning.
  • It can't be done. i just agree with the very good advice on these posts. Get rid of the booze and find the real you.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
  • Does anyone have any tips to help me with this when I get in at 3/4am in the morning after a night out to stop binging on food?
    If you're going to binge, go after the food.
  • Leigh_D
    Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member
  • Emagali74
    Emagali74 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi to the OP i lived in Manchester for many years, It has a great nightlife- lucky you !! :)

    I have been on the odd night out since I started dieting and it has never ever affected my weight loss. Now I may go out once every 3 or 4 weeks and will drink for one night. I stick to vodka and diet coke and the occasional half a cider.

    What I do is eat plenty of veggies and chicken (protein) eggs before I go out at dinnertime, then I can only handle about 8 vodka diet cokes anyway! I try and drink diet coke or water every other drink and I do tend to stop about an hour before I go home. I jump straight in a taxi and tell my mates im out with not to let me near the kebab shop and that works, When I get home I drink two big glasses of water, take some ibuprofen then go straight to bed.

    I dont eat after my drink because for me the knowledge is that the alcohol is bad enough right? so why make things a million times worse with a kebab or something!!! I will do extra cardio the day I know Im going out and extra cardio the day after plus I watch what I eat very strictly the next day,

    Sometimes the extra calories can help-mixing things up a little. I think that you cant let a diet plan get in the way of your life, If you are one of these poeple who like to go out and have a few drinks then why the hell not?

    Yes alcohol has no nutrition, yes its a bad choice, but so is some of the processed crap that people eat on here every now and again.

    I say as long as you can avoid the junk food on the way home and you can fit it in and make it work for you and you enjoy it and it makes you happy then have a few drinks every now and again.

    People on here should chill out. What works for one person doesnt necessarily work for another. Feel free to add me as a friend by the way. (I have lost 58 pounds since January so Im doing something right I think) xxx
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