What is wrong with me?!



  • i think maybe your body needs a shock. maybe change up your workouts...try something new!! along the lines of food as well. look up clean eating recipes and try to eat as clean as possible. watch your refined sugar if you dont already. i dont know how much youre eating but maybe its too much...or maybe not enough. also watch your sodium. if you eat clean this shouldnt even be a problem though. eat breakfast...and try to eat something every 3 no more than 4 hours, even if its just a small snack. gives your metabolism something to do! experiment with it...everyones different, just gotta find what works for you.
  • When you are ready to get off the calorie reduction treadmill of heart ache I strongly suggest you try real food such as offered in "The Primal Blueprint" or many other eating plans that rightfully ditch whole grains in favor of REAL carbs like dark leafy greens and lots of other nutrient dense vegetables. You are half way there with your proteins and fats such as eggs, etc...

    I would drop all grains, and all sugar, and all starches like potatoes, yams, etc...for two weeks and just see how you feel.

    I am not saying go really low carb, I am saying switch to vegetables for your carbs. Eat HUGE salads with real salad oil on them.

    What you are doing is not working and I know your heartache because I been there.
  • And I am a bit, or perhaps not, surprised at all the posts recommending you do more of the same even though it is not working.

    I think real change will help.

    I view my diet as appetite control, NOT calorie control.

    I am not hungry, even on fasting Fridays "My personal ritual", and making gains physically and in weight loss.
  • I had this EXACT problem. I completely changed my diet and finally started losing!! I cut out grains and sugar, processed food and get my carbs from veggies, nuts and flax seed. RADICAL?? Well, it seemed so at first, but doesn't feel it now and all. I am down 25 pounds and feeling fantastic! I have energy, I work out and feel strong. Tons of confidence.

    I eat the same or more calories as I did before.

    Good luck to you.
  • The same thing happens to me right before I get my period, I weighed myself for my weekly weigh in 2 weeks ago and i gained SIX POUNDS! but i got my period two days later. I weighed myself Monday, and it was all off plus one pound!

    keep your head up. it takes a while to figure out how to lose weight the healthy way. you have to be happy with what you're doing, and not freak out about every little thing you put in your mouth because stress is not your friend when losing weight.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My sister had this problem. Turns out her thyroid wasn't working.

    Thyroid was my first thought too since my sister also has thyroid problems. See a doctor. It's a simple blood test and easily controlled.
  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    When you are ready to get off the calorie reduction treadmill of heart ache I strongly suggest you try real food such as offered in "The Primal Blueprint" or many other eating plans that rightfully ditch whole grains in favor of REAL carbs like dark leafy greens and lots of other nutrient dense vegetables. You are half way there with your proteins and fats such as eggs, etc...

    I would drop all grains, and all sugar, and all starches like potatoes, yams, etc...for two weeks and just see how you feel.

    I am not saying go really low carb, I am saying switch to vegetables for your carbs. Eat HUGE salads with real salad oil on them.

    What you are doing is not working and I know your heartache because I been there.

    I agree with the above but also introduce more protein in your diet if you are working out. Your muscles need this to repair and build. You can also look into "Clean Eating", my sister inlaw has had huge success with this (since July she has lost over 40 lbs and over 40 inches). The whole principle to to cut out processed, pre-packaged meals and make from scratch. "Tosco Reno" has many books including cookbooks that make it easier.

    Good luck
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Open up your diary and you'll get more helpful feedback
  • Okay... you have PCOS. Why didn't your doctor address this factor in weight loss? PCOS makes it hard to lose weight. I have a few friends who have the disease, and they have struggled for years. I think there is a specific diet for PCOS, so you might check it out on the web. I don't know much about PCOS, but my guess is that it's a hormonal issue.

    I know it feels discouraging, but hang in there. You may just need to find an alteration to your diet that will work with your body.
  • FatassFairy
    FatassFairy Posts: 166 Member
    Something is seriously wrong. I am [this] close to quitting. Honestly, I was happier before just being fat and OK with it. :sick: I have been gaining and losing, up and down, for months. Last week I lost 4 pounds, I was stoked. It was great. Then this week, without changing hardly anything, I gained back those 4 pounds plus 2 more. 6 pounds in one week? See, now it will take me 2-3 weeks to lost that again, and then I will gain it back in a week or less. Up and down. The same 5-6 pounds. I don't get it. I'm not changing anything, I'm not doing anything different enough to be going up and down like this. And Thanksgiving is next week, we are going out of town, it's going to be a hot mess. I am seriously over it. What is the freaking deal?? There is no way I could have gained 6 pounds in 1 week, it doesn't make any sense. I didn't DO anything to gain 6 whole pounds.... but now I will hang on to them for 2 weeks :noway: It doesn't make any SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry: 4 of those 6 pounds I gained in just the last 3 days. This is what has been happening to me since JUNE!!!!! :noway: I seriously was happier before when I was just fat and that was just the way it was. My husband even comments now on how any shred of confidence I had before is gone now, and it's obvious that I feel crappy about myself. Because I can't succeed at this and feeling FAT is way better then feeling like a FAILURE. :ohwell: IDK what to do. :frown:


    I could have rote this word for friggin *kitten* word.

    feel free to send me a friend request if you wish, because i so know where you are coming from.
  • Here is a great link for all of you with thyroid issues:

  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    I feel for you. I am with those suggesting avoiding the scale and searching for other measurements: tape measurements, body fat analysis (you can get a handheld one online). I've gained at my last weigh in (monthly, mind you), but discovered I'd lost multiple INCHES and actually lost body fat, gaining muscle! I'll take that!

    As with those quoted below, I have dropped refined foods: grains, sugars, etc. and have upped my protein intake (not to crazy levels, but enough to support building muscle that helps give you a fit look.

    Take care, and feel free to friend me!
    When you are ready to get off the calorie reduction treadmill of heart ache I strongly suggest you try real food such as offered in "The Primal Blueprint" or many other eating plans that rightfully ditch whole grains in favor of REAL carbs like dark leafy greens and lots of other nutrient dense vegetables. You are half way there with your proteins and fats such as eggs, etc...

    I would drop all grains, and all sugar, and all starches like potatoes, yams, etc...for two weeks and just see how you feel.

    I am not saying go really low carb, I am saying switch to vegetables for your carbs. Eat HUGE salads with real salad oil on them.

    What you are doing is not working and I know your heartache because I been there.

    I agree with the above but also introduce more protein in your diet if you are working out. Your muscles need this to repair and build. You can also look into "Clean Eating", my sister inlaw has had huge success with this (since July she has lost over 40 lbs and over 40 inches). The whole principle to to cut out processed, pre-packaged meals and make from scratch. "Tosco Reno" has many books including cookbooks that make it easier.

    Good luck