I'm a failure...again!



  • Lovemydounts
    Lovemydounts Posts: 199 Member
    it happens to all of us your not alone .i been bad for 2 months and now i started back up 3 days ago ..just get back up and dust your self off thats all u can do .just dont keep being bad lol good luck .
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    You are absolutely not a failure. You are human and we are far from perfect. You acknowledged that you binged on things that you shouldn't have, learn from it and move on. Calling yourself a failure is setting yourself up for not succeeding. It is ok to mess up. Just get back on the crazy ride and try again. Most of us didn't get it right the first time! No matter what you think of yourself, I think you are beautiful! :flowerforyou:
  • RachelRunner78
    RachelRunner78 Posts: 62 Member
    Don't wait for tomorrow to turn it around, start this very second. You can still get a good workout in and burn some of those calories off. Go for a walk. Do some jumping jacks. Every little bit of exercise will help. Drink plenty of water to flush some of that crap out of your body. If you were driving in the wrong direction you wouldn't wait a day to turn around, so why should eating right and exercising be any different?

    Great analogy...I never thought of it like that... I will remember this analogy next time I am in this position.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    You're only a failure if you give up. Have a healthy dinner and start again tomorrow. You can do this.
  • RachelRunner78
    RachelRunner78 Posts: 62 Member
    thanks soooooo much for all the encouraging words! You have no idea how much it means to me.

    Thank you for posting. I commend you for reaching out for help, we all feel like we have failed sometimes. :)
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    You should definitely follow the advice of everyone on here. I think we have all had those days. I have had several of them and still managed to lose quite a bit of weight. I don't let it stop me from my ultimate goal. If you aren't supposed to have these things then my advice would be to keep them out of the house. I would also suggest getting in a long workout today.
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    thanks soooooo much for all the encouraging words! You have no idea how much it means to me.

    Just remember you are NOT alone. We have been there and are willing to give you a hand up! Best Wishes and Many Blessings to you.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    You have to be able to forgive yourself. These kind of days are going to happen, because you're human! We all are :) I know it is extremely difficult, but this is a process - there are going to be streaks where you're totally on target and winning, and there are going to be days when you slip. The goal is to make the winning outweigh the slips, and love yourself enough to forgive yourself when less than perfect days happen :)

    You CAN do this! :)

    ^^ beautifully said! we all have off-days, just make the next day better!
  • thirdtime
    So true!