Help please? Do you exercise even when you're busy or have h

I am writing an essay about time constraints and health issues that make it difficult to exercise. I know that some of you use your busy, stressed out lives and health issues as a REASON TO exercise. Others of you may find it to be a major stumbling block. If you don't mind me referring only to your comments and first name, I would like your opinions AND YOUR PERSONAL EXPERIENCES. You can either post here or send me a private message.

I really would like to hear about a personal example of how you overcame an obstacle to exercise, or something you find really difficult to deal with like childcare, migraines, finances, 2 jobs, going to school...etc.

I just got this essay assignment today. It's due on the 28th. But I fly out to see family Sunday morning. So I would like to work on it while I'm travelling. So could you please write me your responses?

Thanks so much!!!!


  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    It's a priority. It needs to be done.
    Sort of like laundry, or going to work.
  • shannonichole
    I use it as a way to de-stress and forget about my busy schedule. Sometimes I take my homework to the gym and do it while I'm on a cardio machine.
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    Even when I'm busy, I take or make the time to exercise. I do take 1-2 days of rest from it as the body needs time to repair itself. As to if I have a health issue..I will exercise even when not feeling well, depending on HOW my body is feeling. If I've been running a temperature, I will not exercise. If it's just a bit of sniffles, I exercise. But if my body has said, "I'm not moving for anything because this illness has me totally drained", I don't.

    My name is Debbie..
  • Football_N_Guns
    Football_N_Guns Posts: 297 Member
    It's part of life, just like brushing my teeth.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    i have a busy, stressed out life and it makes me feel so much better when i get my workout in. i have to get up at 5:15am to get it in but if i don't do it, it ruins my day. i have don't this for years but i do argue with myself almost every morning when that alarm goes off...once i am up, i am fine!
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    I try to make it a priority as well. Life happens and it may set you back a little, but there is always time for exercise. Many people say "I don't have time for it"....But you have time to be on facebook endlessly or MFP (LOL), watch your 1 hour tv show, shop, etc. 30 minutes out of a day is not too much to ask.

    Totally agree Guru- like laundry or going to work!!
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    GREAT CONCEPTS you guys! I really would like to hear a little more about a personal example of how you overcame an obstacle to exercise, or something you find really difficult to deal with like childcare, migraines, finances, 2 jobs, going to school...etc.
  • mvandommelen
    I exercise because it is my stress relief. I am a teacher and mother of 2. i coach high school and club volleyball and have very little time for myself. I get up at 5:30 am daily and enjoy the quiet of my house and work out. It starts my day out on the right foot and I find that when I don't work out, I drag throughout the day. Working out is my time for me and I have made it a priority to have that time!
    Hope that helps :)
  • woo1324
    woo1324 Posts: 168 Member

    For me it depends on the kind of busy i am , I have 3 children aged 7, 3, and 11 months It has taken me along time to find away to manage my time so that i can fit in some excercise, for me i wanted to excercise because im so busy its my "me time"and my stress realese and on top of that its the only way I can get the energy to face the days of cleaning, and chasing after my 3 young children

    I have found ways to incorparte it into my everyday even the most busy days , usually i cycle on my stationary bike for a hour during my babys nap while my 3 year old is entertained in the room with me watching his fav shows then i will walk up to get my son from school which is around 30 min and then after dinner every second night we go on a family walk with the dog up to the local parks
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I personally don't really like to exercise. BUT I make it my priority. Once your health is in the crapper you can't get it back. I'm investing in my future by exercising everyday. I always feel better once I've done it and when I slack off I feel bad. I've made the mental decision that this is a necessary evil like bills, taxes, and laundry!
  • bjfoulks
    I factor in at least 1/2 hour every day. On my busiest days it may ony be some light evening yoga after my toddler is in bed, but I must make time for myself. I've found my excercise time to be the best way for me to relax and regroup.

    My name's Bobbi.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    i have a busy, stressed out life and it makes me feel so much better when i get my workout in. i have to get up at 5:15am to get it in but if i don't do it, it ruins my day. i have don't this for years but i do argue with myself almost every morning when that alarm goes off...once i am up, i am fine!

    I admire you early birds. I have a lot of people who begged me to teach Zumba at 6 a.m. I started off with a class of about 10 people, and now I'm down to 4. They swear it's not my class they don't like. (Some of them come at 8:30 too on other days) they just say it's too "hard" to get up that early, but for some it's the only choice they have.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    It's definitely a priority. I always work through injuries. There were weeks when I couldn't run, so I swam and used the rowing machine. I have asthma, but it does not slow me down. In fact, since I started exercising seriously a couple of years ago, I think I've had to use my inhaler only once or twice and I think that was only when I was actually sick.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I've made it part of my morning routine. I don't "make time" to exercise I just do it. It's part of my morning. The thought, "am I'm going to the gym this morning?" never crosses my mind. I get have breakfast, brush my teeth and shave, take care of emails and that sort of thing and then head to the gym. I shower and go straight to work from there.

    I'll admit that I had to start getting up about half an hour earlier and planning my mornings out a little more but it can be done and done in a relatively painless manner if you're willing to commit to doing it.

  • kiminita
    kiminita Posts: 150 Member
    I think that a lot has to do with CONTEXT--and everyone has a different one. Some people have been taught about exercise and nutrition and how it is VITAL to keep up with a busy schedule, others have not, and see it as taking up valuable time that could otherwise be used getting things done. For some, they really may NOT have the time because of an extremely busy and demanding family life, school work, job, etc. Also, what do people have access to, in terms of a workout facility and/or knowledge of a way to exercise without one, or a safe enough neighborhood to actually go jogging. Do they work two jobs and barely can afford 4-6 hours of sleep a day?
    But as for me, I am a student and have time to spare here and there, and this has become a priority. Even with access to this knowledge though, my curriculum would sometimes be way too demanding to dedicate an hour or so to exercise daily. I could not imagine reading three 200 pg books (and writing briefs about them) and keeping up with reading in the class I teach AND exercising daily. However, time management is vital in this and in life in general.
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    It's a priority. It needs to be done.
    Sort of like laundry, or going to work.

    so true!
  • BeautifulArtemis
    BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
    I'm a mother of two disabled children and was dignosed in 2009 with Fibromyalgia. After several meds and adverse effects (nausea, rash and weight gain) I decided to go to the extreme and work out daily to offset the pain. The days I miss I hurt more so that gives me reason to workout. It took me awhile but it is now part of my daily life. My life is crazy AND I still make time to work out!
  • BeautifulArtemis
    BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
    I'm a mother of two disabled children and was dignosed in 2009 with Fibromyalgia. After several meds and adverse effects (nausea, rash and weight gain) I decided to go to the extreme and work out daily to offset the pain. The days I miss I hurt more so that gives me reason to workout. It took me awhile but it is now part of my daily life. My life is crazy AND I still make time to work out!
  • BeautifulArtemis
    BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
    I'm a mother of two disabled children and was dignosed in 2009 with Fibromyalgia. After several meds and adverse effects (nausea, rash and weight gain) I decided to go to the extreme and work out daily to offset the pain. The days I miss I hurt more so that gives me reason to workout. It took me awhile but it is now part of my daily life. My life is crazy AND I still make time to work out!
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    The only time I rest from exercise is on a scheduled rest day or if I'm sick. Either that, I make the time for it. I'm doing Power 90, and it only takes about 30-45 mins. It goes by like a breeze.