Does exercising make you less depressed?



  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    what i can say is that, when i was really in a terrible place and heartbroken, exercising a lot pulled me out of it. it was something i could throw myself into and really dedicate myself to.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    yes yes and yes, to quote Legally Blonde, she works out, endorphins equal happy, happy people arent depressed! I can totally tell when I need to go. and my husband can also. definitely helps with stress also. the chemicals released when exercising are supposed to be the same released while having sex and I am definitely happy then!

    sex = best exercise ever!!
    um stupid question, how do you add that as an exercise? it isnt listed lol

    agreed. that IS the best exercise ever! and people log it under a number of things....i think "calisthenics" was the most common.
  • jchester71
    jchester71 Posts: 124 Member
    If you have a physical brain chemistry problem then working out is definitely very helpful. The newest research is showing results from regular vigorous exercise that is far better than use and antidepressants, while antidepressants + exercises shows not advantage over exercise alone. You may have heard the term "runners high" and it is very real. I tend to have a very melancholy personality too, before I came to know the Lord I went through extended periods of deep depression and even now once or twice a years I have a few days of inexplicable melancholy. A good book that has helped me a lot is "out of the blues" by Wayne Mack.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    yes yes and yes, to quote Legally Blonde, she works out, endorphins equal happy, happy people arent depressed! I can totally tell when I need to go. and my husband can also. definitely helps with stress also. the chemicals released when exercising are supposed to be the same released while having sex and I am definitely happy then!

    sex = best exercise ever!!
    um stupid question, how do you add that as an exercise? it isnt listed lol

    agreed. that IS the best exercise ever! and people log it under a number of things....i think "calisthenics" was the most common.

    I wanted to add it to my personal exercise database under the name "The 'Ol In-Out" quoting A Clockwork Orange, but I decided that would be TMI for most of my friends. But then again, when things are TMI for most of my friends, when has it ever stopped me before??
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    yes yes and yes, to quote Legally Blonde, she works out, endorphins equal happy, happy people arent depressed! I can totally tell when I need to go. and my husband can also. definitely helps with stress also. the chemicals released when exercising are supposed to be the same released while having sex and I am definitely happy then!

    sex = best exercise ever!!
    um stupid question, how do you add that as an exercise? it isnt listed lol

    agreed. that IS the best exercise ever! and people log it under a number of things....i think "calisthenics" was the most common.

    I wanted to add it to my personal exercise database under the name "The 'Ol In-Out" quoting A Clockwork Orange, but I decided that would be TMI for most of my friends. But then again, when things are TMI for most of my friends, when has it ever stopped me before??

    LOL I always say if they don't like it they can skip it lol. TMI never bothered me, I am very opened about most things :P I have no shame haha.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    yes yes and yes, to quote Legally Blonde, she works out, endorphins equal happy, happy people arent depressed! I can totally tell when I need to go. and my husband can also. definitely helps with stress also. the chemicals released when exercising are supposed to be the same released while having sex and I am definitely happy then!

    sex = best exercise ever!!
    um stupid question, how do you add that as an exercise? it isnt listed lol

    agreed. that IS the best exercise ever! and people log it under a number of things....i think "calisthenics" was the most common.

    I wanted to add it to my personal exercise database under the name "The 'Ol In-Out" quoting A Clockwork Orange, but I decided that would be TMI for most of my friends. But then again, when things are TMI for most of my friends, when has it ever stopped me before??

    LOL I always say if they don't like it they can skip it lol. TMI never bothered me, I am very opened about most things :P I have no shame haha.

    I'm a pretty offensive person, so I would assume they would be used to it by now!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Yes, but not being able to eat what I want balances that out. I'm going to figure out a way to eat what I want somehow, though. I have the time to work it off. Maybe by the end of it, I'll be the happiest person on earth. If not, well, maybe I'll be able to run cross country and bench press small vehicles?
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    yes yes and yes, to quote Legally Blonde, she works out, endorphins equal happy, happy people arent depressed! I can totally tell when I need to go. and my husband can also. definitely helps with stress also. the chemicals released when exercising are supposed to be the same released while having sex and I am definitely happy then!

    sex = best exercise ever!!
    um stupid question, how do you add that as an exercise? it isnt listed lol

    agreed. that IS the best exercise ever! and people log it under a number of things....i think "calisthenics" was the most common.

    I wanted to add it to my personal exercise database under the name "The 'Ol In-Out" quoting A Clockwork Orange, but I decided that would be TMI for most of my friends. But then again, when things are TMI for most of my friends, when has it ever stopped me before??

    LOL I always say if they don't like it they can skip it lol. TMI never bothered me, I am very opened about most things :P I have no shame haha.

    I'm a pretty offensive person, so I would assume they would be used to it by now!

    Hahahahah! I have no shame either. Glad to know there's others like me :)
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    A combination of exercise and a mostly "clean" diet, as they call it, have helped me feel less depressed. I've only had one really bad downward swing in mood since I started in May, but that's as opposed to feeling down all the time, so I'm taking it as a win.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    yes yes and yes, to quote Legally Blonde, she works out, endorphins equal happy, happy people arent depressed! I can totally tell when I need to go. and my husband can also. definitely helps with stress also. the chemicals released when exercising are supposed to be the same released while having sex and I am definitely happy then!

    "....happy people don't kill their husbands...they just don't!"

    I love that movie.
    thats what is was, i couldnt quite remember, blonde!