Motivation during workouts?



  • RobertG86
  • midmomike2
    I forget where I read or heard this first, but I have been using it a lot lately..."when you get tired, do 1 more!"
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    "Quit being a little b*tch."
  • Rorofitgirl
    Rorofitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    I forget where I read or heard this first, but I have been using it a lot lately..."when you get tired, do 1 more!"

    I've heard that too and I love it, I use it. Whoever was the first to say that is a wise person :)
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I just think about something that makes me angry (usually an ex), and suddenly I've got a burst of energy to get much more intense.
  • ski3r4life
    going further, harder, heavier than before
  • Angelie28
    Angelie28 Posts: 197 Member
    The quote that runs through my head is:

    “Unless You Puke, Faint or Die, Keep Going!”
    ― Jillian Michaels

    Every time I feel like stopping I imagine her yelling at me hahaha
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Yes!! That Daft Punk song, perfect!
  • Labcoathipster
    Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger

    ^^^ This.

    And I put a picture of a cupcake up on my phone and I cuss at it.

    Love it!!
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Too be quite honest... Sex. Sex is a great and awesome motivation during work outs... Knowing that I can last 25 minutes on the elliptical means I can spend a WHOLE minute in bed... Just kidding... But yeah, sex is a good motivation too realize that there is less mass between me and the wife and more stamina when it counts.
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    I repeat "Find Your Strong - You got this!" and focus on the areas that I specifically am working on. It helps me a ton... even if I have to hear that mantra a thousand times during my nearly-daily 5k (run/walked of course... I'm working on being able to run the whole thing yet)
  • Ashlea82
    Ashlea82 Posts: 191
    i usually visualise my perfect wedding dress (getting married in sept next year) and say you can do it ! lol
    sometimes i swear at the tv during 3 day shred.. today i told jillian she was a ***** for making me do more jumping jacks.. somehow that made me feel better :p
  • Rorofitgirl
    Rorofitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    I just think about something that makes me angry (usually an ex), and suddenly I've got a burst of energy to get much more intense.

    hahahahaha hell hath no fury as a woman scorned! always remember that success is the BEST revenge :) that sure does it for me too
  • Rorofitgirl
    Rorofitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    The quote that runs through my head is:

    “Unless You Puke, Faint or Die, Keep Going!”
    ― Jillian Michaels

    Every time I feel like stopping I imagine her yelling at me hahaha

    i definitely would rath work out with Bob than Jillian, she is pretty scary but her body is amazing....but she scares me too much hahahaha
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    I always pick up the pace a little when my playlist gets to Eminem's "Lose Yourself" -

    "You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
    You own it, you better never let it go
    You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
    This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo"

    Not a huge Eminem fan, in general, but that pumps me up during my runs!

    (Also during runs when I feel like I'm plodding along like a clydesdale... I sing "Float, flutter, fly..." from a Backyardigans episode!) :embarassed:
  • Rorofitgirl
    Rorofitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    i usually visualise my perfect wedding dress (getting married in sept next year) and say you can do it ! lol
    sometimes i swear at the tv during 3 day shred.. today i told jillian she was a ***** for making me do more jumping jacks.. somehow that made me feel better :p

    I have this theory that when you get engaged pounds just melt off your body, i've never met a bride who gained weight before their wedding....hahaha so somebody put a ring on my finger because i have 16 pounds to go!

    when i had a trainer there wasn't a workout i didn't tell him i hated him and how he wasn't my favorite person. but of course when we were done i always told him how awesome he is.....that's how i lost 50 lbs.

    congratulations on your wedding! i'm sure you're going to make a stunning bride :)
  • Rorofitgirl
    Rorofitgirl Posts: 26 Member
    I always pick up the pace a little when my playlist gets to Eminem's "Lose Yourself" -

    "You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
    You own it, you better never let it go
    You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
    This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo"

    Not a huge Eminem fan, in general, but that pumps me up during my runs!

    you must be my workout twin!