New to site Looking for Motivation!!

Hello everyone!
I have been on MFP for three days now.. I really need some motivation and support through my weight loss process! I know that I have to be patient and the weight loss will come but it is tough.... Is there anyone out there who has loss 25-60 lbs? Any tips?


  • Bellyroll
    Don't give up. I am open to new friends but no butt holes out there that will make rude comments. I am always for supporting and motivating.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Take it one day at a time. Forget about your goal weight for now and concentrate on your daily habits that need to change. Log every bit you take and be sure to review it every week to see where your weak spots are and what you need to do to change that behavior. Get a lot of friends and keep supporting each other. Good luck!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I lost 40 lbs over about 5-6 months...take it slow and easy and the weight is more likely to stay off.

    Don't go too low on your daily calorie intake or you won't have the energy for great workouts. MFP can help you figure out your goals, but you have the option to customize and do what works best for you.

    Be patient with yourself. You probably didn't gain the weight over a few days or even a few might take some time for your body to adjust to your new healthier habits.

    Use a heart rate monitor to get the most accurate "calories burned" numbers for exercise, if possible.

    Try a few small changes at a time. Don't think of it as a "diet," but a healthier lifestyle ;)

    Try new foods!

    Good luck!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I have to lose way more than 60, but good luck to you!
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 805 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal! Make a lot of friends on this site as it really helps with the motivation. Log in everything, everyday, good or bad and do what you are able to on exercise. I only walk a few times a week for 20-25 minutes and also do some step ups a few times a week. Good luck. :happy:
  • Sunlight2011
    Sunlight2011 Posts: 75 Member
    Its great to make the first step and I can't recommend this site highly enough. Add me as a friend if you like.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Keep those calories in the right place and DO IT!!!!
    Maintenance Calories <
    Where you should be
    Find your maint calories and cut about 20% from it and please for the love of god dont drop below BMR unless told to by your Doctor.
    hugs and good luck!
  • Firefighter_Ray
    Firefighter_Ray Posts: 53 Member
    And listen to Dan he has saved me twice already! Thanks again Dan!
  • cherylpas
    Good luck i am just starting to!
  • elly0778
    Hi my name is Elena. Just started this am on MFP. I have about 60lbs to lose but I am desperately not trying to focus on numbers. I had my 2 boys back to back and am finding it extremely hard to stay on track. I know it is not all going to come off tomorrow so I have to learn to be patient. Created a menu last night so I know what I will be eating today. Going to try to create one everyday, because I know that is key. Anyway if anyway has any tips or words of inspiration that would be great. thnx
  • elly0778
    where do you get a heart rate monitor?
  • You can get a heart rate monitor through various places. Without knowing your needs or how much you are wanting to spend, I would generally recommend buying a Polar. I would also recommend just purchasing it through them too. You could order it from someone online, but coming from a Polar authorized dealer myself I wouldn't recommend it. You really have no way of know if you are going to get one that fully works. Another trick that some is you pay (for what you think is the whole thing) and then you get the watch component without the strap! So buyer beware.
  • jan115
    jan115 Posts: 21 Member
    Be patient and don't beat yourself up if you fall off the plan for a day or two. I started this program over two weeks ago, and I really love the way it makes you accountable for everything you eat and calories you burn. The weight is coming off very slowly, but I'm still within my goal, and just the energy alone I have found with the daily exercise makes it all worth it. Feel free to friend me. Good luck!