Ever been made fun of for being healthy?



  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    My mom always told me when people tease me, it's cuz they like me. I'm going with this...

    :laugh: I'm going with this too.

    My mum is always telling me not to "go daft" with my exercise. Think she thinks I want to be anorexic or something. Her and my sister make fun of me all the time when I get my phone out to log my food, or if I don't log before I eat they're both "you can't eat that you've not logged it". I had a piece of birthday cake at work the other day and everyone was like "I thought you were wtaching your weight" yeah I can still have cake once in a while.

    Its frustrating
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    People make fun of others when they're insecure about themselves. They're mocking your health because when they see you doing healthy things, they're reminded of how UNhealthy they are. Let it roll off. But if it's bothering you, tell them that these things are important to you, you're not going to change just because of some rude remarks, and that if they care about you they shouldn't be trying to hurt your feelings or discourage you from achieving your goals.
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    I get made fun off all the time for trying to be healthy.
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    Oh my, people look down on other people for not buying Twinkies? And someone has coworkers trying to sabotage her weight loss? It is a wonder anyone is able to get healthy..
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Americans have a skewed idea of what a healthy weight looks like. I was in the overweight BMI range and joined a weight loss challenge at work. My Sisters-in-law and mother-in-law wondered why on earth I would do such a thing. I love them dearly. One SIL is a little more annoying than the other, but I seriously love and cherish them. After I'd lost about 10 pounds I was at my MIL's house (where the slightly more annoying SIL also lives). My MIL said "I can see you've lost weight, now stop". I was still in the overweight range, and even now that I'm (barely) in the healthy range, my bodyfat percent is certainly too high. So now, I'm more about strength and endurance than numbers on a scale. I also am about pants sizes.

    Here's the thing, though. My husband was previously married to a seriously eating disordered individual who was, to put it objectively, skanky as well. I think that my MIL loves me and loves her son, and doesn't want to see me do what the ex did. To her, she has this PTSD reaction all wrapped up with skinny, ho-like, mind-game filled b!tch. Mostly I'm not like any of those things. So she says what she says I smile and nod and do what I want to do. My sisters-in-law have busy lives that exhaust them. They don't see any time in their life to change how they look and feel, and probably my choice to do differently calls into question their choices, which is uncomfortable for them. Plus it is a little funny the first time or two to say, "I believe the only time to run is when someone is chasing me". I can respond, "if someone is chasing me I want to know that I can 1) outrun them, or 2) beat the bloody hell out of them if they catch me" hence, I exercise.

    Plus my MIL has spinal stenosis and diabetes and other problems associated with the American diet and lack of exercise. I love her and want her to be healthy, and her daughters see the same thing I do. It inspires me to maintain my fitness and flexiblity. I suspect for at least one SIL, it provides an excuse "that runs in my family, there's no way to avoid it". Ok, if that helps you sleep at night, fine. But when I saw my dad unable to put his socks on without assistance, I decided it was time to lose weight.

    Otherwise, I don't have people in my life who feel comfortable with commenting negatively on my eating or body shape and size. I wouldn't allow people like that in my life any more than they would need to be. I would figure that anyone who does feel free to make comments like that is doing it for their own reasons, like my mother-in-law and sisters-in-law.
  • docHelen
    docHelen Posts: 198
    it's sooo good we've got each other on here.....we just applaud healthy lifestyles......we could take over the world......
  • I understand what you're going through - the worst is when your own family doesn't support you KNOWING you're trying to make changes for the better in your life. My mom is constantly making dinners laden with fat and butter and cheese and salt - its terrible! And she knows that for the past year and a half I've started eating healthy and exercising a great deal to get in shape. She'll also go to the grocery store and buy all these tempting foods - Tastycakes, potato chips, poptarts, etc. - and buys like 2 apples. Really, Ma?

    Its frustrating because I feel like sometimes the people around me are working against me instead of with me. You just have to "keep calm and carry on" with your life change.

    Best of luck!!
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    i am going through this NOW. Im dreading thanksgiving because my body has changed and my mom and my sister like to laugh at me and when they ask me stuff i tell them "im not sharing anything with you cause to you its a joke and to me its important" then they say "oh were just playing. gah why are you so sensitive" all the while my sister is obese and my mom loses her weight by a cookie diet called Smart For Life or something like that.

    So i cant wait to get to my aunts because they all pretty much work out and at least make an attempt. I feel like i have some backup.

    The funny thing is my husband, step dad and my brother in law ALWAYS have my back and i really think it makes them even more mad. What i dont understand is that this is my mother and my sister. I refuse to think they are jealous. I think thats just hateful. If either one of them ever told me they were working out i would be nothing but supportive. As a matter of fact i might freaking cry!
  • Classalete
    Classalete Posts: 464 Member
    All the time!

    But I embrace it, I love the teases and jabs.

    That means that they're either mirnin' or jelly...either or puts a smile on my face.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,118 Member
    All the time!

    But I embrace it, I love the teases and jabs.

    That means that they're either mirnin' or jelly...either or puts a smile on my face.

    What is mirnin' ?

    ....OP, I don't talk about it. They don't need to have that much info about me.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    just about everyone around me tends to run their mouth but i could care less, i'm the one looking good :)

    mirin' is when you admire someone (he spelled it wrong)
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I am the "thinnest" of my friends and they tell me all the time....."you need to eat a big mac" It is so ridiculous!
    They hate that I make healthy choices when we go out to eat. Maybe they think it makes them look bad, but I figure.....If you feel that way, it is for a reason. If you don't like what you see when you look in the mirror.....change it-but don't try to bring people down with you!

    I dropped a ton of weight just by letting go of "friends" that don't support me. You don't have to follow me, but don't judge me!
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    it really irritates me - at work if you have a healthy lunch everyone comments, but imagine if you commented on their lunch "My are you eating that much today?!
    it seems to be acceptable to comment if its healthy like its that unusual for someone to eat something decent.
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    One girl I work with tells me I better eat something she brought for a snack to share, knowing that if it's something unhealthy, I'll likely pass. She also makes a big deal about it if I do have a treat. I don't restrict myself from anything I love, but some things are worth the indulgence to me and some things aren't.....like her banana muffins last week. I just didn't really want one. Now if someone brought in ice-cream cake? I'd be hard-pressed to pass that up : )

    I don't know why she thinks I'm so over the top about what I eat. I'm actually not. She knows I'm active, and she just assumes I eat perfectly all the time. I just pay attention to what I eat and she doesn't. And well, it shows - just sayin'
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I am regularly "teased" at work for eating as frequently as I do, and for having the biggest lunches of anyone in the office. But usually I teased for being "so tiny" and having such a voracious appetite. No one can understand it. Ahhh - Look at WHAT I'm eating, folks! :huh: Do you see any junk, processed food in my 6 snacks/meals a day? I think not.

    People just love gossip and judgement. It's how the world works. Just own it and use it as fuel in your workouts. Be true to yourself and do what makes you happy. It's the only way to be :bigsmile:
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    So I have a few people in my life that make fun of me for being healthy..its so annoying. I feel like im going to kill them all one day. LOL jk. but they talk *kitten* about me exercising..about me counting calories..about my food scale....these people by the way that do it are so un healthy..they lay around most of the day..smoke..eat fast food atleast 3 times a week and never exercise. So I was just wondering am i alone in this or has anyone else ever dealt with this?

    Looks like there are a lot of us!

    I always get it badly around this time of year, too, because I take small lumps of everything at Thanksgiving / Christmas dinners. I would say that as an adult it is less my direct family mocking me and more my SO's family-- all struggling with weight, I should add. My picky eating is another hot-button teasing issue. :/

    My co-workers are pretty nice about it, though. One started calling me "sweet potato" due to microwave use, most make very nice comments or refer to how healthy I am. I'm pretty lucky, though. I've worked in terrible offices with a lot of politics and nastiness, and this place is nothing like that.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Oh yeah. I deal with it a lot (though it is better now than it was a year ago). I get a lot of crap from people at work. I know that they were used to seeing me heavier and when I started to lose weight.. they gave me a lot of crap for it. They would buy me candy bars or offer up food they know I didn't want. When I refused it (politely, of course) they would say "Oh. One won't kill you!" or "Alright, go eat your bark and twigs then!". There were days when I thought I'd lose my job because I was having such a hard time keeping myself from telling them what I thought of them.

    I realized that their cruel words were actually their own insecurity about their body/weight. They thought if they could get me to break down and eat the crap they were eating? Well, they would feel less guilty about eating it. Things are better and I do allow myself now and again to indulge in whatever they're offering me to eat (not often and I have to REALLY want it - I won't eat it simply because they think I should). They've backed off some from it. I think after losing the weight - the realize they won't change my mind. I have told them that I don't care what THEY choose to eat and I'd enjoy the same respect from them. I don't tell them to stop shoving CRAP down their throats, so please don't make fun of me for wanting to eat healthier.

    My mom has been very critical too. When I was heavier, she used to tell me "Your real dad's family has a lot of heart issues. Keep that in mind. Perhaps you should lose weight". Then as I started losing weight? She said "You know.. you're gonna kill yourself running on the treadmill".

  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I take it as a compliment. Truly. I say "thank you" when people make those jabs. And I do it condescendingly too. "Why THANK YOU!" *glamour wave*
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    YES! I'm still fat but a lot healthier and I work in fast food... come on just eat some fries it won't kill ya.. nah it'll make me sick though and taste disgusting...