Family; they just don't understand



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    For me, it's eating at the in-laws:

    A "healthy home-cooked meal" will easily run me over 1000 calories, and they've got appetizers and dessert on top of that.

    She knows I prefer clean, healthy food - but she covers everything in cream sauces.

    I'm lactose-intolerant - and she puts cheese in everything and whipped cream on all desserts... and says "you need to live a little, you can't always be worried about what you eat."

    You just have to prepare your own food as often as you can, and realize that many people aren't watching what they eat as closely as you may be, as frustrating as that is.

    /end rant.

    They sound like my parents... OHHHH it infuriates me every time. I swear though if I hear the "you arent living" comment one more time, Im going to lose my sanity with them... I AM LIVING, I just choose NOT to live like THEY do!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    They don't have to change just because you do. Keep up the good work.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    My family also loves food. Sorry to hear that yours is suffering from so many health problems and continuing to hurt themselves with food. I’m glad you were able to break away from that! Congrats on you and your husband making a positive life change! Thank you for the post!

    Its those health problems that are Cardiac-related, I dont ever want to have. I saw my grandfather suffer despite attempts at being better for himself... he was the only person who truly tried working on it.. he even lost some weight too, before he died.

    The others are all willingly making the wrong choices. My own mother, chooses to eat poorly, rely on miracle pills that cause problems with her current medications (all 12 of them), and cant figure out why she isnt dropping weight, or seeing some of her medications get taken away.

    Im battling some pretty bothersome medical issues myself, and on top of that learning about the foods that cause severe reactions with me... OY VEY, its crazy! But, Im dedicated... I spent a good 14 years working in healthcare with some of the best damn doctors in our state. I miss working my healthcare-related job, but thats ok.... when I returned to culinary full time after being laid off from healthcare, I took my healthcare background with me and use it in a culinary perspective. My current Endocrinologist who I see as a patient, is EXTREMELY happy with my compliance to her recommendations... and even more so, the fact I have access to the freshest foods possible both at work and at home. THAT was one battle easily won!

    Yes - family doesnt understand, but they most certainly never have to. To be honest, they never will and that is their own battle they have to overcome for theirselves...

    Meanwhile back at the ranch, Im enjoying my inner Charlie-Sheen: IM WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    (quick back story: I'm 23, I live at home -trying to start my career so I can have my own place again-, I live with my parents, boyfriend, and my little brother -who just started college so he's only home on the weekends)

    I made a grocery list last night and put in on the kitchen counter so I can go out today and get all fresh fruits, veggies, and chicken breast.

    My mom and brother just got home from the store (they are both in good shape and are at their correct BMI's) I walk into the kitchen to see what they purchased and much to my chagrin...fried chicken, chocolate cake, and pre-made sandwiches.

    Thankfully second instinct kicked in which was RUN AWAY FROM THE DELICIOUS SMELLING FOOD

    So now I'm here. Right now I don't think I will be eating any of that bad bad food. It just concerns me because I know this will keep happening. I'm currently looking at getting my own food and eating my own stuff everyday. Sorry mom family meal time will just have to be a little different!

    Family can be great but they can also be so blind! Anyone else have an experience like this?!

    I feel ya completely.
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    I'm currently looking at getting my own food and eating my own stuff everyday.

    You're 23 years old... this seems the most logical...
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I'm lactose-intolerant - and she puts cheese in everything and whipped cream on all desserts... and says "you need to live a little, you can't always be worried about what you eat."
    I'm sorry, does her version of "living a little" involve spending a lot of time in the bathroom? To ignore your freaking lactose intolerance is SO not acceptable. I would be very angry with this person.

    OP - it is difficult, but you can't really expect them to change everything just because you want to. It would be great if they did, but really it comes down to buying and preparing your own food. Not easy when faced with what they are eating, I know. But in the end you will be glad you did it. And maybe your healthier habits will rub off on them.