It's amazing....I don't want junk food..

Just a random aha moment for me....Since working out and keeping track of my food intake my body seems like it has completely stopped wanting all the junk I used to eat....i.e. fast food, cookies, and ice cream...was never a big candy eater.

It's amazing a few days ago I went to the drive thru of McDonalds and ONLY ordered a coffee :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: .....normally i would have grabbed a mcdouble or mcchicken or both to go with didn't even cross my mind til after i had left that i hadn't thought about eating food...

Then the other night when i didn't want to cook and would usually have ordered a stomach actually turned at the thought of eating it...

now i have had my moments of weakness....however no where near as bad as i was....i seem to find myself less and less eating out...or when i do eat out....eating healthier or smaller portions...

it really is a great feeling..:love::love: :love:


  • Well done:happy:
  • Well done:happy:
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I hope this happens to me, too! I did get heartburn from my Dr. Pepper breakfast this morning, which never happens, so I think it might be that working out requires healthier foods than sitting in my chair all day.

    If so, I'm fine with it, except now I'm craving meat. Lots and lots of meat. And meat isn't cheap.
  • this has happened to me, too. instead of being lazy and grabbing something fast and hideous, we'll find a nice restaurant that serves healthy plates and eat there. we've eaten out once in the last 6 months. we used to eat out at least twice a month. i have to remember to buy snacks for the kids, but when it comes to eating that stuff myself - blah!

    but pizza? i've been craving it lately. i have a homemade version i make that will do the trick, though.

    great job!!
  • owls4eva
    owls4eva Posts: 23 Member
    Same son passed his driving test last week and treated him to a MacDonalds, i had a burger and it was horrible, made me feel sick :( ....the previous week i had a fish from the chip shop and the fried batter made me sick more fast food for me :-) my body is definitely telling me something
  • _Doreen_
    _Doreen_ Posts: 127 Member
    Just a random aha moment for me....Since working out and keeping track of my food intake my body seems like it has completely stopped wanting all the junk I used to eat....i.e. fast food, cookies, and ice cream...was never a big candy eater.

    It's amazing a few days ago I went to the drive thru of McDonalds and ONLY ordered a coffee :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: .....normally i would have grabbed a mcdouble or mcchicken or both to go with didn't even cross my mind til after i had left that i hadn't thought about eating food...

    Then the other night when i didn't want to cook and would usually have ordered a stomach actually turned at the thought of eating it...

    now i have had my moments of weakness....however no where near as bad as i was....i seem to find myself less and less eating out...or when i do eat out....eating healthier or smaller portions...

    it really is a great feeling..:love::love: :love:

    I am going through this now too... and it IS a great feeling! I think it also shows us all that we aren't really "dieting", but that we've really made a change to our lifestyles.... physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    I'm at the point now where I can pass by a bowl of chocolates on the kitchen table and reach for an apple. It's been a long time coming, but now it's a "natural" thing that happens all the time. And even when I do have something not necessarily considered "healthy", I can have one piece of pizza instead of 6 or 7 pieces like I used to have... I just don't need it anymore.

    It's great to be able to make good choices, and not to have to feel deprived or guilty about what I "can't" or "shouldn't" have.

    Great job everybody!! :flowerforyou:
  • NorthRiver
    NorthRiver Posts: 35 Member
    I've gone through this change too, a while ago, and it made me feel that all this junk food DOESN'T really taste good. We've gotten used to it, marketing and media have conditioned us to think it's yummy, and habit does its part, but the bottom line is - again this is my impression -. that if we break through that, we see that the healthy stuff also tastes better. It definitely leaves me feeling better.

    Now when I go back to eating some of the things I used to love (Chicken McNuggets for instance), they don't taste nearly as good and leave me feeling thirsty and sluggish. And I've become more sensitive to chemicals in food, e.g. some things I used to eat all the time now give me heart-burn. On the one hand, this shows just how adaptable our bodies are (after all, some people smoke and still run marathons, if I smoke one cigarette, I wheeze for the rest of the day), but on the other hand it also proves that 'Frankenfood' really is bad for is, it's not just paranoid propaganda from the health and fitness gurus. It's sad we've become so used to it we don't even notice anymore how bad it is for us.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    My husband ordered his favorite Dominos Extravaganza, deep dish, large.... its almost the only pizza he will order... the SMELL of that pizza never bothered me before until I started making the necessary dietary changes...

    I damn near puked, it smelled HORRIBLE... I had to leave the room and find something to do while he ate it. I actually laughed my *kitten* off over it because, it used to be a pizza I would grab a slice from....

    I found ways of having pizza in a much more healthier manner... and its definitely the pizza of choice.... Joseph's low carb pita pockets make a GREAT crunchy pizza base...fresh vegetables, low fat cheeses, shrimp or chicken.. and homemade pizza sauce... goooooooood stuff!