It's like a competition...

My sister and I have this weird problem, and its about food. It’s always a competition on who eats the most, and if you don’t you are called anorexic by the other or just something mean. I want to get over this. Whenever I try to eat healthily, and stuff, she always has to point out how “little” I’m eating. When I eat proper portions, the same thing happens. So to prove her wrong, I turn to binge eating. I eat and eat and eat and then proceed to tell her what I ate so she stops calling me anorexic when I’m clearly NOT! She also out of the random says ,” I just ate 400 calories” to intimidate me or something. It’s really annoying. I don’t want to talk to her about it because that would just be weird. I don’t binge without making sure she saw me take out a package of cookies and chips and return with it completely finished. I just want to eat healthy without being made fun of. What should I do?


  • Amberetta82
    Amberetta82 Posts: 153 Member
    IGNORE HER!!! seriously, forget it and move on. You want to be healthy and she wants to be an a-hole.
  • (: agreed
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    It is hard to deal with family, maybe you should try turning the game around to see who can eat the healthiest, who can come up with the healthiest meal or recipe, who can find a delicious snack under 200 cal, etc. I hope this helps , good luck
  • Susay2942
    Susay2942 Posts: 211 Member
    This is the hardest kind of personal torture. Your sister is not being kind at all. You need to think of yourself and the consequences of the habits you are forming because of someone elses morphed sense of being healthy! She may never change her ways, but you can. Obviously you want something better in your life. Empower yourself and go get it.

    BLOW THE REST OF THEM OFF ! Its all in the attitude!
  • krista896
    krista896 Posts: 76 Member
    If she starts making fun of you I would turn it around on her and call her a fat *kitten* for eating so much. I know that is probably counterproductive and fighting fire with fire is the quickest way to get burned. But if she cant respect you for choosing your health then she deserves it.
  • One of you has to act like the adult. How old are you?
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    you really need to make a firm decision to ignore what your sister says or stop her talking to you like that (and stop talking to her like that).... either way, if you keep this competition going on, you'll either end up anorexic, or morbidly obese.

    it's not healthy behaviour. either sit down and have a big talk about that, and agree that it is destructive in that you are either going to go one way or the other way with it, and if you can't agree on that, stop talking about food with her, and don't bite when she calls you anorexic and avoid telling her about what you eat, if you are trying to eat healthy or what not.

    it's a ridiculous competition, and one or both of you are going to be hurt by it on way or another.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    There won't be a competition if only one of you (her!) is participating. Tune her out.
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    I'm sorry, but this whole situation is so immature. Ignore her. Are you and your sister 12? I'm guessing not, so stop acting like one!
  • Booboo78
    Booboo78 Posts: 169
    It sounds like you are binging purely for the sake of a peaceful life, just to 'shut her up' and get her off your case. However, it sounds like the more she does it, the more you eat, and the more she wants to push the boundaries further - pushing your buttons as it were, see how far she can take it - especially as she knows you ALLOW it.

    Also it could be seen as a 'threat' when you start eating healthily, in a bizarre warped way, she sees the healthy eating as a form of rejection, like she is 'losing you'. Is she overweight?

    I think what you may have to do is obviously persist with the healthy habits, she may whine, protest, get all sarcastic and b*tchy about it, and it will be annoying and testing for you - but if you stick to your guns, she may get the hint eventually and back down.
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    You are the only one responsible for what you put in your mouth! Sounds like she may be jealous that you can use self control.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    A few years ago I was losing weight with MFP. I would go to lunch and someone would say "Is that all your eating?" my answer "YUP!"

    "Your not having cake?"


    "Is that just a salad?"


    1 year later, 36 pounds down........................"Will you make me a salad too?"

  • It sounds like you are binging purely for the sake of a peaceful life, just to 'shut her up' and get her off your case. However, it sounds like the more she does it, the more you eat, and the more she wants to push the boundaries further - pushing your buttons as it were, see how far she can take it - especially as she knows you ALLOW it.

    Also it could be seen as a 'threat' when you start eating healthily, in a bizarre warped way, she sees the healthy eating as a form of rejection, like she is 'losing you'. Is she overweight?

    I think what you may have to do is obviously persist with the healthy habits, she may whine, protest, get all sarcastic and b*tchy about it, and it will be annoying and testing for you - but if you stick to your guns, she may get the hint eventually and back down.

    Yeah she is overweight. Maybe she just doesn't want me to be skinnier than her.
  • A few years ago I was losing weight with MFP. I would go to lunch and someone would say "Is that all your eating?" my answer "YUP!"

    "Your not having cake?"


    "Is that just a salad?"


    1 year later, 36 pounds down........................"Will you make me a salad too?"


    Wow! Great job, I just hope that'll be the same case for me!
  • maybe she says these things out of concern for you b/c maybe you are already a healthy weight or b/c she is over weight and uncomfortable with her self. check what your healthy weight range should be for your height. and do not binge just to make her think you eat a lot. you are young but not that young that you cannot be the bigger person in this situation.
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Families are tricky. You need to tell her you don't want to fall out with her, but you will if she carries on like that. You might think having a conversation with her would be weird, but you have to do it.
  • pj4432
    pj4432 Posts: 20 Member
    Theres your answer right there, she does not want you to be skinner than her. She is probably a bit jealous. Maybe you could try telling her that you would help her to start eating healthy and you can both lose the weight together.