Wanting to shed the last 20 lbs

I'm 52 and have lost quite a bit of weight. I would like recipes for snacks that you can keep on hand so when you are in a rush, you have this sitting in the kitchen rather than craving a candy bar.:smile: smGA


  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    larabars. You can make your own, or just buy them. They are mainly dried fruit, nuts, and seasonings, and are delicious. Some are like candy bars, other are just plain yummy.
    They are easy to keep around. I heart larabars.
  • jennor8or
    jennor8or Posts: 204 Member
    ohhh... when i crave something sweet rice krispy treats are my go-to... i feel like i get a sweet treat and its only 90 calories per treat :D
  • angelas0304
    angelas0304 Posts: 5 Member
    I myself crave salty snacks like potato chips. My favorite alternative is Baked Kale.. I know it sounds odd, and your first taste is a little weird, but the flavor becomes addicting after the second bite and it truly curbs the craving. You take a head of Kale, wash it, cut into about 2" pieces, and drizzle with about a tbsp of olive oil. Sprinkle in some garlic powder, onion powder, and my favorite is Cajun Seasoning, but you can use any type of all in one seasoning salt you like.. Bake it at 300 for about 5-10 minutes until just starting to crisp around the edges as it will continue to cook a little when you pull it out. You can put some individual servings in ziploc bags and it will keep for a couple days in the cupboard, but not too long. It is so easy to make that I don't mind doing it a few times a week so i always have it on hand when I get that late night craving..
  • greelystarz
    greelystarz Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 1