After bein laid off in 2009, I finally found another job :laugh: :smile: . Everything is fine so far but I 've put on a few pounds. I've noticed it in my clothes. I 've also noticed that my eating habits at lunch time has changed to cheeseburgers, fries and other quick meals since my lunch is only 30mins. long.

I need advice on what foods I should eat that will help keep me full but help in my weight loss journey. Somehow I've managed to maintain to drink plenty of water but the food has gone way over board. Please help:laugh:


  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 133 Member
    i always find myself mindlessly eating and it sucks. i've trained myself to keep apples, clementines, raw (unsalted) almonds, and celery or carrots on hand. it has helped me big time!

    good luck!!
  • curlyclo
    curlyclo Posts: 243 Member
    Proteins are great for making you feel full. Try turkey burgers with a side salad instead of hamburgers - You can make this at home (it takes like 10-15 mins on a grill) and take it to work. :-)

    edit: CONGRATS on the job, btw!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Fiber! I snack on fiber bars between meals, but only one a day so not to get too much. Also, protein helps too. Increase the protein at breakfast. That should help.

    I almost forgot. Congratulations!!
  • yvnursechick
    yvnursechick Posts: 94 Member
    I make a lot of semi-homemade soups ahead of time and then just reheat and eat. I also carry a bag of healthy snacks for indulgences. Rice cakes and laughing cow light wedge and carrots are some of my favorites. Congrads on the Job by the way!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I would always take a sandwich into work with me - only working 6hrs I just got a 20 minute break. A sandwich was great for this! I'd usually have it with 2 tbsp peanut butter and 1 tbsp jam (jelly in the US??)
    It would work out around 450 calories, and would have a decent amount of protein in because of the PB :)
    If I didn't have this I would make myself a container of tuna/pasta/mayo, or a chicken/pasta salad.

    Everything could be eaten in the 20 minutes so you should have no problem with half an hour, and none of it needed heating up, only a fridge to store until my break :)

    Congrats on the job by the way!! :D
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    Congratulations on the job!!! I've found if I prepare foods ahead of time (individual servings) and pull them out of my freezer when I need them to work well. I'm not so likely to indulge in heavier fare, and its much healthier. Also stock up on fruits that are easy to grab, like bananas or apples.
  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    Congratulations and best wishes on your new job!

    One of my stand-bys is black beans and brown rice. Steam the rice over the weekend or the night before and put in a container. Microwave for 3.5 minutes in broth. It smells good and keeps me satisfied for hours.
  • Addicted2carbs
    Hi there, I too also only get 30 minutes for lunch and my down fall every day was the tasty truck coming to our work I found it an easy solution rather than making my lunch, and over time I realised not only was I wasting my money on crap food but I was slowly putting on more weight, As of now I make myself a fresh salad and any protein like meat cooked from the night before I save some and add it to my salad and there is my lunch which keeps me going until afternoon snack time, not only am I saving money now but I have lost 8lbs in 1 week
  • missaugustusgloop
    First, congrats on getting the job!

    I 100 percent have a snacking problem at work. I tend to overeat, even healthy snacks (nuts, etc.), if I think they're tasty. So I keep snacks that I don't particularly like around, so I will only eat them if I'm honestly hungry, such as cottage cheese. I don't HATE cottage cheese, but I certainly don't love or crave or look forward to it. I also do the same with candy. I don't like black licorice very much, so I keep it around for when I need a little sugar fix, but I can't bring myself to eat more than a few pieces. It sounds masochistic, but it's worked so far!
  • pixiesx3
    pixiesx3 Posts: 172 Member
    I like a salad for lunch! You can add in some protein with or along side. Laughing Cow wedges are really good. I've never tried them on a rice cake but I do like Wasa flatbread (crackers). These are full of fiber and whole grains and keep me full!

    Also, I have found if I eat eggs for breakfast or oatmeal, I feel fuller until lunch.

    Pack some portion controlled snacks in baggies or Tupperware. Don't count on prepackaged 100 Cal packs all the time. They are convenient but some have a lot of sodium and other stuff you might not want.

    I also find that if I am craving chocolate or something specific, I can enjoy a small piece and really knock that craving out! If I don't, I end up eating a bunch of other things until I satisfy that craving.

    Drink your water vs. diet drinks as much as possible, too! Sometimes when you feel hungry, drinking a glass of water can help!

    AND CONGRATS on the job!!! I just increased from 26hr per month to 24hr per week!!! It's quite the change on my eating habits!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    congrats on your new job!

    I only get 30 minutes for lunch as well. I bring lunch every day--usually grilled chicken, mixed vegies, brown rice, fruit and yogurt. or tuna fish and salad veggies...or a whole wheat tortilla with a slice of cheese and some deli lunch meat...or leftovers of whatever I ate for dinner the night before...it's much cheaper to bring your own lunch and if you plan ahead it can be healthier as well...
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    Congrats!! I found a job recently after 3+ years unemployed. Thankfully I had lost quite a bit of weight during that period because now I'm on my feet up to 8 hours per day. You know I think I will be losing more weight.

    I like the turkey burger idea. Also a can of soup can do wonders.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    Congratulations and best wishes on your new job!

    One of my stand-bys is black beans and brown rice. Steam the rice over the weekend or the night before and put in a container. Microwave for 3.5 minutes in broth. It smells good and keeps me satisfied for hours.

    I love black beans and rice. It is full of protein too.
  • mom2BandD
    mom2BandD Posts: 101 Member
    Congrats on the new job!

    All the ideas I read were wonderful. Another option that I heard about from a RL(real life) friend was to bring a small cooler filled with things like fruits and veggies and hummus with you no matter where you go. You would always have good things to snack on. If you add more protein to breakfast and snack on veggies and some fruit and hummus then you will have no room for junk especially with all the water you are drinking.

    It is easy to just go grab something quick that is greasy and not so good for you but if you plan and prepare ahead you will reap the benefits.

    Take care.