Running Warmup Routine Question

So last week, I started running a mile as a quick warmup and have been increasing my pace from 6.0 mph on Sunday, to 6.1 on Monday, 6.2 on Tuesday, and so forth. Is it better to work up speed, or should I focus on running longer like 1.25 miles, 1.50, etc?

After I warmup I usually do some resistance training followed by a half hour of cardio. Any suggestions or input would be excellent! Thanks!


  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    What are your goals? Is running going to continue to be just a warm-up or are you planning on shooting for a particular distance? If its the former then you can play with the speed if that trips your trigger. If its the latter its a better use of your time to work on running further in some structured way (find a training plan, I like Hal Higdons) and then incorporating tempo runs to increase your speed.

    Tempo runs:

    Hal Higdon's training plans:

    ETA: Intervals might be easier than tempo, same general idea, incorporating some running close to your anaerobic threshold but going some distance less than what you're training for:
  • jamszy
    jamszy Posts: 123 Member
    I guess I never put much thought into what I wanted, just the best benefit for weight loss. Somedays its a challenge of speed, others a test of endurance. Thank you for posting these links, I have them bookmarked!
  • jennaliane
    jennaliane Posts: 2 Member
    Either before or after the warm up run, try some low impact dynamic stretches. These include leg swings, no weight squats, lunge jumps, and my personal favorite "good mornings" (hands over head, feet should width apart; forward fold touch feet then hands above head again) This will increase joint mobilty and muscle flexiblity. The low impact is also great because it will eliminate injuries. Careful though.... You will be sore for a couple days! But don't give up on them, your muscles will adapt and you will notice a difference in your performance. If you are apart of a gym always ask a personal trainer for some exercises, or you can google dynamic stretches. I hope this helps :) Good luck!