
Since I've started MFP I realized what an awesome community this is, and I'm feeling a bit discouraged so I'm looking for some support. I"ve been on this journey for about 3 weeks now and I've lost but not as much as I was hoping and the past two days I ate way too much and for no good reason! I've been reading the forums and realized that for some people this works but I didn't want to splurge so early on.

I need some help getting my butt back in gear!


  • bitterbrownie
    i'm on maintenance but feel free to add me if you're looking for more friends :) good luck on your journey! we all have off days (i know how i feel on mine) but ultimately, nobody is perfect and we wouldn't enjoy life if everything was planned xD
  • LeoMitchell
    Don't get too down on yourself. Everyone slips or has setbacks. You just have to look at it objectively and just say that your not going to make those same mistakes again. Take is one day at a time and dont let the scale rule your life. And dont be afraid to post or even blog about your experiences.
  • lfregien
    I think you are doing a fantastic job, three pounds is better than I did my first 3 weeks! Slow and steady is the way to do it. If you stay under your calories and throw in some exercises that work for you it will happen. We all have days where we eat too much, I had one yesterday and I am back on track today! This is a really great community and I find myself on this site more than Facebook lately because I get the motivation, inspiration and support I need from friends and the message boards. If you need a friend you are welcome to add me...lfregien!
  • artessa546
    artessa546 Posts: 22 Member
    It is okay to get discouraged sometimes this is a major life altering goal we are all starting, I started 5 days ago. The important thing to do is not give up, I look at it this way it took longer than 3 weeks to gain the weight, its gonna take longer than that to come off. You can do this!! We can do this together!! Lets change our lives and be awesome!!
  • Jacksonsmomma2211
    Jacksonsmomma2211 Posts: 52 Member
    Your doing GREAT!!!! Just stick with it and your gonna do wonderful! Losing the weight slowly is supposed to be easier to keep it off! Keep up the good work!!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    We've all been there!

    First of all, I see from your ticker that you've lost 3 lb. You said you've been doing this 3 weeks? Then you're doing just fine! A pound per week is nothing to be ashamed of. Optimum weight loss is 1-2 lb per week. Any more than that, and you're probably losing too much too fast and won't be able to keep it off. Slow & steady may be frustrating, but it's really the healthiest way to go about it. If you look at mine, you see over 50 lb lost, but that didn't happen overnight; it has been over 8 months. At first it seemed like it would never add up, but eventually it does! Just hang in there, be patient, have faith.

    Also, it helps to find other motivations besides just the scale. Scale weight can be influenced by hormonal cycles and water retention and all sorts of other variables. So also pay attention to the way your clothes fit and how much easier it is for you to climb the stairs, other things that show how you are becoming healthier. There were weeks that I didn't lose anything, but then I would take my measurements and realize that I had lost inches, so I knew I was still on the right track.

    Good luck to you!