I'm Sooo Discouraged Right Now!!



  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    You have very irregular eating habits. Do you get irritable and really hungry during the day? I started eating oatmeal, eggs, yogurt or even toast with peanut butter, and some fruit for breakfast and I didn't get so ravenous by lunch. Ideally, something with protein and fibre. it keeps you feeling full for longer and takes a while to digest.
    Try to get at least one full serving of fruit or veggie in with each meal. When I was working outside of the home, i would buy my lunch at the grocery store. A whole wheat sandwich or sushi, a piece of fruit and either a real fruit juice, latte or water to drink, and I would be set until a late dinner. Or I brought lunch from home. A bit more work but healthier and a lot cheaper. If burger king is your only option, maybe get a listing of their menu with nutritional values and choose the healthiest five options and rotate between them through the week.
    Also, my best defense against my sweet tooth, is I try to exercise before I eat a treat. If I burn off the calories before, it feels more like a reward. Instead of eating it and then exercising and the workout feels like a debt to be paid.
    And don't drown yourself drinking too much water. I usually get in five cups a day, but then I also get fluid from fruit and veg, as well. I'm more concerned about people who drink 3-4 liters a day and what they are doing to the electrolyte levels in their bodies.
    Hope you get out of the slump soon. :-)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Check you sodium and potassium. If your sodium is high, then you are retaining water. Based on what I can tell from your diary, this is probably the case. This could lead to edema. I noticed that I had this problem in the beginning. I was gaining even when I was under calorie goal. So I started watching the sodium and keeping that macro under, but the swelling would not go down. Then I read about how potassium counters the effects of sodium and is crucially important for managing the balance between water and sodium in our bodies. I checked my potassium and sure enough, I was extremely deficient. As soon as I increased the potassium in my diet, the swelling went down and I began to lose again.

    Now I watch both in my diary trying to be certain that I at least get an equal amount of both. Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables will help you get the potassium while keeping the sodium down. You don't have to give up fast food and sweets if you don't want to, but you have to use moderation and balance it out with fresh fruits and veggies at other meals of the day. One method I have found that helps me maintain balance is planning my meals for each day ahead of time.

    I hope I could be of some help and best of luck! :smile:
  • Psalm17v22
    Psalm17v22 Posts: 168 Member
    The last couple of days looks like you ate a lot of processed food and that contains a TON of sodium which will cause you to retain fluids which translate into weight. Try tracking your sodium and see where it's at, plus yesterday you were under 1200 which is a problem when you factor in your exercise. If you're going to burn that many calories, you need to eat more than 1500-1600, which I know you usually do.
    Just my 2 cents...
    God bless,
  • heaven_511
    heaven_511 Posts: 315 Member
    The last couple of days looks like you ate a lot of processed food and that contains a TON of sodium which will cause you to retain fluids which translate into weight. Try tracking your sodium and see where it's at, plus yesterday you were under 1200 which is a problem when you factor in your exercise. If you're going to burn that many calories, you need to eat more than 1500-1600, which I know you usually do.
    Just my 2 cents...
    God bless,

    Thanks Karen!
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    im in the same bost, the scale hasnt moved in a week, its torture...:frown:
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    I too have a sweet tooth! It wasn't until I started using MFP that I saw how much I was going over in sugar!! I'm still a work in progress but I'm trying to pick better sweet things. I eat fruit when I feel my sweet tooth coming on! Apples and strawberries seem to do the trick for me! If I am having a real craving, I'll make sweet potatoes with dinner, either baked or mashed with skim milk. I posted a topic about healthy desserts and one suggestion was taking the Yoplait whips and freezing them. I've yet to try this but they make a chocolate one!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I'll say the sodium. You've been over a lot lately, some days almost 4k...that's gonna cling to that water...